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Book online «Outcast by Abigail Livinghouse (top 100 books of all time checklist txt) 📖». Author Abigail Livinghouse

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exclaimed, grabbed me by the waist, and began tugging me away.


“Hey!” I clawed at his hands, trying to break free but he wouldn’t allow it. “Where the hell are you taking me?” I burst out.


“Someplace private.” He remarked tonelessly.


Oh, hell no. I wasn’t going anywhere with him. Guardian angel or not that didn’t mean I was about to take offsomeplace private with Gabriel.


“Let me go!” I shrieked, but he only held on tighter, dragging me toward the gate which led to the woods behind my house.


“Qué estás haciendo con ella?!” Rita screamed (even though I had no idea what she said), flinging the back door aside.


“Oh fuck”, I muttered but before I could say anything to calm Rita, Gabriel swept his arm out and under my legs, cradling me to his chest and breaking into a sprint.


“What the hell are you doing?” I shouted.


He didn’t answer me, of course. I was beginning to think “guardian angel” was just a fancy way of saying douchebag.


“Where are we going? Gabriel? Gabriel!” I kept yelling, kicking my legs and pushing against his chest with my fists in an effort to be released.


“You might want to hold on for this.” He cautioned.


“What’s that supposed to–” My words caught in my throat as Gabriel took a flying leap off the ground, and stayed there, rising up and up. Higher and higher into the dark rain-filled clouds he went. There had been a whooshing sound, and as I twisted my neck around, I could see Gabriel’s pitch black wings, beating silently against the wind. He was flying.

Chapter Twenty Four



I shut my mouth to keep out any unwanted insects, and watched in awe as my house and my development left us in a blur. Gabriel was fast, but also graceful. His strenuous wings beat effortlessly against the slight breeze, and he held me as if I weighed nothing at all. And trust me, I certainly weighed more than nothing.


I gazed up at him as he flew, at his stern, set face. His expression was smooth, his heavenly features making normal beauty look ugly. I pursed my lips, shivering against the cold wind.


“Gabriel”, I murmured before I thought better of it. He looked down at me, surprised.


“What is it?” He asked quietly.


I looked at him, at his gorgeous face, his angelic perfection, and shook my head, smiling.


“Nothing.” I said.


Confused, he grinned in return, focusing back on his flight path ahead. 

Chapter Twenty Five



After we passed my development and most of the town, Gabriel suddenly sped up. I braced myself against the shift, burrowing myself closer in the warmth of his strong chest. I could hear the steady beating of his heart, a soothing melody of thrums. I turned my head, seeing that he was headed for one of the old apartment buildings near Bliss.


While some of the condos near my fav club were really new and hip, this one resembled a home for old people. It was no more than twelve stories tall, which offered no good view of the city, and there wasn’t a doorman either, showing just how old the place really was. Updated apartments had doormen and bellhops, these crappy ones, had secretaries.


Gabriel tightened his hold on me, and just as I was about to ask what the problem was, he swooped down dramatically, the wind hitting me full force, blowing my hair back and making my eyes water. I stifled a scream ashe straightened up overhead of the building, tucked in his wings, and we dropped.


It was probably no more than a few feet, but I couldn’t tell, because I had closed my eyes being the chicken shit I was. But after a soft thump, I opened my eyes and saw that we were on the roof of the worn down apartment. I gasped, seeing the city before us. It was getting dark, and a few of the lights in the nearby condos and clubs had begun to blaze brightly, illuminating the shady sky. My eyes widened, seeing the whole city laid out before me, tall buildings shadowed by small ones, and people looking like tiny insects walking the streets.


“Wow”, I whispered, mesmerized.


“Yes.” Gabriel’s melodic voice came from just above me and I jumped, realizing I was still in his arms. “It is beautiful.” He said softly.


I looked up at him, seeing that he was looking down at me with his light green eyes. I swallowed, smiling awkwardly.


“Um . . .” I began, but before I could say anything, Gabriel gently set me down on my feet. I teetered for a second, Gabriel’s arms hovering at my sides, but I waved him off.


“I’m fine, just not the most graceful person in the world.” I said, brushing myself off. He chuckled.


“I would say not.” He said. I snickered at him and childishly stuck my tongue out.


“Oh shut the hell up. Now, you still haven’t answered my question. Where are we?” I asked.


“My apartment building. It’s where I stay when you’re not taking up my schedule.” He said, walking over to an emergency exit, opening the door, and gesturing for me to come over.


I went over to where Gabriel stood and peered down. Behind the door was a dimly lit flight of stairs that seemed to continue to go down and never stop.


“Follow me.” He said, and began to descend the stairs. Seconds later, he was completely swallowed by the darkness, his slim figure disappearing. I hesitated, looking down into the dark.


“Gabriel?” I called, leaning forward, my heart beat picking up speed as I peered into the utter darkness.


A hand suddenly reached out and clutched my wrist from the black stairwell. I yelped, smothering a scream as Gabriel’s face came into view, and then the rest of his body.


“You coming?” He asked, his jade eyes looking me over with concern. “Are you okay?” He asked. I nodded.


“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said, a bit breathlessly as my heart continued to pound loudly. A sly grin spread across his face.


“A little jumpy? Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” He said softly, then, his hand slid down from my wrist and he laced his fingers with mine. I gazed up at him, having a little trouble avoiding his sparkling gaze.


“Just hold onto me, and you’ll be perfectly safe.” Gabriel said, and began to pull me down into the dark along with him. 

Chapter Twenty Six



Keeping hold of Rafaela’s hand, we walked down the stairs and then came to the landing, where Rafaela stumbled right into my back.


“Oh–sorry.” She muttered, taking a step back but still gripping my hand.


“It’s alright.” I said.


We were now standing in front of a door, and I grabbed the knob and opened it as we stepped into a dim hallway with many doors on each side of the hall.


“My room’s just down here.” I said, gesturing to my right. Rafaela nodded and we both went down to room 154. I let go of her hand and she looked down, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I chuckled at her.


Rafaela was such a strong, and snarky girl. But when I hold her hand she gets all flustered. I fished in my pocket for my keys and stuck the appropriate one in the lock, turning the knob.


“What? Why are you laughing at me?” Rafaela snapped.


I looked over my shoulder at her. Her hair was still damp and falling multicolored to her waist, her makeup was smudged making her brown eyes look dark, and her clothes were beginning to dry and become wrinkled. However, her face was still flushed, without the help of makeup. I shook my head.


“No reason.” I said, and gestured for her to follow me inside. Rolling her eyes, she walked in the studio apartment.


Inside there was only a den, a small galley kitchen, a living room that could barely fit a couch and TV, and a medium sized balcony that looked out to the parking lot where cars and dumpsters took up the space. Nick lounged on the sofa, watching some TV show that was probably not worth his time.


“Hey Gabe, my man. What are you doing back here so soon? Thought you were out keeping watch over your–” Nick began, but when he caught sight of Rafaela behind me, a sneaky grin became planted on his face. “Oh, I see. You brought your assignment home with you.” He winked.


“Very nice.” He said, getting up off the couch and stretching. I scowled at him in frustration.


“Now’s not a good time, Nick. We’re here for a reason.” I stated. He cocked his head to the side, his conniving blue eyes lighting up.


“Oh”, he dragged out the word to make it have more than one syllable. “Details please.” He said slyly, crossing his arms.


Rafaela suddenly slammed the door loudly behind us and came up to my side, scowling at Nick.


“Who the hell are you? Gabriel, what the fuck is going on?” She asked angrily.


I shut my eyes for a moment before opening them again. This was going to be harder than I’d hoped. It would be lovely if Rafaela would just comply without a lot of questions. But no, that’s just not how things work.


“This is Nick. You and he met before at the bar. I’m sure you don’t remember, though.” I said. Rafaela eyed Nick oddly for a moment before shaking her head.


“No. Not a clue of who the hell you are.” She said.


Nick chuckled softly. “I’m not surprised. You were slightly intoxicated while you were resting on my lap, quite comfortably, I might add.”


Rafaela’s eyes narrowed angrily at him.


“What are you fucking talking about?” She snapped. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing.


“He’s actually not lying, Rafaela.” I said, defending Nick.


Why? I don’t really know. I guess I was still a bit frazzled from figuring Zale out. With a wink, Nick waggled his

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