Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Haunted by Zoe Love (books for 7th graders TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Haunted by Zoe Love (books for 7th graders TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Zoe Love

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New school.

New home.

New life.

New friends.

And most importantly a fresh start away from what he had caused.

                Dimitri felt like nothing special just an ordinary 17 year old moving away from everything heā€™d ever known and loved. His mom thought he had anger issues because his mom and dad got divorced two months ago. Sure he had been acting different and causing a few fights in his old school but thatā€™s still no reason for his mom to ship him off to a private boarding school 30 minutes away from his home in Cleveland. His mom thought it for the best because of what he had done.

The whole trip up to the stupid school had been in utter silence in the car. Dimitriā€™s mom still couldnā€™t look at him straight in the face. He thought it was because she was afraid of him. The only good thing about starting this school is itā€™s at the start of the semester and itā€™s a mixed gender school. He didnā€™t think he could have survived if it was an all boyā€™s school.

ā€œMom, come on. Just talk to me.ā€ Still nothing. He had pleaded and begged for her to talk to him but itā€™s been almost three weeks since sheā€™s not talked.

Dimitri was finally at his new school. It didnā€™t look too bad. The building looked new and wasnā€™t falling apart. He liked it so far. His mom stopped the car outside the dorm house were he would spend his next year, unloaded his stuff and got back inside her car. Dimitri got out and moved his suitcases to the front door. She rolled down her window ready to say something but instead she waved and drove right off. No ā€˜goodbyeā€™ or ā€˜Iā€™ll miss youā€™ just nothing. Even though he suspected she would do something like that he was still in shock when a hand gripped his shoulder. Dimitri nearly punched the guy behind him but the guy had amazing reflexes.

ā€œEasy. I was just going to ask you your name so I can show you your room.ā€ He didnā€™t know why he nearly attacked everyone that looked at him recently but he did and he couldnā€™t help himself.

ā€œSorry. Instant thought when a hand grips your shoulder.ā€ The guy holding the clip board smiled back at him. Dimitri felt better knowing the guy wasnā€™t holding a grudge. He cleared his throat. ā€œMy names Dimitri Young.ā€

ā€œHi Dimitri, welcome to Andrews Osborne Academy, Iā€™m Cole and Iā€™ll be in charge of the Crosby dorm. Any questions or any problems you come to me.ā€ He couldnā€™t believe this guy was in charge, I mean he only looked a year older than Dimitri. Cole was a little shorter than him and looked like he worked out in a gym seven days of the week; he also had sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes and had a tan like he lived in California or something.

ā€œYeah, I have a question. Do I really have to share with Skater boy?ā€ Dimitri instantly turned around, recognizing the voice straight away. He couldnā€™t believe he was looking at his best friend, Jake. He hadnā€™t seen him in over a year. Jakeā€™s family moved but he didnā€™t know Jake moved to a boarding school. He looked different; his hair was shorter and looked almost black now. Jake was also taller and had more mussels but the one thing that hadnā€™t changed was how blue his eyes were.

Dimitri started laughing knowing this was going to be one fun semester until he saw the ghost of the girl he was accused of killing.

Chapter 1

Haunting me.

After seeing the ghost Dimitri was happy to be in his new room with Jake. There were several houses in the campus but Dimitriā€™s and Jakeā€™s house was called The Crosby dorm. That was the smallest dorm on the whole campus but the good thing about The Crosby dorm was it was only for seniors. Dimitriā€™s room was on the second floor, number 5. When he opened the door with his own set of keys he couldnā€™t believe his emerald green eyes. The room was bigger than his old bedroom. It was large enough for four people to live in but he liked that it was only two. The room had two double beds in them, a desk, a wardrobe, a set of drawers and a window of a view of the beach which they were allowed to go to at the weekends. Dimitri and Jake also had a cupboard each and a sink in the room. Dimitri thought his mom was sending him to hell not heaven. But he had that thought too soon. On his desk was his class schedule. He couldnā€™t remember picking his subjects for here but then he realised his mom must have picked them for him. When he looked at them he was surprised to see that he liked all of his subjects.

Period 1 ā€“ English (He liked English and was good at writing poetry which always won the girls over but he  didnā€™t want to think about girls at this moment.)

Period 2 ā€“ P.E (Every boyā€™s favourite subject.)

Period 3 ā€“ Chemistry (You got to blow things up.)


Period 4 ā€“ Study (aka goofing off.)

Period 5 ā€“ Maths (Not his favourite subject but not his worst.)

Period 6 ā€“ French (He was good at speaking French.)


Period 7 ā€“ History (He had always enjoyed learning about the past.)

Period 8 ā€“ Drama (He loved pretending to be someone else.)

End of Lessons

He was still looking at his schedule when Jake walked in to his room. At first he didnā€™t even notice him until he took the piece of paper out of hand and started comparing his to Dimitriā€™s. He started laughing when he saw he had drama class.

ā€œWhy on earth did you pick drama?ā€ Jake had never cared about what he got on tests or what his attitude was towards the teachers but Dimitri was different he looked deeper in to his soul and was always a good boy that was until three weeks ago.

ā€œYeah I didnā€™t have a choice in my subjects. My mom thought it would be funny putting me in such a shit class.ā€ The truth was after everything that had happened he really couldnā€™t care about getting good grades or having respect for teachers or going to classes he once used to love, all he cared about now was to forget about the dead girl he had just seen.

ā€œEarth to Skater boy. I said the bathroomā€™s down the hall and the TVā€™s down stairs next to the girlā€™s dorm.ā€ He wiggled his eyebrows which made Dimitri laugh. He had forgotten all about the dead girl and everything else that had happened.

Later on Dimitri and Jake were all unpacked and catching up when a very small and cheerful girl walked straight in the room. She reminded Dimitri as a small pixie. She had the pixie features to her face and had a black pixie hair cut. The pixie also walked like a ballerina dances; elegant and gracefully. She looked at Dimitri with her little brown eyes with curiosity. Dimitri looked at Jake who just shrugged and walked over to the girl. Jake was at least a foot taller than the girl but she still managed to slap him full force on the jaw. Dimitri didnā€™t know where to look. He wasnā€™t sure if he should leave them or if he should stay and watch the show. He decided to stay. Jake grabbed his jaw and looked at the little pixie with huge eyes and a shocked expression. The girl looked very angry, she had her hands on her hips and her face was turning a red colour.

ā€œYou think your soooo cleaver Jake Mathews but youā€™re not. Just because youā€™re my step brother doesnā€™t give you the right to nearly sleep and break all my friendsā€™ hearts during the summer. Especially Lisa! What did she ever do to you? I mean you broke up with her when she was going through a rough time. Thatā€™s low Jake even for you.ā€

The little pixie was furious and Jake seemed a little smug with what she had said. Dimitri stared at Jake and the girl. He remembered her now, Jakeā€™s mom remarried to Jakes step dad who already had a daughter the same age. She looked young for her age but she was very intelligent. Dimitri recalled her name to be either Emily or Ever or something else. They were still just looking at each other until Jake started speaking to her.

ā€œOkay. I admit it; I was a selfish, horrible boyfriend towards Lisa. She didnā€™t deserve what I did to her especially after everything that she had been through the past year. But Emily your friends are hot, so Iā€™m not going to apologise for any of that.ā€

That just got Jake another slap in the mouth. He was doing so well up until that point.

ā€œJust stay the hell away from Clare!ā€

ā€œLike I would want to go out with the girl that never speaks!ā€ Dimitri couldnā€™t help but wonder why the girl they were talking about didnā€™t speak. Dimitri remembered when he tried the silent treatment when his friend died.

Emily was about to leave the room when her eyes lay upon Dimitri. It was like she had just noticed he was in the room lying on his bed. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of him which just made Jake uncomfortable. Emily walked straight over to Dimitriā€™s bed and sat at the edge.

ā€œHey Dimitri. Long time no see. Itā€™s been like what? Two years? You look great. So you have a girlfriend?ā€

Dimitri didnā€™t know what to say to any of that especially when a dead ex girlfriend was watching you at the door. He wasnā€™t sure to look at her or to look at Emily. He decided to block the dead girl out his head by concentrating on Em.

ā€œYeah Iā€™m good Em. I know itā€™s been too long, feels longer than nearly two years.ā€

He would have carried on talking if it wasnā€™t for Jakeā€™s moaning and the ghost talking to Dimitri. No matter how many times he blinked his eyes she wouldnā€™t go away. He hadnā€™t saw the ghost in nearly a whole week but this was the first time heā€™d saw her outside of his old home. She usually liked to surprise him while he was sleeping. Maybe this was his punishment for what he had done. Maybe he deserved to be haunted for the rest of his life. He sure felt like he deserved it anyway.

ā€œDimitriā€™s been a bad boy.ā€ The ghost sang to him.

That voice had haunted him for two weeks straight. It still sent shivers up his spine. She was still wearing the clothes she had died in. The low riding jeans that Dimitri couldnā€™t keep his eyes off of when he first saw her in them, the black tight top that left nothing to the imagination, the ankle heels and the necklace Dimitri had bought her and gave to her the night she died in his arms. He soon snapped back to the

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