Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Suicide Note- part 1 by Paulina Bowman (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Suicide Note- part 1 by Paulina Bowman (best adventure books to read .txt) 📖». Author Paulina Bowman

Brittney's Life

Hey my name is Brittney. And I’ve got a secret that nobody knows! But that’s the way I like it, nobody should know that much about me! It’s important to know a little about someone, but if you know everything, then what’s a relationship for? If everyone knew me then I would have a lot of friends to talk to, but I don’t. I have two good friends, Elizabeth and Jo. They love the real me, I don’t have to pretend with them. They’ve been here through a lot with me. When I was eight, it all started. I came home from school, and He came in my room after me. He hit me, really hard. I hit the floor crying while He just pounded away. I went to school the next day, and my teachers asked me, “Britney, why do you have a busted lip, a swollen eye, and bruises on your face?” I couldn’t tell them, so I just distracted them with something else. But, he beat my mom, too. But when mom got pregnant again with my little brother, it got worst. A lot worst, He didn’t hit my brother. My brother’s name is Aiden, Aiden Jackson. He was so cute, and I was proud to call him my little brother. When I was thirteen, He started touching me, and doing other stuff, too. I didn’t like Him at all, although I never did. But I never told anybody, He told me he would kill mom. I couldn’t let that happen, it would ruin that “happy” image we had. My friends Ellie and Jo always worried about me, but I couldn’t tell them. But, that doesn’t mean I didn’t want a life, so I tried out for cheerleading with Ellie in ninth grade. It was really fun, but when I got home He was waiting for me. He slapped me and told me I couldn’t get involved in “group” things like cheerleading. So I had to leave Ellie and the team. Ellie thought it was her, and she got angry at me, and didn’t talk to me. I didn’t want her angry at me, so I went back to cheering. Ellie was happy. Aiden was the only family member that knew I was a cheerleader. But he knew what He would do if He found out I was back in cheering. A few days after a game Jo spent the night. He came in my room to tell us both good night. I didn’t feel right, so I didn’t sleep at all. I was right, He came in at around two- thirty a.m., then He slipped in bed with Jo. She then understood why I acted so… wrong. She told me not to tell anybody, so I didn’t. But if she wanted me to spend the night, I couldn’t, He wouldn’t let me. She’s really important to me, she’s a real friend. You don’t find too many of those kinds of friends. He’ll get what he deserves, eventually. After school today, Jo’s boyfriend was all over this girl, he saw me, too. He asked me not to tell anyone, especially Jo. But, I felt the need to tell Jo. But, I didn’t, she had a life now, I didn’t want to ruin it. That boy is stupid for cheating on her. The way she talks about him is almost sickening. “He’s so sweet he told me he loved me last night.” She needs to know about him, before she gets hurt. And if he hurts her, then I’m going to kick in his little perfect face.


Text: Paulina Bowman
Editing: Paulina Bowman
Translation: Paulina Bowman
Publication Date: 02-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

To all the people who hated me in high school!!

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