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Book online «Fire Moon by Miss CrazyPlantLady (phonics reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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large sweater with a simple white shirt underneath. It was probably too warm inside for the sweater but I put it on regardless. The weight was welcoming and soothing.

I made my way to the training room after I laced my borrowed shoes; a finger running against the polished cement and I felt myself stop at the entrance, hesitating with a sense of dread sitting at the bottom of my stomach. So many knowing eyes. I hoped Sam was already there.

Holding my breath, I entered the room with what I hope was a small smile on my face and my eyes instantly found August as he sparred with Sam. Their muscled arms striking and blocking. Sam's redhead was moving with every step, swirling with every movement.

Relief flooded my body when Sam finally saw me and immediately walked over to me, his face was full of concern but he concealed it with an easy smile, "You're late."

I felt my smile grow without struggle and I shrugged, "I didn't want to see you get hurt."

A laugh fell out of his lips and he stepped closer, "I'm sorry about Vic" the sign so small that only we could see.

Vic. Sam signed 'King' for Vic's name. I hated that Sam chose that. I hated that my blood thinned in my body at the mention of his name. My own father. Days ago, I would have laughed at the thought of fearing my goofy, mild-tempered father. What was days ago, now felt like months and I'm afraid that it will never go back to what it was.

"I'm sorry" Sam signed after he notice the new white-shade of my face.

I shrugged before turning to Bain, who was storming towards us, "I swear to the moon E, you cannot keep being late to every training session."

"Please, I'm barely late" I met the Oracle's glare.

I quick glance to August and a lazy smile stretched across Bain's face, "Okay then, as punishment" his dark eyes flickered with amusement, "You're sparring with August today."

Another laugh came from Sam and I shot him a glare before turning back to Bain, "Are you serious?"

Bain patted my shoulder, "Deadly. Hurry up and start."

I hated training with August. He got under my skin and he knew it. Almost as if it was his own personal mission to piss me off.

Today August looked tired, his hair wasn't brushed back or even brushed at all. It was a mess atop his head and the live artwork that lived within his eyes, were just a mere dull shade of blue. He was so tired. I wondered where he slept last night.

I shoved the sweater off as August moved. He didn't speak to me as he strolled over, placing his hands on my hips as he placed me in a position, moving my arms to defend against his counter attacks.

I swallowed, ignoring the skin burning from his touch, "Thank you."

His eyes met mine and looked straight through me, not saying a word as he threw a lethal punch. I blocked it faster than I expected and I glared at him, heat swirling in my stomach, "Thank you for taking me in."

Another strike but I didn't block hard enough and a sharp pain awoke in my shoulder. His eyes refusing to meet mine as he struck again.

I blocked and landed a heavy swing on his chest, "I know it couldn't have been easy."

A scoff that almost sounded like a laugh, "You know nothing of what is easy, pup."

His tone was insulting and the familiar blaze alighted in my stomach. My glare turned deadly and I lifted my leg, landing a sharp kick to his ribs.

He gasped but didn't stumble and a second later his fist connected with my collarbone. His eyes began swirling with the colours I knew and he let a small smile show on his face.

"You're listening" he sounded surprised.

With the blaze still burning in the pit of my stomach, I ignored him and hit him again with my fist. My eyes seared through his, not willing to stop. I could feel the heat pouring from my feet into the padded floor. Skin hitting skin.

He blocked my last attack with a simple flick and he shook his head, "Even Omegas can maintain their strength in a fight."

A kick to the ribs and I almost smiled as he failed to block it, "Even Omegas can block in a fight."

His light eyes flickered with annoyance and I blocked his next move. The smile threatening to break onto my face as I watched the frustration build on his.

I could feel Urith and Bain watching us. The Oracle remained with his back against the wall. Dark eyes observing and waiting. Waiting for one of us to lose control and deep down, I knew I should back down but one look from August's smug face and there was no chance of me leaving this fight until I was bleeding.

A dark smile painted over August's face and he threw one last blow to my face, I tried to block but his fist connected with my cheekbone, his ring leaving a searing pain and I ignored the burn of my skin. I felt the warm, thick trickle of my blood as it seeped from the wound.

"You wouldn't have been able to help Wren" his words were ice cold, piercing knives in my chest and my body went rigid at the mention of Wren's name, "What skills could you possibly have in order to save him?"

I wanted him bleeding. I didn't care he was an Alpha; I didn't care he was giving me refuge and I didn't care that he could kill me in a single hit. My eyes burned with heat. I couldn't speak. My body raged. Blood igniting in my veins.

As if an automatic reaction, he took a step back. Smile still painted on his face, "Exactly, you couldn't save him."

I felt it.

I felt her.

My wolf.

I felt her behind our giant, never-ending barrier. I felt her claws scratching along the surface and her breath warming the thick barricade. She was awake. She was wanting to get out.

I felt her breathe against the wall, "Make him suffer" I could hear it so clearly that it was as if she spoke right into my ear.

I shoved at August, so hard that he actually fell over. My eyes livid as I realized the flames had now coated my hands.


I should have been scared or worried or at least concerned that my hands were now doused in flame.


My skin remained the same, no searing pain or blistering. As if the flame weren't touching my skin and as if the fire held no heat. I had no fear towards the flame. I was flame itself.


August was watching me as if he expected this to happen. My blazed eyes meeting his, "You. Took. It. Too. Far" every word a growl from my chest.

Bain was now closer. They all were. Sam watching me with confusion and worry glowing in his eyes. Quinn was ready to strike, ready to stop me from killing her Alpha. I paid them no attention.

August stood up and reached for my shoulder, "I know."

I flinched away from his touch, "I'll burn you."

A shake of his head and his cool hand rested on my scorching skin, "You can't hurt me." His eyes had returned to normal, his face back to what I knew and I felt my body sag in relief. He let out his own breath of relief, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it."

I blinked, "You didn't?"

Sadness. Sadness swirled in his eyes, "Of course I didn't, pup." His hand moving to my cheekbone and I watched his eyes swirl with disgust at what he had done, "I was trying to get to your wolf and I didn't know another way."

His touch was so tender that I almost cried, "I felt her."

The faintest smile and he nodded, "So did I."

Quinn stepped forward, hands reaching out to us as her eyes watched the doors, "Something..."

Her words were drowned out by the ear-piercing bang of the doors, they swung open with so much power that they smacked into the wall and bounced straight back into the intruder.

The intruder was a giant man; a limping, bleeding man. He was carrying a wilted sack of skin and hair. The sick stench of blood filled the room and my stomach dropped at the sight of what it truly was. It was a dead body.

"Shaw" was all August muttered before catching the giant man in his arms, "What happened?"

Bain was already there, looking at the body that Shaw held firm in his hands, "Who did this?"

"Sam" a single demand fell from August's mouth and Sam disappeared out of the room. Scouting for the culprit.

Shaw was sobbing. Loud and hysterical. "Mara! Mara! They took Mara!" his voice so rough that it cracked with every syllable, "They ripped off her head and took her from me!" his face was pure anguish and drenched with tears.

"Quinn, get her out of here!" August demanded without turning back to us.

Quinn was holding a hand over her usually blank face, over her mouth as if she was going to be sick. Her free hand gripped Urith's arm with so much strength that her knuckles were turning white. A protective strength. She moved at the command and grabbed my arms, I held my ground and kept watching.

That's when it clicked. Mara was Shaw's mate.

Shaw was gripping Mara's body with that same protective strength, so hard that his fingernails were cutting into her skin. Holding her tiny body to his heavy frame. Her head was barely attached to her body but Shaw held on to it with dear life. Mara's blood now soaked our padded floor and it started to pool around us.

I felt sick. I wanted to vomit.

"Urith, get Will!" another command ripped from August.

The Theta was already there, reaching for Mara's neck and looking for a way to help them but he gave one look to Shaw and we knew.

Shaw's screams filled the air. There was nothing Will could do to save her and we were witnessing the breaking of Shaw's heart.

"Shaw!" August's voice cut through the giant man's screams, "Who did this?"

Silence washed over us as panic entered the room. The cold growl slipping from his inconsolable lips, "Cameron."

I let Quinn turn me away, I took one step and vomited all over my borrowed shoes.

I stood in Urith's study hours later, staring at the yellow socks that remained on my feet. Quinn didn't give me another pair of shoes. August had called an emergency meeting; all of the pack members were here and all of them were packed into that giant room with the large table. Probably discussing how they warned August about this and we thought it was better if I stayed out of it. They would only blame me and looking at Shaw sitting across from me, I accepted the blame.

Shaw was devastated. I've never seen such anguish or sorrow and it was all because I asked for help. I had put all these wolves in danger and Cameron killed Shaw's mate in spite. Just because he could. I hadn't even spoken to Shaw or his now deceased mate.

Guilt held my tongue and I couldn't bring myself to speak to him. I couldn't ask about how he met Mara or how they knew they were mates. I knew it would only break him.

Losing his mate, especially like that, was enough to send you mad. Shaw was strong enough to hold it together to not break completely. My heart broke for him, tearing it as I replayed the scene in my head over and over and over again. His nails digging into her skin. Him begging for her to return.

"What colour were her eyes?" my question was so quiet that I thought Shaw didn't hear me.

Without a single muscle moved, he sighed with a heavy heart, "The colour of violets, in the spring" his words were thick with grief.

Urith knocked on the doorframe and gave Shaw

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