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Night talking to someone. It sounded like a man. I looked up.

Ahhh. Speak of the devil and it shall appear. Let me explain. I meant my ex boyfriend, Resse Wright.

He was as gorgeous as ever in a long sleeved dark blue shirt and dark jeans. His chestnut brown hair was perfectly messed up, as usual, and his blue eyes were shining with amusement and excitement. He was always happy, that was one one the many things I like about him. He was always happy and he rarely got mad. Less than 3 years ago we had gotten together and the only thing that really changed about him was his physic - he got way buffer, but not to buff, which I loved. He was still the same old Resse - deep down - he was back in 8th grade when we met.

I know, I know, 8th grade is way to early to start a serious relationship with someone but I was young, he was hot, and honestly I thought it wasn't gonna last. What was a girl to do?

Actually, if I remember correctly, I thought he was to much of a shy guy for me, as I was a bad girl back then and, honestly, he wasn't that hot either. Cute but not hot. It was actually really funny how we met.

The final bell had just rang signaling the end of the day. I signed, dreading going home because Anna had JV - Junior Varsity - cheerleading practice and I had to walk home, alone. It was a short walk - 10 minutes or so - but it was a walk nonetheless. I was packing my stuff slowly and when everyone else was gone I got up from my chair walking over to the door. But due to my klutziness I tripped over a desk leg. It had happened to be his desk and he had happened to be the only one, besides me, in the classroom so he had gotten up from his chair quickly and had grabbed onto my waist from behind, steadying me. I hadn't known it was him who had saved me so when I turned around and I was immensely surprised to find him there infront of me.

He smirked down at my shocked expression, still with a firm hold on my waist, and had leaned down to whisper, "Well aren't you one Klutzy Kitty." He had laughed and I had chuckled along with him. And thats how it had started.

He had walked me home that day so I didn't have to walk home alone. He had asked me out on my porch and I had excepted like the naive 13 year old I was.

But I was happy with the decision I made to go out with him - still am happy with it. He was my first everything. He had been My first real date, My first kiss, My first boyfriend, . . . My first time. I will never regretted the decision I made to lose my "V- card" to him. It had been special, because it had been with, him, the love of my life - at the time. Of course I still love him, but its not the same as it was before.

We had been the perfect couple. Everyone envied us. We would hold hands all the time and he would kiss me in the halls whenever he could. He would walk me to my classes and walk me home when Annie had cheerleading practice. Everyone was surprised when we lasted the whole summer and also lasted freshman year and the following summer.

But then everything. . . changed when we became sophomores. He never cheated on me or anything else but we started to grow distant. He got into his football thing and Annie got me into the whole cheerleading thing so we barely saw each other after school. We did see each other in school but he didn't walk me to my classes or sit with me at lunch because he had to sit with his football friends. After a couple of weeks I broached the subject to him and he said we would try harder to make it work. And, for while, we did try but it wasn't the same as it was before. I realized I didn't love him like I use to. And thats how I knew I had to break it off with him. I mean, it really killed me inside to do it and I could see in his face, when I broke it off with him, that it sort of killed him in the inside, too. It was really hard to get over him and it took me a while but I did it and now we are sort of like the best of friends.

The only thing I don't like is who he became once I broke up with him. He use to be this sweet sort of shy guy who just did the most craziest things and made me laugh constantly. I mean he still does some crazy shit and is also still very funny but besides that he changed. He became this stupid stereotypical cocky ass player who hasn't had a steady girlfriend since, well me. And it really makes me sad to see him act this way. When he first started to act that way I thought that was his way of coping with the break up. But then when the cocky player wouldn't go away I started to worry and wonder. Worry because I somehow thought it was my fault, that I had somehow created the monster that he is now. And then I wonder if the monster will ever go away. If he will, somehow, go back to being the sweet shy guy I once fell in love with....


Mr. Night and Reese talked in hushed tones for a minute before Mr. Night moved to the side and let Reese into his classroom. He walked in to the class and stood at the front, his eyes scanning over everyone. When they landed on me his lips broke out into a big smile.

"Hey Baby!" He shouted, opening his arms out wide as if I was going to run into them.

I rolled my eyes but then played along to his game. We always acted thing way, constantly flirting with each other. We would do it for fun or when became bored. We would walk down the halls, hand in hand. Sometimes I would whisper something sexy in his ear or we would make really nasty innuendoes to each other in public. It was funny to watch from a distance.

I plastered on a sexy smirk and leaned on my desk to show off my cleavage. His eyes immediately went down to my chest area.

"Hey Yourself." I said, leaning back in my chair, making my cleavage disappear. His eyes looked up at mine when I leaned back and I felt my heart ache at what I saw in them. Lust, plain and simple. It made me real sad to think, that after all this time he still had feelings for me.

He quickly walked over to the unoccupied desk to my right and sat down

I just sighed and looked over at Mr. Night. He was glaring at me and I was completely shocked. I barely knew the guy for all of 10 minutes and he's already glaring at me. I mean, has he never heard of "Don't Judge a Book by its Cover" or at least "Don't Fucking Glare at Someone you just Fucking Met!" After that thought I Immediately got angry and started glaring right back at him. Who does he think he is to just glare at a student. Especially a student who he doesn't even know the name of.

We glared at each other for a few more seconds before he broke eye contact and walked over to the front of his classroom and began to lecture about something.

I breathed in a calming breath and wield myself not to walk up to him and demand to know what his fucking problem was. I would be scared shitless while doing it, but I would do it.

I needed a distraction. I looked over a Reese and then I smirked, already knowing the perfect distraction.

I leaned in closer his ear and whispered, "Shame on you, Reese. The first day of school and your already late. You know I really don't think the skank you were just making out with in the janitorial closet would have minded if you had ditched her there to actually be early for a change." With that i blew in his ear and my smirk grew wider when he shivered in response. But then, as I pulled away from him and looked back down at my careless drawing of what I could only define as a cat with a mouse up its ass, I began to feel guilty. I mean, God why am I such a bitch. I'm practically throwing meat into a lion's cage. But instead of letting the poor lion just eat its goddamn meat, I pull the meat back out of the cage and leave the lion starving. I sigh and looked over at him again, totally frustrated for willingly degrading myself by classifying myself as some sort of meat.

And I wasn't at all surprised to see a big smirk on his face.

He leaned over in his chair and whispered, "Are you jealous, Kat?"

I put on my best mock horror expression and put my hand over my chest, trying not to laugh. "Me, Jealous? Never!" I whispered quietly back, trying not to attract attention. But that wasn't working out as well as I hoped because I heard a few snickers emanating from the student close by who could here the conversation.

Reese sat forward in his chair once again and I faintly hear him whisper, "Of course not."

I felt another pang in my chest when i saw his expression. He looked sad some what vulnerable. God I wish he could find a nice, pretty girl that made him smile and laugh so he could stop obsessing over me. I mean, I love him and everything but more brother and sister type love and not the love he's looking for from me.

I tried to distract myself from my unpleasant thoughts by doodling on my notebook again. But five minutes into my new drawing I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see Shappi looking at me curiously.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She whispered, looking at him briefly before looking back at me.

"No. He's my ex." I stated simply, shacking my head slightly.

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth made a pop sound as it opened in surprise. "He's your ex!" She practically shouted at me. Which in turn made a few of the students sitting near her and me start to snicker. That included Reese. He tried to hide it but he failed miserably.

Apparently, the students weren't the only ones who heard Sapphi. Mr. Night stopped talking immediately after Sapphi 'decided' to shout from the roof tops the news I told her.

"Is there something you would like to share with the entire class Miss..." He promted looking her right in the eye.

"Monique, Sir. and no I don't have anything to share," she blushed a little and sunk low into her seat.

Mr. Night kept his eyes on her for a second longer before they looked at
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