My World by Shayla (interesting books to read for teens txt) 📖

- Author: Shayla
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OK everyone I want your honest opinions on this. plz write or comment so I get an idea of how you like it. Anything helps bcuz this is my first book I'm publishing on here. I have the next chapters ready, but I want to know if you think I should continue or if I should post one of my others. This is only the first chapters so there's not a lot.
Thank you very much.
Akira’s P.O.V.
I woke up this morning just like any other morning, a little groggy and really wanted to sleep in, but I really didn't have a choice it was the first day of second semester of school. I had to get up early after a four day weekend, and it really sucked. So as little bit of encouragement my brother came into my room and jumped on my bed shaking me out of my attempt to get more sleep.
"Get up Akira (a-keer-a)!" He yelled right next to my ear. I rolled over and punched without even opening my eyes. "Hey you try to sleep in every morning you are 16 years old and I still have to wake you up like your five. You have an alarm clock and as soon as it goes off you hit snooze about four times then turn it off and go back to sleep." Yep that's Xavier my 18 almost 19 year old, older brother.
"OK I'm up now get out so I can take a shower and get ready." I said sleepily. I hated getting up early on school mornings. I could get up early any other day, but when it was a school day, I was so tired I felt like death itself. Yeah I over-exaggerate everything; it's just part of my personality. I waited like ten minutes, and then dragged myself out of bed and to the shower in the hallway. I turned on the shower and stood in the shower letting the hot water run over me to wake up my senses. I finally turned off the water and grabbed a towel, wrapped up and walked into my room. I closed the door and went to my dresser, I pulled out some clothes and I slid them on. Then I went into the bathroom to do my hair. I used the blow dryer to dry it then, straightened it with my straightener. I put on my knee high Minnetonka moccasins and grabbed my tote bag.
I am an average girl to most people; I am 16 years old, 5 foot 4 and have a deep tan colored skin. I have dark chocolate brown curly hair that I like to put bright colored streaks in, they are green presently. I have bright blue eyes that look icy white-silver when I'm mad and almost navy blue when I am happy. My dad calls me his Ice princess. My brother calls me an Icy Terror, cuz he's the object of most of my rage, because of his pranks, though it goes both ways with us. My mom and older sister think I'm bipolar, but I don't believe in that crap. I think that the way you feel is up to you.
Anyway, my brother is about 6 foot tall with dark brown straight hair that he leaves long and shaggy so it's always in his face. He's really picky about his looks and works out so he's "built"; he always wears designer clothes and actually is very clean. Contrary to most families he's the clean one and I really don't care how my room looks, as long as my clothes are nice.
I also have a sister; she's 20 her name is Kimira (Kim-ear-a), she's already out of the house and is planning her wedding with her fiancé James. She's 5 foot 5 and has the same curly hair as me and green eyes like my brother, she's is super fun, but can be totally serious when she's pissed off. I think I get my temperamental issues from her, because my mom and dad hardly ever lose their temper that I've seen.
The only other person who lives with us is my friend Jamie her parents were killed a year ago and no one knows why. Her uncle, the only other living relative was in prison so my parents said she could stay with us for the time being or as long as she liked. My parents are awesome like that; I bet not many kids can or will admit that.
So I grabbed my things and headed downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blueberry bagel, and leaned over to give my mom a hug.
"Bye mom" I said to her, "tell dad I love him when he comes home for lunch" My dad worked at some banking company with a weird name, funny I haven't seen it anywhere as a regular business. I grabbed the keys to my silver Pontiac and headed out the door. I drove to school it was only about 15 minutes. My best friend, Jamie had spent the night at her boyfriend's house and she now ran up to me and gave me hug.
"Morning girl, how are ya doin? I had so much fun last night we watched scary movies and stayed up late so I'm really tired. How was your night? Wow that was a dumb question I wasn't there so it must've sucked. You know you really need to get a boyfriend cuz then we can all hang out together. Man I guess I shouldn't be sayin that you just broke up with your last one two months ago." She paused for a breath, yeah she talks a lot, she's cocky, wild, and egotistical, but she's my best friend.
"Yeah my night was pretty boring, went to bed early. Didn't have anyone to screw off with and giggle till two in the morning. And your right I do need to get another boyfriend, it’s a lot more comfortable to hang out with you and your boyfriend if I have one too."
"Well at least we can hang here at school" She replied. She's about 5 foot 7 with pale skin and chocolate brown eyes. She has hip-length straight-as-an-arrow red hair and a nice hourglass figure, me and her are both in volleyball, basketball, and softball. We also do girls football and gymnastics in the summer, our school rocks they have every sport available. We headed inside, we also had all the same classes this semester and try to every time, but of course that doesn't always happen. As we headed to our lockers I felt someone brush past me and felt a weird shocking jolt. Kind of like when someone shocks you, but stronger. I looked around, but there were so many kids it could've been any of them. So I turned my attention back to Jamie she was saying something about going shopping after school so I figured I hadn't missed too much.
When the first bell rang I grabbed the books out of my locker and headed to the dreaded U.S. History, no I am actually good at history I have a great memory and breeze through it. When we got to class there was only a few people there and so we sat down in the back. We began talking about what we were going to wear to the dance the following Friday, when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and saw this new guy looking at me intently, I nudged Jamie and she looked up at him, and then smiled. He was still staring at me so I stared back evenly. He finally looked away when the teacher walked in.
"I think you found you next boyfriend" Jamie laughed "whether you like it or not. He seems to be fascinated with you or sumthin"
"Yeah I agreed in a weird sort of way" She just laughed the final bell rang and everyone sat down the teacher cleared her throat and said;
"Good Morning class. In case you haven't noticed we have a new student, his name is Brandon. He's just transferred here from Hawaii, but I'll let you hear it form him" Then she motioned for him to go to the front of the class. Brandon stood up and walked to the front of the class. He was probably about 5 foot 11 and had light brown shaggy hair. He was kind of pale (probably losing his tan now that he's in Minnesota) and had gray-blue eyes that practically looked into my soul.....creepy. He looked right at me when he was talking and he smiled like he knew something I didn't.
"Hey, my names Brandon, I moved here most recently from Hawaii, I have two older brothers and one younger. Two of them are also going to this school the other is already out of the house. I am almost 17 and I'm a sophomore...obviously. I love to have fun and I'm somewhat athletic I guess you could say. Uh, well I don't know what else to say so I guess you'll get to know me soon enough" Then he winked at me and sat back down. Wow major creeper, but I can't say that I hate it; he's not like the other guys that hit on me.
Then while we listened to the teacher drone on about this, that and the other thing, I found myself watching Brandon almost as if he sensed me; he turned around slightly and grinned at me. Does this really know something that I don't or is he just a creepy kid with another crush on me.
After class I grabbed my bags and me and Jamie headed to the door, I was about to walk out when I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around and Brandon was standing there he dropped my arm and smiled at me.
"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" He looked from me to Jamie. I realized he wanted her to go, I looked at him he didn't look like a serial killer and we were in school so I figured I'd be OK.
"Jamie, you can go on ahead I'll catch up in a sec." She nodded and then grinned at me as she walked out of the room. I turned to Brandon waiting to see what he was gonna say.
"Yeah?" I asked him a little annoyed because he was just staring at me "What is it you wanted to talk about?"
"So I just want to know if you'll go out with me on Friday." He flashed me a smile, I noticed that he had reallllly white teeth.
"Really? That's it? Wow you seemed so serious asking me if we could talk that I was getting a little worried there for a second. If you want to ask me out just ask ya don't need to be all weird about it" I smiled at him. He gave me a confused look.
"What are you talking about? I did just ask you out. Any way what's your answer?" He looked at me as though he was pleading for me to say yes, it was adorable.
"Yeah I don't see why not. So what time and where do plan to meet up?"
"How about you give me your number and we'll talk later?" He grinned
"Well aren't you smooth? Yeah OK" So I gave him my number and he gave me his then I said goodbye and went to
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