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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Devil Returns by S.K Nuanes (ebook reader online free .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Devil Returns by S.K Nuanes (ebook reader online free .TXT) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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Two Months passed since the burning of the PAC, Elena sighed looking at Allia and Ivy lockers, which were right next to one another. There were flowers and candles by the lockers.
Some students were letting out their emotions, and then some were trying to be strong. Not many knew about Gabe, he was still a new student so many thought he had moved. Or something.
Elena had changed her hair color and style, Edward was gone some say he was in the building trying to be a hero. Although only two knew that was bull.
She had her hair cut short, with layers, it was now a soft blonde, she kept her style of clothes, but she had a feeling that this nightmare wasn't over.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Andy said, gently as he hugged Elena.
Elena shrugged then sighed, "I guess, I am ok due to what happened two months ago."
"That's in the past now. He is dead, we aren't going to be seeing him ever again." Andy said, smiling softly at Elena.
"I don't know, what if he somehow survived that?" Elena said, recalling how her stomach was twisting as they made their escape.
Andy shrugged then said, "Think, if he was still alive. We would of notice some change in criminal activity, or he would of came back."
Elena wanted to argue, but Andy would of just reasoned her out of it. There was no point in trying to win this one.
"Come on, there is a small restaurant. My cousin just recently opened it." Andy said, holding Elena's hands.
Elena couldn't help but smile then said, "Sure."

In 7th Elena was finishing up her science assignment, the teacher walked in tears, she wiped her eyes trying not to mess up her cheap make-up.
"We have lost another member of our family. Cary McCarty was found dead in her father's truck." The teacher said, sobbing.
Elena turned back and looked at where Cary used to sit. Carly did have a huge crush on Edward, although that couldn't be the reason she is dead.
Did she commit suicide, since her crush was dead? Edward didn't even know her name, so he couldn't of killed her.
Elena hit her head on the table, how many people would be killed before this year would end.

The restaurant had candles at the tables, a bar and classical music played over the speakers. Many couples were sitting together.
Elena had on a dark blue blouse, and skinny jeans, and a bracelet.
“Why, don’t you look stunning.” A voice said, from behind Elena.
The voice was dark, it was deceiving, like a butterfly. It had a beautiful outer wing design and then on the inside it was ugly.
Elena slowly turned, there stood Edward, he had short hair, and had hair gel, making some spikes, his skin was still spotless and pale.
His eyes were a dark brown, no red but you still couldn’t trust those eyes.
He had on a black jacket, a red button shirt, and jeans.
“What…the…” Elena said, her voice trembling.
“I know, I am one sexy beast.” Edward chuckled admiring his new coat.
“Thought you got taken down to hell.” Elena said, looking around hoping someone would jump out and be like, ‘gottca ya!’
“Nope, I am back.” Edward said, coming closer to Elena and wrapping his arms around her.
“We’re in public. I will scream.” Elena said, low.
Edward smiled and said, "I missed you."
"Unlikely." Elena said, looking around.
Edward looked at her and walked closer to Elena, "I did, all I wanted is you."
"So you killed my two best friends." Elena whispered.
Edward sighed then said softly, "I am sorry, please give me a second chance."
"Why shouldn't I call the cops on you right now." Elena said, low glaring at Edward.
Edward looked down at her, "Do I have to hurt you, Andy, or your mother?"
"You wouldn't." Elena said, backing up from Edward.
Who kept walking closer to her, he gently grabbed her hand and held it.
"Give me a second chance, or I will make sure your mother pays a nasty visit to the ER. If you tell Andy I am alive. You will be next."
Elena looked around, Edward put his arm around Elena, "Now let's get that date you promised me."
"What date?" Elena asked confused.
"Remember at Ivy brother birthday party. You said you would give me a great date." Edward said, smiling and leading Elena outside.
Edward lead Elena to his car, which was the same red mustang he had at Home Coming.
Once they were inside, Elena slowly looked over at Edward, "What happened to Carly McCarty?"
"Who?" Edward asked, starting the car up.
The car had a gentle smell of ax, he looked confused as if he didn't understand what she said.
"Carly McCarty, her father is vice principal, she was a sophomore? Now she is dead." Elena said, slowly.
Edward put the car in reverse, then drive, "Was she a cheerleader?"
Elena nodded once, Edward shrugged, "Why should I tell you anything?"
"Since I'm in your car with you, and giving you a date." Elena said, narrowing her eyes.
"So you trust me." Edward said, with a slight chuckle.
Elena looked out the window then said, "I never said that."
After few seconds of silence Edward looked at Elena and smiled, "You're blonde now. I like it."
"Was hoping you wouldn't recognize me." Elena mumbled under her breath.
Edward chuckled then said, "I would recognize you no matter what."
"Where are we going?" Elena asked, looking out the window raising an eyebrow.
Edward turned the music on, and didn't answer her question.
"Tell me what happened to Carly." Elena said, looking back at Edward.
He didn't say anything, Elena turned down the music then repeated herself but shouting now, "What did you do to her!"
"She came to me." Edward said, shrugging.
Elena was hoping her phone wouldn't ring, or anything that would grab Edward attention towards it.
"What are you talking about?" Elena asked, confused.
Edward smiled and said, "She always made a crush on me, I was in need of some pleasure. She wanted it. Of course I made sure she had it protected. Outta give me points for that. Yet she was going to open her mouth and say she had sex with me. So had to keep her silent."
"You raped her!" Elena asked, shouting.
"God no. She wanted it. You dont want it though." Edward said, glancing over at Elena.
Elena was finding it harder to speak, one she thought Edward was killed in the fire.
He killed two of her friends, and Andy's future step-brother, and he tried to hurt her.
"Well maybe things would be different, if you didn't go and act like that." Elena said, narrowing her eyes.
Edward looked at her then said, "If you are going to be like this, why not I just take you out. And break Andy's heart? Killing two birds with one stone."
"No. Don't." Elena said, believing he was going to run the car off the road.
Edward chuckled slightly at how he could scare her.
"Now, lets pick up where we left off." Edward said, stopping the car.
Elena unbuckled herself, and unlocked the door and threw herself out the car, she rolled down the hill. She landed on a ledge, she had to get help. The police, anyone.
"Let's not do this Elena." Edward shouted, walking down the hill slowly.
Elena ran down the hill, she tripped over a log, and cut her knee on a sharp rock.
"Ow." Elena mumbled.
The fog slowly rolled in, she hid behind a tree.
"Are we playing hide and sneak? Hide all you want. But I will find you." Edward shouted.
Elena looked at her phone, there was no cell phone service.
"Always no signal." Elena whispered.
Elena ran deeper into the forest, knowing there was a road nearby.
She had to hurry, this was similar to a snake stalking a mouse, the snake was taking its time, knowing the mouse would run out places to hide.
Her heart was pounding out of her chest, she was sure enough that would be enough for Edward to track her.
She fell onto the road, no cars where on the road, she pushed herself onto her knees, her arm was jerked pulling her onto her feet. Edward was there, glaring at her, he gripped her arms, making it sure there was no way for her to struggle.
"You are such an idiot." Edward said, low glaring at her.
Then out of nowhere a car came smashing into Edward sending him up in the air over the car. And he landed four feet behind the car.
Elena was completely unharmed her heart was pounding at what just happened, her cousin Valerie was there.
She had short light brown hair, she had on a white jacket, a anime shirt on under and jeans. she had her lip pierced she looked about nineteen.
She had a very thin body, although she wouldn't take crap from anyone.
"Elena? Is that you!" Valerie asked.
Elena nodded Valerie then said, "Get in."
She obeyed and got inside the truck and locked the door.
"Drive!" Elena said, in panic.
Valerie slammed her foot on the gas and they drove away, leaving the body not moving.
He slowly lifted his head and popped his neck, his fangs came out and he let out a low snarl, his eyes glowing blood red, Elena could see the bright red eyes in her mirror.
Elena was shaking and she turned her head to focus on the road ahead, "Who did I just hit." Valerie asked, wondering if she should call 911.
"My...psychopath of a ex." Elena said, thinking he was going to come out nowhere and kill both of them.
"Oh shit. Should I call someone?" Valerie asked.
Elena shook her head, "His brother is the chief, he's safe no matter what."
"I mean call for an ambulance." Valerie asked.
"No." Elena said, sighing.
She looked at her cousins car, it was a CR-Z Honda, a light blue. She had a small stuff animal on the dash board, she had the radio on. Which was playing one of the newest songs.
"Where should I drop you off?" Valerie asked.
"Where are you heading?" Elena asked, wondering why her cousin was back.
Valerie looked down at her Android which currently had a map on it, Elena smirked she was too busy checking her phone, and hit her ex.
"A hotel, want to come with me?" Valerie asked.
Elena nodded and then said, "Sure."
"Great." Valerie said, with a laugh.
Elena had a sickening feeling, where she knew Edward was pissed, and was going to find a way to make her crawl back to him.

At the hotel, Valerie was in the bathroom taking a shower, when Elena phone was buzzing, it was Edward.
She hit ignore, then it started buzzing again, Elena repeated what she did. Over and over almost ten times. Then she hit the answer button and shouted, "What the hell do you want!"
"Elena? You ok?" Andy said, quietly.
Elena exhaled and was relieved that it was Andy instead of the Devil.
"Yeah, sorry." Elena said, sitting down in a chair.
Andy was talking in a whisper, "Where are you?"
"With my cousin?" Elena said, confused.
Andy was silent then whispered, "Call the police."
"Wait, what's wrong?"
"He's back and he just...killed your mom." Andy said, softly.
Elena was shaking and said, "What?"
There was a long pause of silence, then Andy whispered, "I came to give you something...and the door was kicked in. I

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