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Book online «Scarred by Aysha K (ereader manga TXT) 📖». Author Aysha K

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''Mom, dad come on you can't be serious right?''

''Honey we are, I know its not right to leave just yet but we can't miss this opportunity'' My mother tries to explain

I sigh and slump my shoulders' defeated ''Fine but can we at least celebrate one last time before you guys leave?'' I ask

''Of course, we are all going to out and celebrate, now you and Rapheal get ready and come down in an hour''

I run upstairs and rip open my closet door. I pick out a blue knee high floral netted dress with a high neck line and three quater sleeves. I pin my hair into a messy ponytail and lightly do my make-up; light smokey blue eye shadow, black liner and nude lipstick. I put on some pearly earrings, necklace and bracelet. I unpin my hair and leave it out, messy.

''Kids you finished yet?'' Quickly grabbing my blue purse and putting on my nude pumps I exsit my room


''So what did you think?'' Dad asks

''Its was ok'' My brother replied

''Anyway, mom what time are you guys leaving?'' I ask

''Around noon tomorrow'' She replies

''Oh'' Is all I say and look out of the window

''Kids I know your upset but we can't do much about all of this'' I hear my dad say. I turn to face him.

''But dad why so soon?'' I ask, fustrated and slightly angry. My dad turned to look at me

''Bella cher I can't tell you, you won't understan-'' Thats when it happened.

Another car hit the side my father was on, making the car flip. When the car stopped flipping I was barely conciouse. I looked over to see my brother moving slightly, trying to reach for me but I looked to my parent they weren't moving!

''MOM, DAD!'' I cry out, no movement. I try to move towards them but I'm rooted to the spot, watching my parents as they take their last beath.

I started to lose conciouse, before I blacked out my last thought was

                                   Mom and dad are dead and its all my fault

Chapter 1

Drip, drip, drip....

My blood went sliding freely of my wrist. I wish I could be free but I can't! I wish that they could come back but they can't! 

They left me. They left us; me and my brother Rapheal! What kind of punishment is god giving us? What have we ever done to diserve this?

''Rube are you done? I gotta go as well and the plane is about to land in 20 minuted so hurry'' My brother calls from the other side.

''I'm nearly finished'' I get up and wipe off the blood surrounding me and on my wrist, hiding any evidence away. I splash some water on my face and use a paper towl to wipe the water off. Taking a deep breath I put on a fake smile and open the door. ''All yours'' I say moving so he could go past.


''What were you doing in there anyway? You were gone for half an hour'' Rapheal asks taking his seat next to me.

''Nothing'' I say ''And besides never ask a girl that, its gross'' I shutter.

 ''Whatever'' I hear him mumble

''Could all passenger's please put on their seat belts, we are about to land'' The pilot says through the intercom.

Me and Rapheal put on our seat belts on and wait for the plane to land.


When the plane landed we both grabbed our luggages and went out towards the airport enterance. I looked around and spotted a man in his mid twenties holding up a sign reading...

''Hey Raph, I think Aunt Claire sent somebody to collect us'' I say indicating to the man in black. We both walked up to him ''Umm.. sir we're Rubriella and Raphel De Martez'' I said smiling at him

''Oh hello nice to meet you, I'm Blade your cheffure'' He said returning my smile and putting our luggage into the car.

After getting into the car he started to drive. ''How was your journey here?'' He asks 

''Oh it was fine, thank you for asking'' My brother replies 

''I'm sure you both are tired with jetlag, oui?'' He asks

''Yeah I guess'' I reply for both of us

We drive in silence for the whole journey and when we arrive its already 6 in the afternoon. The house is massive(Look at the picture on the side) Blade stops the car and gets out our luggage while we get out the car as well.

''Please follow me'' We both follow Blade and when we enter the house we are both instantly engulfed into a bone crushing hug by Aunt Claire.She pulls back and wipe her tears.

''Sorry, its just that-''

''Its fine Aunt, we both missed you'' I smile at her

''Well you guys must be tired so let me show yo to your rooms'' She says while leading us to our rooms. When we arrive she leaves and tells us to settle down and rest.

I enter my room and switch on the lights. My room has black, white and red walls with a few abstract pictures hanging off them, the bed has black and white bed covers, there are two black desks next to the bed with black lamps on top of each, there is a soft fluffy red rug on the foot of my bed on the floor. There is a walk-in closet and my shower is massive.

Stripping off my clothes and changing into a loose tee and a pair of shorts I switch off the lights and head to bed

Chapter 2

One week later...

''Hey you guys ready for uni?'' Aunt Claire asks

''No'' I mutter grumply. Its been a week since I have cut myself , getting off my chair I put my bowl into the sink and head towards my room ''Hey guys I'll meet you down in an hour'' I leave not bothering to hear their reply.

I quickly enter my bathroom and lock the door. Getting out a clean razor I sit on my bathroom floor. I stare at my wrists for a good five minutes before closing my eyes and cutting them; away from my veins of course. I can feel my blood flowing down my wrists, I open my eyes and stare at my blood.

''Why did it have to been them?'' I whisper to nobody in particular ''Why couldn't it have been me instead?'' I wonder out loud, anger in each word the I spit out ''Its all my fault that they're gone, My fault!'' I barely whisper the last part.

After cleaning my wound and the blood on the floor, I bandage them and enter my closet.

I wear a plair of black faded jeans, yellow chiffon shirt with a black vest top underneath, black knee high combats and a black leather jacket. My make-up is simple , thin eyeliner and cherry pink lipgloss; I hate how people wear too much make-up, makes them look fake but I'm not like that.


''Welcome to Stanceford University (I made this up if it is real in anyway whatsoever then its just a coincidence) How can I help you?'' The receptionist asks.

''Um...hi, we're actually new here'' I reply awkwardly.

''Names please'' She asks, politly.

''Zarinah and Raphel De martez'' I reply

''Ok here are you are and don't get lost now, have a lovely time'' She hands our schedules.

We exit the office and start walking down an empty hallway.

''Hey, I'm gonna go head over to my first period, kay?''

''Sure'' I say hugging him back.


My first period is biologhy . I knock the door before hearing a soft ''Come in''. I open the door and all eyes snapp towards me. ''How may I help you?'' A man asks who I presume is the teacher.

''Um... Sorry I'm late but I'm new here so I don't know my way around here properly'' I explain.

''Oh you must be Zarinah De Martez'' 

''Yeah'' I mumble

''Would you like o tell us about yourself?'' He asks.

''Sure'' I mumble, I turn towards everybody. ''Hi'' I clear my throat ''I'm Zarinah De Martez, I'm 19 and I originally come from California but came here to finish of my studies in England with my Brother and we're staying with my aunt, so um.. this is me'' I say awkwardly while fiddling with the lockect around my neck.

''Thank you Ms. Martez would you please take a seat thats availiable''The teacher said, continuing with his lesson.

I went to the only availiably seat that was at the back which I'm fine with me, the further I am the better I'll feel. I sat in between a girl; who is on my right and a boy; who is on my left.

I started taking notes but got bored and started to doodle on my instead but it doesn't matter since I have photographic memory.


The bell rings, scaring me a little. I got up and gathered my stuff. I turn around and nearly bump into the girl that sat next to me.

''Shit, sorry'' I say.

''No worries anyway I'm Riley'' She says casually

''Hey and you already know my name, right?'' I reply saracstically.

''Yep and whacha got next?'' She asks

I check my schedule '' English with Mr. Cas'' I say

She llops her arm with mine ''Cool we have the same class, Hey show me your schedule'' I give her it. ''Yep we've got all the same classes except maths'' She sys smiling.

We arrive to english and open the door.

''About time you arrived Ms. Ronan'' The teacher says. Riley just rolls her eyes.

''I was just showing our new student to her next class'' She says to him smirking.

The teackers eyes fall on me ''You must be Zarinah De Martez'' He says, I just nod ''Please take a seat the both of you'' He says whilst glaring at Riley. Huh? I wonder whats that about.

I sit next to Riley again and the same boy from biologhy.


''What do you have now?'' Riley asks

''Free period''

''Cool come on I'm starving'' She says pulling me out of the building.

''Umm Riley where are we going'' I ask her warily.

''Starbucks'' She says, walking towards a white Audi ''You wanna catch a ride with me or have you got your own?'' She asks

''Got my own, I'll follow you'' I say. We get into our cars and drive towards Starbucks.

We arrive in 5 minutes, I'm surprised that we didn't get pulled over seeing that we drove really fast; not that I have

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