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I said, “I know Amber, I am sorry. I feel very emotional right now. I have been supressing my vampire for a very long time.” He said and pulling me in for a hug.  â€śYou still love me as your dad, right?” He asked holding me tighter. “This whole mystic thing has been such a shock to me, even right now finding out my dad is a vampire too. But, you are my father, and nothing can change that.” I said holding onto him as well. He took my hand and we walked in peace further into the forest. “Does mom know?” I asked breaking the silence. “yes, she does, hence why she just sat on the sofa. She stayed out of my path because she knows a war has started.” He explained. “So, you are really Bastiaan’s older brother?” I asked. “I’m the first born and yes I am.” He replied. “So, what happens now?” I stood still and so did he. “I want him gone Amber, if he knows what is good for him he should already be gone by now.” He said to me. “I can’t leave” said a voice behind my father. We both turned around and it was Bastiaan. My father’s eyes turned red again and I could feel that someone was about to die right now. “What do you mean you cannot leave?” My father asked gritting through his teeth. “I just came back from Asylum brother, there has been many murder attempts on my life.” Bastiaan said and I could sense he was subjecting to my father. “Why did you take Amber?” My father shouted. “I did not know it was your daughter brother. I swear on my own life. Her blood brought me back from Asylum and I was there for more than twenty years.” He explained again. I picked up that my dad’s eyes were changing back to normal and hopefully becoming calmer too. “You really just have some nerve to just pop into my life and not to even mention my daughters!” My father said again. “Unintentional brother! How are you even alive?” Bastiaan said and asked. “I crawled out and fled, that’s what happened!” My father raised his voice. I could hear the hurt in his eyes. “Dad, I think I saw Penny’s car pull up. It’s time for us to leave and I have to get done too.” I said softly as the tension was so thick that I didn’t even know if I should not talk or say anything. “Let’s go then.” Dad said. “Brother what about me? I can’t leave nor do I want to disrespect you.” He shouted back at my dad. “Fine, you can stay but this conversation is not over Bastiaan!” My father shouted back. We all hurried into the house where Penny and my mother was sitting on the sofa. I’m so pissed at my mother. “Amber! You are hardly dressed!” Penny shrieked. “yes, I’m going to get done now.” I said running upstairs. My father entered and shortly after Bastiaan. I went into my bedroom and quickly got dressed. I heard the room door closing and I knew he was in his bedroom. My mother entered the bedroom once I slipped on my shoes. “Mother, I am not in the mood.” I said to her. “Since when do you have such an attitude?” She asked with her faced filled with shock. “Since this family has so much hidden secrets!” I raised my voice slumping onto my bed. There was a couple of seconds of silence between us until she broke it with a horrid question. “You have fallen in love with him, haven’t you?” She asked. I looked at her, got up and left the bedroom. That is one question that I do not know myself. We were all in the car when we entered town, paparazzi was already hounding the car as we closed in on the restaurant. Penny handed my shades, it was getting dark but with all the flashing of the cameras I could not see a thing! I had no body guard; my dad is my protector. He has been all my life. My father pushed through the paparazzi to make way for me and mom to get into the restaurant. We finally entered the restaurant and were shown to our seats. We were seated in the far-left corner. Me, mom, dad, penny and two of my other business associates. “Alright guys. Thank you all for making it tonight.” I said. “I know these last few weeks has been tough in my absence and I really want to give great thanks to Penny and all of you who has made tomorrow a success.” I said again. Everyone gave a slight cheer and I took my seat again. For the rest of the evening everyone was giving me proper updates, what I missed out while being gone and also the successful arrangement of tomorrows event. I was fairly happy with everything, it was only my dress that I needed to get tomorrow morning. Once supper was done we made our way back to the vehicle but this time me and dad was alone. He was too drop me at home. Half way through the drive was a deep silence between us until I had to break it. “Daddy, I will be okay with him. Don’t worry. He has never tried to hurt me since I have been in his company. He basically has been saving me.” I said. He gave out a sigh, “You both were kissing, on the fucking bed Amber. What do you want me to think?” He said bluntly. “Daddy c’mon. He is my uncle and that changes things a lot now.” I responded. “Does it?” He asked looking at me, I looked away. I wasn’t sure myself how I felt about him. “I thought so, but you a big girl. Don’t disappoint me.” He said, and we stopped in front of my house. “I love you dad.” I replied, he nodded, and I got out. My father sped off and I made my way to the door. The lights were on which meant that Bastiaan is still awake. How am I going to face this man? I walked in and closed the door behind me. Bastiaan was sitting in front of the fire with a glass of blood. “Is he gone?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said and made my way to the stairs. “Amber, wait.” He said. I stopped at the stairs and turned around to look at him as he already was behind me. “Bastiaan?” I questioned. “I need you.” He whispered. He grabbed me, and we fell into the trap of the same passionate kiss but this time nothing stopped us.   Chapter 6 - Bastiaan’s POV


I could feel her pushing me away, but I needed her to know that I am King. She could not handle my dominance, so she kept on breaking down in rants and fits like a small child. It would go on for hours and all I would do is close the bedroom door behind me. I wanted her, but I was scared at the same time. Her beauty and her untamed attitude drove me insane. The moment her blood pumped into my body I fell for her, I could hear her voice in her blood, I could smell her. Dregicht was right, she would be the death of me. I also felt very depressed as well, a King in hiding. I should be fighting back, I should be leading my army into the dark world to find the person behind all of this but because I’m so valuable to my people, I can’t. I hate all of this, I hate that I cannot be in control and now I must endure a life of normal. I life I never thought I would encounter. I would however say that it is very calm, laid back and just simple. All I do is think, lay and think. I swear It is driving me insane at the same time. Being near Amber makes me want to destroy the whole world so that nothing can ever harm her. It started with her trying to kill me, she threw a few knives, I said sorry and she accepted. A few minutes later her assistant Penny arrived. I could smell the heated jealousy from Amber and that is when I knew that somewhere deep down, she felt the same. I left the room because I did not want to anger her even further, I already got what I needed – confirmation. Amber came to me afterwards, I could basically see the heat radiating off her the moment she stepped into the bedroom. She wanted me, but for fucks sake I was scared. There is just something about her that makes a man want to work for her attention. She’s not like any other girl, she’s passionate, strong and a hard worker. She doesn’t back down for shit. “So, you going to keep walking around with that?”  she asked me. “With what?” I asked her sarcastically, knowing she is speaking about my feed. A shy smile crept across her face when she told me about her parents arriving tonight and all I wanted to do was cup her face into my hands and meet her lips. A part of me wanted her to ask me to join but I know I was being too hasty, in fact I can’t be hasty! I’m King, I can’t be focused on love. Argh! My head keeps on going back and forth, not giving me a chance to breath even. The day continued to pour with plenty of fights from her side. I understand her point but her tone and manners were not doing it for me. I could hear she was about to take a shower, so I decided to go downstairs and get me something to snack on, but I couldn’t find anything appeasing. So, I walked up the stairs again and that is when Amber came running towards me, fell and bumped her head against the stair rail. She tried getting up, but I stopped her and picked her up. She was naked underneath this loose garment and I could feel every curve of her. Now this made me scared, I have been with so many women but her body I just wanted to keep sacred. I hurried back out trying to catch my breath and shake off the silk that touched my skin. The moment I heard her get into the shower, I did the unthinkable. I could not stop my urge for her. With our vampiric abilities, I slipped into the shower with her. I had her naked body against the shower wall and then I backed out. I fucking backed out. Till this very hour she does not know if it was real or just a thought. Minutes turned into an hour and I heard she was down stairs. I decided to go down, to just mend things somehow. I walked down the stairs and she was standing in front of the fire with a mug of coffee. I walked over to her and stood behind her.

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