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Read books online » Fiction » Worse deal ever by Kimba sue (i love reading books .txt) 📖

Book online «Worse deal ever by Kimba sue (i love reading books .txt) 📖». Author Kimba sue

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Worse deal ever

feeling lost

All Emerald could hear was screaming, a female high- pitched scream. Her feet seem to be rooted to the spot-, She wanted to help, but could not move. Fear held her firm in its grip. She knew the sound of that scream, but could not believe it where it came from.

With her heart racing, Emerald finally broke free of her paralysis enough to creep towards where the screaming was coming from. If she remained on the ground, he would find her. Sliding with her back against the wall, she came to a metal, ladder. As she climbed it with her heart beating like a car engine and tears threatening to cloud her eyes at any moment, both the ladder and the girl seemed too frail to go much further.

Once on the roof, Emerald crouched down and peered over the side, she saw Blazed Jimmy and ducked. Holding her breath, she peered over the edge once again. She wondered if he could see her, as well as she could see him. Emerald noted the figure on the ground. She knew it meant they had found them and he would be looking for her next. They knew they were never far apart.

Blazed Jimmy approached the alleyway, she heard Blazed Jimmy’s voice, ducking back into the shadows; she noted he was talking into his cell phone.

He passed beneath her continuing to talk on the phone. Emerald remained hidden.

“Yea boss, I got Ash, and I’m looking for Emerald. I will have them both by the end of the night. We both know that they are never far from each other.”

Holding her breath, Emerald decided she had no time to worry about Ashley; right now, she had to think about how she was going to get out of there.

That is all she heard, as she ducked back further into the shadows. She assumed he must have hung up, but she was not coming out to find out. Emerald was staying put until she knew he was gone.

Questions ran through her head. Lost in thought she did not see the stranger approach her until he was close to her. He jumped back when their eyes met as a light passed over her, revealing Emeralds hiding place.

“What the hell are you doing up here? Who are you?” He moved closer towards her. “I should be calling the police on you right now. There is no one allowed to be up here.” He informed her.

“I’m sorry I was being chased and didn’t know where else to go,” Emerald stated, slowly standing. “I figured I could hide here long enough to go in the other direction.”
He stared at her, eyes narrowed. Then gestured Emerald to follow him, where to? His apartment? She could continue to stay here or follow this stranger. If she stayed here, she could be soon swimming with the fish.

Emerald followed this man into the building. She looked left and right the whole time they walked down the hall. He unlocked a door to room four hundred and twelve. He stepped aside allowing her to enter first, and then he walked in and locked the door behind him.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked.

Emerald just shook her head. She turned around and stared out the window. They had to be up at least ten floors. All that kept going through my mind was Blazed Jimmy was out there, he might still be near here. Waiting.

“Look I know you don’t believe me,” Emerald stated. “I don’t really care either way. Since you seem to have a problem with me being here, I think its best I leave.”

Emerald started walking to the door. She knew he was behind her, but still she placed her hand on the doorknob. Ready to twist it, but before she could his large hand slapped on the door above her. His other hand gripped her arm and he yanked it, hard pulling Emerald into the living room.

“I never said I didn’t believe you, all I said was why would someone be after you?”

His face softened, maybe he finally believed her. She asked him kindly to take his hands off her. When she told him, he removed his hand, and stepped away from her.

This was not going to work. Emerald could not stay in this strange man’s apartment. She had to get out of here; damn he was a good-looking man. He had her heart racing with him close to her. She did not need this shit to cloud her brain right now. Emerald needed to make a plan and get the hell out of there. The one thing that kept going through her mind was where was she going to go? Sure, she had to plan to run off to Mexico with Ashley.

She sure was not going there without her. Emerald had no idea what the plan was really. Since Ashley was the brains, and all she had to do was to come up with a way out of this shit. She had idea what happened to her, for all she knew she could be dead somewhere down there. Alone!

“Please, come in and sit down. You don’t have to stand, you can sit down and tell me about whatever this is all about,” he said, and then gave her a sexy smile.

“What do you mean?” I asked playing dumb.

“You said you were being chased. Who was chasing you and why?”

Emerald looked at him through hooded eyes. Why would he care who she was running from? It puzzled her. Why would he care, surely he wouldn’t. This did not make any sense. The moment the thought entered her head, she felt his hand on her shoulder, she slipped down the chair, onto the floor. His hands gripped her leg, a vice like grip. Moving his and up to Emeralds thigh, she felt his hand tighten around her, his face within reaching distance, she clawed at his face. Creating deep scratches down his face. His skin beneath her nails as she scrambled towards the locked door.

“Where are you going, Bitch? There is no way out, and besides the party will begin when Blazed Jimmy gets here. He can’t wait to get his hands on you.”

Wait, did he just say, Blaze was on his way. Emerald was not going stay and wait. She didn’t care what he was said, she planned on getting out of there. There was no way she was going to die here. Not if she could help it.
She needed an escape route. Still on all fours, she was almost to the door, when the lights flickered on and off, and then finally off. Now she was on all fours in the dark, trying to feel her way around. That guy was in here somewhere, and she wanted out, especially before Blazed Jimmy got there.

We were so high up there was only two ways out of there. Emerald didn’t even know if there was a fire escape. There was only one way to find out, she couldn’t go out the front door and take the chance of getting caught as soon as she made it out. To Emerald, there was only the fire escape and she hoped there was a way down.

Being so high up Emerald had two options, and now she realized heading to the door was a mistake. Since the door was locked. She had no idea if there was a fire escape, but if there was, it was her way out of there. She had to make her way to the window.

Emerald crawled slowly, fumbling, shadows cast on the wall, making it hard to decide where he was. She could hear him, breathing, but had no idea where he was, as far as she could tell he was not behind her.
Placing her hands out in front of her, she felt her way around. The apartment door opened, a line of light flooded the room. She stood, dashed towards the window and quietly opened it. She needed to move quickly. Emerald had one foot out the window when she looked back, and there stood Blazed Jimmy.

“Bobby where are you!” Jimmy asked.

Emerald scrambled out the window, not waiting to hear the rest of their conversation. She slipped out the window, her legs dangling. She found the metal steps beneath her feet, and moved down the steps. The fire escape was old, rickety. She heard heavy footsteps above her as she raced down the steps. As soon as she reached the base, Emerald was going to flag down a car, but not a SUV. The guys after her, drove a SUV.

Emerald looked over her shoulder; Blazed Jimmy was not behind her, not yet. Being lighter meant she could climb down those stairs with ease. Blazed Jimmy on the other hand, was a stocky man and the ten flights of stairs she knew he would give him a problem. It took it out of her, her chest hurt as she was breathing hard. Her head spun, trying to take in the events of which occurred. Her feet moved forward, taking her towards the bustling street. A few cars lined the road, but few drove down it. She needed to keep going, find a place full of people. Where she could lose him in a crowd, and find safety. Emerald had an idea of where she was, but her head was fuzzy and all the streets looked the same. Was she going in the right direction? Her eyes were heavy, and she was exhausted, but she had to keep moving. In the distance, Emerald heard the rattle of the fire escape echo in the air. She knew once he was down he would be in the street and on her tail. Emerald continued on, the longest street she had ever been down, nowhere to hide or turn. Just going straight ahead, running like it was a bad dream and you were standing still, and going nowhere fast. She had to think of something fast, whom did she know who would help her?

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