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Book online «The King's Crown by Gavin Johnson (reading fiction .TXT) 📖». Author Gavin Johnson

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sound, but Jasper still held on, he gained much energy, and with each passing moment, the evil smile he had on his face, grew. Cal tried to fight it, but soon lost all of his wizardry powers. Jasper kept talking, but Imp could not hear anything, his hearing was on mute, he only heard the screams of his dying master, only could see the pain in Cal’s body. Soon, he finally let go.

Tears streamed down Imp’s cheeks, the man who had fathered him, the man who taught him everything he knew, the best friend he ever had, was now dead. Jasper gazed at his hands, they were looked even more powerful then before. Jasper tried out his newfound strength. A brilliant stream of purple energy flew out into the sky. Jasper then turned toward Imp, and laughed. Imp only looked at Jasper, gritting his teeth, hands balled in a fist, he hated this man, and Jasper knew it. Jasper raised his hand, he was about to strike this pathetic child down, but something stopped him. Why should he waste such power on a worthless being?

“I have decided not to destroy you, however, I put a curse on you, you are forever stranded in my woods!” Jasper proclaimed. Imp said nothing, he just grimaced. Jasper flew up. “Now, let’s get the final piece over with,” Jasper said. Branches flew up and wrapped around Jasper. He howled in laughter. Imp only fell to the ground, next to his master. He weeped sorrowfully. He was forever stuck here, alone.
Chapter 11

The green glop began to rapidly evaporate. The children were silent. There minds were racing. “Now you see my despair,” Imp sighed. “Yes, well, we love to help, but we must stick to the original quest,” John said quietly. Imp nodded, and said, “Understood,” Imp ran to the cupboard, and took out condiments and mixed them together. “There, here you go,” Imp said. Isabella grabbed the sack which held the potion. KABOOM! “What the hell?” John said confused. “Oh no! He is here!” Imp cried. “Who?” Jack said. “Him! Jasper! He’s finally here!” Imp said, he was panicked. “Come on Jack, let’s go confront this Jasper,” John said, wielding his sword. “I’m coming to!” Isabella called. “Imp, are you coming?” Isabella asked. “I’ll catch up with you, first I must do something,” Imp answered.

The three children rushed outside, to see a lone figure. The figure was quite small, and in a torn white dress. “Claire!” Isabella shouted. “It is really Claire!” Claire looked up, and smiled. Normally, Isabella felt all warm inside, but this time, it felt a “Hello friends,” Claire rasped. “Uh, Claire, are you okay?” Isabella asked, she was a bit nervous, she was sensing a bit of fear and evil in Claire. “Oh, great, better than ever even!” Claire laughed. “Okay, Claire, I think there is something seriously wrong here, are you okay?” “Yes, in fact, let me show you how great I am,” Claire smirked. Branches shot from the ground, and wrapped around Claire like a blanket, and more and more continued, she had been transformed into one of Jasper’s slave!

“Claire! You have to listen to us! You are being mind controlled! We need to help you!” John called. “She can’t here you moron!” Jack said. BAM! BAM! Two branches shot out and knocked John and Jack off their feet. “Claire, you can do this now?” ISabella said in disbelief. “Yes, master showed me power, power that strikes immense fear into people,” Claire answered. “Claire! Snap out of it, we gotta destroy the thing that has you!” Isabella shouted. “No! This man has given me powers that no one should resist!” Claire screamed. “Claire,” Isabella said softly, “It’s the only way.” “NO! I can’t let you kill my master!” Claire roared. Four branches shot out, attempting to grab Isabella. Suddenly, John came up behind Isabella and sliced the branches in half, instantly killing them. Claire receded in pain. “Oh yeah, no problem Isabella, you are welcome,” John said sarcastically.

Claire growled and sent four more branches. John continued to slice through the branches. Claire was in mortal pain, but continued to send branches, yet John slowly made his way to Claire. Finally, Claire fell to her knees. Breathing hard, and looking like she might throw up. “We have to help Claire regain control over herself,” John said. BOOM! BOOM! Gigantic footsteps thundered as a towering behemoth walked toward the children. “MY SLAVE WILL NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE! YOU ALL SHALL PERSH, BEFORE THE MIGHT OF JASPER!” Jasper boomed. John and Jack shared a glance that told each other to attack the beast. Jack raced at Jasper’s enormous foot, and smashed his hammer down on a toenail. Jasper barely noticed. Jack swung at the ankle, trying to dent it. John climbed the leg, which gave him the attention of Jasper. Jasper grabbed John with his thumb and index finger.

Jasper eyed him, and then released his grip, causing John to fall to the ground with a THUD! “Claire, please, you can fight this!” Isabella reasoned. Claire was having none of it though. She merely used a small branch to swat Isabella away. Now there was a thin line of blood streaming down from Isabella’s nose. Imp suddenly came out of nowhere and threw a sphere like projectile at one of Claire’s thick branches, it withered up, and died. An orange dust spread around it, finishing the job.

“What was that?” Isabella asked, a bit winded. A remedy that kills plants and wildlife. I only have a few bottles, so use sparingly, make every throw count. Isabella nodded, and chucked two bottles, and killed three branches. Then, she threw one and killed two branches. John and Jack saw this, and decided to help Isabella with the branches, they were getting tired of being tossed around by Jasper. Jack heaved one bottle, and killed four branches, John heaved two, and killed only one branch. Isabella threw two and killed five branches. Imp threw one bottle and killed seven! John threw one bottle but killed no branch.

“John!” Isabella shouted. She sounded irritated. “Well, sorry, but I am not the best aimer!” Isabella sighed, and the rest continued the assault on the branches. A few minutes later, Claire fell to her knees once more. Then, Claire, the real Claire looked up at Isabella. She looked scared. Unfortunately, Jasper regained control, and took Claire in his hand, he closed it, and squeezed with all his might. Isabella couldn’t help but wonder, “Is he killing Claire?” Jasper opened his hand, and there stood Claire, very much alive and well, but she had a tree trunk attached to her back! Three branches shot from the trunk, and wrapped itself around Imp, Jack, and Isabella. John lowered his sword and and put it back in the holder. He noticed one single sphere projectile laying on the ground. He picked it up. To soon find Claire standing above him.

“You have such a great fighting style, it would be such a waste to destroy you,” Claire coaxed. “Come join us. John looked back at his helpless allies, then back at Claire, someone who he had a crush on. His arms fell like wet spaghetti, his head looked at the ground. He looked up. An evil smile spread across Claire’s lips. Isabella gasped. Has John fell under the power of Jasper. Suddenly, John’s arm flashed up, colliding with Claire’s face, exploding in a bright orange mist. Th branches and trees fell from Claire, instantly dying. Claire collapsed, but John grabbed her, and pulled her near the group. He gave Claire to Isabella, and fell against a tree. He slid down. breathing in and out heavily. “NO! MY SLA.....<GAK!>” Jasper stopped dead in his tracks. He clutched his throat, gagging, and then he finally let go. Jasper crumbled to the ground.

Trees had a sudden awakening. They cheered, just enjoying the fact that they were free. “My friends, you single handedly saved and freed these woods! We cannot thank you enough!” Imp exclaimed. “Imp, aren’t you free now?” Isabella said excitedly. Imp smiled sadly. “Alas, my punishment is still active, I cannot leave these woods, but I wish the best of luck to you my young friends,” Imp said sorrowfully. “Well, I hope you have a great rest of your life Imp, you were a great help to us,” Jack said, he felt a bit awkward. The kids turned. Leaving Imp, waving them goodbye, smiling huge, and his large brown eyes gleaming in the shining sun.

Chapter 12

Now that the woods had been freed, the children had no problem getting out of there. The tree people had given them directions out. Once outside, the kids spotted Magik and Misty at a lake nearby, who were obediant enough to go to the other side of the woods, and stay there. All of them went down to get a drink. Soon they were off. Flying for hours. Unfortunately, the way back to Ken-yang would take days. They flew for hours, but Misty was getting tired, Isabella could feel it. Isabella signaled Misty yo swoop down next to Magik. “We should land, I think Misty is tired!” Isabella shouted, she had to because of the loud flapping of Misty’s wings. John nodded. “Sounds good to me,” he called back.

Isabella landed Misty off road. Magik soon followed. “Man, I wish we hadn’t lost the food we got at that market, It

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