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Book online «Excessum itineris by Roxas Winchester (read books for money .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Roxas Winchester

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you say such a thing? You two can’t defeat him alone. Last time the power needed for his capture was from four of us. He broke free when Samuel died, now how are we able to capture him again with only three of us and the trapped mind of Justin? You need me with you to fight him.” Phantom contemplated the outcome of what would happen if they went without Kitzel.
“If you’re coming along I suggest you find a way to get there, because neither of us are strong enough to carry ourselves, and another with enough power to fight.”

“John! Let me out of here! There’s no need for me to be caged like a lion at the zoo!” Justin called to John’s figure in the shade of the trees.
“You idiot; ‘There’s no need for me to be caged’? Ha, don’t make me laugh. There’s many reasons for you to be caged, the main one however is because I can’t let you go around risking everything that I have fought to keep.” John approached Justin in his invisible prison. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get used to it in a little while, seeing how your little feline friend isn’t here to help you.” John ran his hand across the barrier making it turn a crimson red for moments. “Do you see this? This is my power, my energy holding you here. There’s no possible way to escape it, because in order to escape, you must have a compatible energy for it. But there are thousands of energy types around, so I don’t expect you to have the compatible type, and even if you do you have no way of knowing how to use it to escape.” John sighed, “If only this were more adventurous. I mean, currently my powers have not regained their full, true powers. So now, I must go find Anna the sorceress to help me. Oh, do you know Anna? You should, I mean, she did raise you until a few years before the time cam to prepare you for my arrival.” John circled the prison running his hand along the wall as he talked.
“You will never win this John. Never will you gain ultimate control of my body, no matter how hard you try.” Justin’s eyes followed John as he circled like a vulture.
John stopped suddenly, and then looked at Justin with fury in his eyes. “No, it can’t be! How could they trail me so fast?!” John turned sharply away and ran off.
“Wait! What are you talking about?” Justin called to John’s retreating figure with no answer. What did he mean by ‘energy’? How do I find it and how do I use it once I do find it? Justin sank to the ground trying to unravel the mystery that surrounded him and his life.

“Anna, I need your help with something. You’re the only person who can help me with this; please, help me.” John approached a woman with similar features as Justin, but a dark cloud surrounded her as she saw who approached.
“I thought I would be rid of you by now. Why have you come back home? Go away, be gone, I don’t want anything to do with you now.” Anna sounded bored with the appearance of her son.
“Anna, it’s me, John. I need you to help get full control over my powers again. You know I can’t because of the block, you on the other hand can because you have your full powers still, unrestricted by those damned animals.” John walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t beg. If there’s one thing I dislike more than my son, it’s my son’s body begging for help.” Anna pulled John’s hands off her shoulders then led him inside the house, “Come with me.”
The house was an old Victorian home that had vines climbing the side and white paint flecked off everywhere. The interior was darkly lit with a single dim bulb on the wall and looked like it had been left alone for the past fifty years. She led John down a narrow set of stairs into the basement. The basement was clean and lit by many candles set around on tables and counters, giving the room a warm glow. On a small table there was a thick book with an old worn cover that revealed centuries of use from it. The cover was brown leather with symbols on it that John didn’t recognize.
“What’s with your book Anna? It’s different now than last time.” John looked at the book’s cover, perplexed by its appearance.
Anna joined John by the book then looked at him. “Well, it was a few hundred years ago, things do wear out over time believe it or not.”
“Well, normal items do, but not that. How could a cursed book wear out when the sorceress who cast the spell still lives? You’re the one who did it, and yet you say it ‘wore out’? That’s impossible, so tell me what really happened to the book.”
Anna looked at John with fury and anger. “I honestly don’t know. One night twenty years ago when I came down here the entire book itself changed when I opened it. Since then I haven’t been able to use it for my benefit. The name on the front is one you should find amusing though. Look at it closely.”
John looked at the book more intently than before, taking in all the details and symbols. After a few moments he looked Anna in the eye then asked her if it could be wrong, “Can there be any flaw in this book’s energy or power at all?” this has to be a mistake, a flaw of some sort.” Panicking, he backed away form the book and table like it was a serpent trying to bite him.
“John, you know perfectly well that my powers are flawless, they are never wrong.” Anna watched John as he retreated. “Sit down John. It’s true, the only person who can wield this book now is Justin. You know what he can do once he learns how to use his own abilities, as it is it sounds like you’re going through a battle in your head. Oh, let me guess, little Justin has found weak points in you prison has he? Well, I for one do not want to be around when he regains control of his physical self.” She turned and walked away.
“Wait! You have to help me with this Anna. Don’t just walk away from me like that. Help me, please.”
Anna stopped then looked at him, his eyes pleading her for help. “I can’t, I’m sorry, but without my book of power there’s nothing I can do. Even though you are in control of Justin you can’t use him to help otherwise hi might come into power and not you. Justin’s the only one who can use that book now, unless you want to try and kill yourself in the process of trying.” Anna turned and left the basement, leaving John to his thoughts and to ponder what to do about gaining his full powers and the book of power.

Justin pushed against the barrier again, this time like all the rest, not doing anything to help set him free of this prison. Once again, the prison proved to be stronger than he was. He sat down on the grass and leaned against the wall, exhausted.
Walking out of the trees a figure with bright blue eyes approached him, John. “You keep trying to break free, but fail every time. Yet you still persist.” John approached the prison and ran his hand along it like before. “Justin, I need your help with something.” John looked defeated with having to declare needing help from Justin.
“What do you need my help with?” Justin looked at John then laughed. “You expect me to help you after you trapped me here in the first place? What makes you think I’ll agree?”
John’s face grew angry then he threw a burst of power at Justin, making him hit the far barrier wall. “You will help me because I know far better forms of punishment and many more prisons that are much worse than this one is. That’s why you’ll help me.”
Justin staggered to his feet and leaned against the wall. “If I do help you what would I get in return for it?” he looked exhausted, but his eyes were fierce as he watched John walk around the prison.
“You, will be allowed to live for the time being. Make up your mind quickly or you’ll be in a different form of agony soon.” John paused near Justin, waiting for his answer to come. “Fine then, I guess you refuse my offer by your silence. So be it.”
“Wait! Let me regain control of my body and we have a deal.” Justin locked eyes with his captor, waiting for his reaction.
“Fine, but you must give me your word that you will help me with my problem.” John’s hand pressed against the barrier causing it to glow crimson red again.
Smiling with success Justin nodded then agreed. “You have my word on that.”
“Good, now back up away from the barriers and I’ll release you.”
Shaking with fatigue, Justin backed away from Justin then waited. John placed his other hand flat on the barrier next to his left hand, then closed his eyes and started to murmur something under his breathe. Suddenly the side where John’s hands were glowed bright crimson then shattered, the shards from that wall flying in all directions.
“Hurry, come this way quickly before the wall reforms itself!” Justin ran towards John then crashed into him, causing them both to hit the ground hard.
“Ah! You didn’t have to run into me you know. But you’re out now, so help me.”
Justin got up, stumbled, and was caught by John. “Thanks, what do you need my help on?”
John told Justin about the book and about the true nature of his mother. “So, that’s why you’re the only one that can help with this.”
No, no, no. what do you mean by me being the only person capable of wielding the book? I can’t even boil water without having to scrape the pot afterwards. What makes you think I could ever possibly be able to use a powerful book that the most powerful sorceress in the world couldn’t control?”
“Because the book will bend to you, it doesn’t want Anna to control it anymore. It even sensed when I was in your body. You have to control it before Anna destroys it, there’s no other option, I’m sorry. If there was someone else I would go to them but there’s no one.”
“Fine, I’ll help you. But let me say hello to my charming mother first.”
John nodded, “Deal.”
The pain of trailing while weak was excruciating for Kitzel, but after a few minutes, they all arrived at an old Victorian house with a looming presence.
Phantom looked around at their location. “Be on guard. There’s a presence here that doesn’t like us.”
“Like that’s anything new. Phantom, where’s Justin?” Kitzel asked between clenched teeth.
Phantom closed his eyes and focused on the building. “He’s inside, but his presence is combined with someone else’s. It’s like he’s held back from me somehow.”
Kitzel’s head whipped around towards Phantom. “What do you mean? If that were true, then it would mean he and John joined forces or one is being destroyed. You’ve got to go in ad help them.” Kitzel fell and collapsed on the ground in a heap.
“Kitzel!” Phantom and Toni shouted at the same time. Toni looked at Kitzel and let out a sigh, “You can’t do this Kitzel, there’s no way you’ll survive this fight now. Don’t throw your existence away over this.”
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