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Book online «The King's Crown by Gavin Johnson (reading fiction .TXT) 📖». Author Gavin Johnson

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black, nothing else, just black,” Isabella thought. The ache seemed like an eternity. Isabella was just about to give, when the pain just went away. She breathed heavily, sweat was collecting at her forehead. Isabella slowly opened her eyes.

John and Jack had their eyes closed also, breathing hard. Did this mean that none fell under the spell? Then, she saw Claire. Her pupils were microscopic, her cornea’s had been enlarged, she mouthed the words “Give in.” Claire stepped forward. Walking into the cavern, Isabella couldn’t help but let a few tears out. Claire was now fully inside the cavern. “We should get her!” Isabella whispered. Suddenly, The cavern opening was automatically shut. The kids were silent, what happened? FWOOSH! Hahahahahahaha! A brilliant flash of light escaped from the crevices of the cavern, and a sickening laugh followed. The remaining kids didn’t know what to do except one thing: run. After they were a good distance away from the cavern, Isabella sputtered, “What just happened?” “I don’t know, I, what happened? Why did Claire...?” John wondered frantically. Jack was speechless. Isabella went over what happened so far: They are lost in the spooky woods, Claire was somewhat possessed by a unknown creature, and all of the remaining kids were breaking down.

“Hey, what’s that?” John asked. “What?” Jack said. “I hear something, don’t you?” John said. “Oh no John, not you to!” Isabella said nervously. “No, it’s not one of those things that got Claire, I’m sure of it, just, follow,” John replied. He ran towards a open field, a treeless field. “Well, looks like it is just you and me now Isabella,” Jack sighed, and bolted after John. Isabella did the same. The two followed John for a good five minutes. They found him knelt down by a fallen tree. “Hey,” Jack greeted him as he came up. “Shush, can’t you see what I’m observing?” John scolded. John returned his gaze in front of him. What John was observing almost made Isabella say, “What?” A man, was planting and grazing seeds! He whistled a loud, and jolly tune. The man had a vest made from animal skin, and long leather pantaloons. His bare feet were muddy. He had a straw hat. His eyes were big, and brown, which matched his skin. For a man who was in one of the most terrifying and deadliest places known to man, this one was quite gay.

“Maybe he can help us! I’m gonna go talk to him,” John whispered. He began to stand up, but Jack snatched his arm up and grabbed John’s. “Wait, what are you thinking? That person could be a thing that got Claire!” Jack said through clenched teeth. “Hey, first of all, if we don’t take a chance, we are pretty much stuck here forever, and secondly, I know what happened to Claire, stop bringing her up every two minutes,” John growled. He pulled away, and stepped over the log. “Hello sir, my name is John, I’m lost and need to ask you, do you live here?” John said casually, holding out his hand. The man smiled huge, and wrapped his huge palm around John’s. Then, he proclaimed, “Yes young feller, I do live in these woods.” John smiled, and began to talk, but Isabella zoned out, because yet another vision came upon her. This vision was simple, a crackling fire jumped around, Isabella could almost feel the warmth of the living flame, the smell of burning wood. She returned from the vision. “Well, why don’t you come over to my house, get off your feet, we can discuss about your problems,” The man offered. “Well, I don’t think...” John started. “Come on young lad, I’ll give you something to eat!” the man exclaimed, he pulled John to walk with him.

“By the way,” the man said as they walked away, “My name is Imp.” When they were a good distance away, Jack said, “Okay, let’s follow them,” Isabella nodded. They ran, following the smell of a burning fire. Hoping that this would be John and Imp. Luckily, they were on the right track, for in no time at all, they were sneaking around a straw hut, smoke from a kettle poured out of the windows. The two peered inside, to witness John and Imp in a heated conversation. “So, you can help us find Claire and with Og?” John said. “Yes, I have remedies and potions. Plus, I know this forest like the back of my hand,” Imp replied. “Okay, when do we start?” John asked. “That’s just like John, always making a plan,” Jack whispered loudly, a little too loud. Imp heard this and turned quickly, just in time to spot Jack’s head whirl away from the window.

“It is alright my young friend, I know you are out there,” Imp called. “We are friends of John, mind if we...uh, come in?” Isabella asked. “Of course little damsel,” Imp responded . He gestured to the bark door. A few biscuits and some dirty water later, The children were discussing the conflict with Og. “So, could one of your potions weaken Og?” Isabella wondered. “Oh yes, I believe it can,” Imp answered, stroking his short, white beard. “Imp, I have to ask you, why are you living out here in one of the most deadliest places, where no army dares to set even a foot into?” Jack asked. Imp’s expression grew grim, and had a hint of sadness. “That takes me back when I was still learning from my master, until....” Imp began. “I...I think It would be better to show you is better than telling you. He went to a door, and pulled out a pot, and then went to a cupboard and took out spices, and some orange liquid.

He poured the orange liquid in, and then sprinkled green spice in, he added more liquid, and threw in some more spices, he took a long, wooden spoon, and began to mix, the three huddled around the pot, as the liquid turned into a greenish mush, a picture took form, the past of Imp.
Chapter 10

A man dressed in all grey stood in front of the woods of red eyes. He sniffed the air, it smelled like trees, of course. He walked in, for no one guarded the woods. While the man was walking slowly, taking in his surroundings, when a tree popped to life, and greeted the man with a smile. “Ho there traveller, what gives me the honor to be in your presence?” The tree bellowed. “Oh, I was just wandering around here, when a question just popped into my head, “Who is the leader of these woods? Who is the one who operates the whole place?” the man replied. Well, that, my good sir, is our clan leader, the elder,” the tree answered. “May I see her?” the man asked. The tree shook. “No, I’m afraid not kind traveller, that is prohibited, no one may know where she lies,” The tree said. “Oh, I see,” the man said, a devious smirk crossed his lips. The tree was puzzled, the poor fool, didn’t know what was about to happen.

The tree was about to speak, but he froze, his eyes enlarged, his pupils shrunk, then replaced by a bright red glow, the tree was under mind control. “ Now I ask you again, where is your clan leader?” the man growled. In a different tone this time, the tree answered without hesitation. “The tree clan leader lies in the center of the forest,” the tree said robotically. “Many thanks to your kindness, I hope you see your new master, as someone to fear. “Oh, by the by, don’t tell any one of my visit,” the man said quietly. The tree saluted. “Soon this whole woods will crumble before Jasper!” The man whispered to himself. Jasper walked on, looking for the center of the woods, perhaps he should’ve asked for directions. Fortunately, he had found the center of the woods, and went to confront the leader. “WHO GOES THERE?” the clan leader boomed. Jasper stepped in front of her. “I have come to rule this land, give it willingly, or if I must, I will force you,” Jasper said. “NEVER!” the tree clan leader roared. “So be it,” Jasper sighed. The bamboozled trees only had a second left before they were to give up freedom. The tree leader’s eyes enlarged, her pupils shrunk, then replaced by the bright red glow. She was now under mind control, soon, every living thing in the woods was also. “Yes! These woods are under my...” Jasper did not finish his sentence, for a blue bolt zapped his withered hand. Jasper turned, not that he had to, for he knew who it was already. “Cal, how do you do?” Jasper bowed, he was taunting him. “We felt your evil ways in this forest, so we decided to come and “Talk” to you about it,” Cal replied, his hands glowing with the blue energy. The tree people held up their branches in a defense stance, ready to attack, but Jasper shooed them away. “This is between Cal and me,” Jasper said, he threw a bright red energy beam at Cal, which he just missed it. Jasper continued his assault. Cal dodged every one. Cal then threw three bolts at Jasper, smashing into him.

Cal ran at him, but Jasper had used his bolts to knock Cal back. This went on, both of them trading blows. Suddenly, Cal kicked Jasper to distract him, and then used all his power to knock him down hard. Cal stood over Jasper, and his hands readied for the final blow. “Any last words old friend?” Cal said, eyes trained on Jasper. “Master? Master, where are you?” a high shrill voice. “What? Imp?” Cal said. He looked worried, and confused. Jasper, being his nature, took this moment to his advantage. He blasted Cal off of him, which sent Cal flying, and crashing down next to the child. “Imp, run!” Cal managed to sputter, but it was too late, Jasper jumped onto Cal, he flashed him a “no mercy” expression. Finally, he dug his fingers into Cal, and began sucking his life out.

Imp could not do anything but watch in horror as a man killed his master right in front of him. Cal made a gurgling

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