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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donโ€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online ยป Fiction ยป The Fursana Massacre by TadpoleKat (best romance ebooks .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Fursana Massacre by TadpoleKat (best romance ebooks .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author TadpoleKat

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"I'm too late", TadpoleKat started to cry.
"It's ok TadpoleKat"
"No it's not Blackwolf! It's the complete oppisite

of fine"
"TadpoleKat...I'm so sor-"
"Shut up

Blackwolf! I don't need your apologies! You have no idea what it's like! It's like having a piece of you taken away and ripped to pieces... never

to be returned." TadpoleKat started to break down again. Her fur started to stand on end like the spines of a cactus, ready to sting anybody who dared to approach her...

Over to a Friends

ring ring ring

The phone started to ring "I'll get it!" Shouted TadpoleKat. "This is the Furry residence, who is this?"
"Hey TadpoleKat it's me Balckwolf."
"Hey Blackwolf! What's up?"
"Nothing, just wondering if you could come over later."
"I'm not sure, I'll ask my mom."
"Mom!" TadoleKat Shouted, "Blackwolf wants to know if I can come over!"
"Oh sure Sweety! just make sure that your not too late!"
"Yes ma'am!" She said thankfully., "Ok Blackwolf, my mom says I can come over. I'll be there in a minute"
TadpoleKat got in her favorite outfit with her armwarmers. Bye TacoKat! Be good baby girl. She picked up TacoKat and hugged her tight. "I love you baby girl. Bye Mom! See you later" "Ok. Love you too.", She said. TadpoleKat walked out the door and got in her FireBreather "Hey baby girl miss me?" She said as she kissed her car. She loved her car. "Nya" mewed TacoKat "TacoKat! What're you doing?" "Nya!" "Aww come here baby girl." TacoKat jumped into TadpoleKat's arms and snuggled with here. "Alright, you can come with me. "Nya!" She mewed excitedly! " Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya!" She jumped up and down "Hahaha" TadpoleKat stiffled a purr.
"Ok calm down." "Nya!" TadpoleKat started the car. "Sit down TacoKat." TadpoleKat backed out of the drive way and started her way down to Blackwolf's house. When TadpoleKat finally arrived, TacoKat excitedly jumped out of the car. Blackwolf met up with them.
"Hey TadpoleKat!"
"Oh, hey TacoKat!"
"Hey Blackwolf, how are you?"
"Oh you know, same old, same old."
"Yeah, same here. So hows CoCoa?"
"Oh he's not doing so good. He's getting better though, the sezuires finally stopped."
"Oh, well I'm sorry but yet glad."
"Yeah same here"
"Well come on then, let's go!"
"Go where?"
"We're going to your favorite place!"
"OMG! We're going to Banana Land!?!"
"...uh, no...."
"Aww." She said dissaointedly
"Well let's go!"
"Wait, where are

we going?!"
"You'll see when we get there."
"Ok..." She said sadly and dissapontedly.

An Old Friend, and An Old Enemy

"TadpoleKat, where are we going!?" Blackwolf complained. "I told you, you'll see when we get there." TadpoleKat said very annoyed. "Ugh!" Black wolf complained. She was becoming very inpatient. She hated when TadpoleKat wouldn't tell her stuff. For what seemed like years, the finally arrived. "Blue Bayou!?!" Exclaimed Blackwolf with excitement, "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!" "Nya!" Mewed TacoKat. "Nya nya nya nya nya!" They both lauged. "Ok calm down" TadpoleKat said. "Nya" Mewed TacoKat understandingly. "Good girl." TadpoleKat said approvingly.
Just then, something caught her eyes. There standing at the gate stood her old friend Skyler. She hadn't seen him in years, for he had moved away to Africa. He had become extremely handsome over the years. His sky blue fur, his gorgeous tangorine eyes, his perfect face, just seemed to be the most beautiful thing in the world. Just then Skyler saw her. He automaticlly straightened up and walked over to her. As he did he yelled " Yo TadpoleKat is that really you?!" Everything played in slow motion, his eyes so bright and kind, she just melted right then and there like butter. His smile was like heaven. "Hey TadpoleKat!" She blushed, her face was as red as a poppy. "Long time no see!" he said. "Oh, hey Skyler." She said shyly, "How was Africa?"
"Well, to tell you the truth, it wasn't as good as I expected."
"Oh really, why not?"
"Because", He said, "It didn't have you"
TadpoleKat stared right into his eyes, and he stared right back. For that moment, she felt complete and total bliss. Her heart was pounding like a drum. Then he leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. She felt like she was about to faint. She then realized, what love was. She couldn't explain, she could just feel it. It was one of those things that you could only know what it was, if you were there. It would be one of those things you would just automaticlly know what it was. And, for the first time, TadpoleKat was there, experiencing it. The kiss felt as if was there forever and ever. She hope it would never end, but it did, and when it did, they looked at eachother in a way they or anybody else had never looked at them. Then, they saw Amy, the snooty rich girl. "Aww, isn't that sweet?" She said with her disguisted look on her face.
"What do you want Amy?" Skyler said with his lips drawn back in a snarl.
"Oh, nothing. I just heard that you were back in town Sky."
"Back off Amy, you guys broke up a long time ago."
"Shut up TadpoleKat!"
"Make me" She said with a snarl on her face. A growl comming from the back of her throat. Her eyes a fire abyss. Her fur standing on end.
"You don't scare me." Said Amy with a wicked smile on her face.
"Is that a challenge?" She said threateningly.
"Oh no, no. I wouldn't dream of hurting you. I mean I'm a good spotsman, so I don't go after things that don't have a chance." She said still holding that wicked smile.
"Just back off Amy', Said Blackwolf.
"Oh, I will. But just know this, I always

win." She said still holding that wicked smile. With that she walked off.
"Don't worry about her TadpoleKat" Said Skyler
"It's ok, I'm just pissed off that she came here."
"Don't worry" Said Skyler affectionetly. Then he leaned over and kissed her right on the lips passionetly. There was that feeling again. That total and complete bliss. They stayed like that for minutes. When they finally stopped TadpoleKat stared right into his eyes, and said "I love you" And she ment it with all her heart. Then, Skyler said with a smile "I love you more" TadpoleKat stayed with him, she never wanted to leave his side, ever.

Just a Little Fun

"Come on Guys!" Said Blackwolf, "Let's go, I'm ready to go and have some fun!" "Just a second!" Said TadpoleKat "Come on Skyler, let's go." "Nya!"
"Come on TacoKat!"
"Well who's this cute little fella?" said Skyler.
"Oh, this is TacoKat."
"Nya!" she said with a little squeak. "Nya! Nya! Nya! Nya!"
"hahaha" They both stiffled a purr.
"Come on!"

Said Blackwolf impatiently.
"Alright alright." Said TadpoleKat "We're comming."
When they bought their tickets they ran rian right through those gates they were ready for some fun
"Nya!" said TacoKat excitedly. They couldn't wait until they got to do what they came here for, The Regergitater! Just then, TadpoleKat saw Toxic her bestfriend! "Toxic!" yelled TadpoleKat " Over here!"
"Oh hey TadpoleKat"
"How are you doing?"
"Good, you?"
"Hey TacoKat"
" Hey Blackwolf how're you?"
" Good"
" Hey Toxic, you wanna go ride the Regergitater with us? " asked Skyler
"Sure! " Toxics Neon green eyes lit up like a light bulb " You guys wanna do something first?! " She said with those bright eyes filled with excitement.
" What is it ?" they all said in unison, except for TacoKat who simply said "Nya?"
" I'll show you!" They all looked at each other with concern and worry in their eyes.
As they walked, TacoKat was jumping up and down trying to get somebody to carry her, she mewed and cried . Finally TadpoleKat gave in. "Come on TacoKat" TadpoleKat said annoyed but yet amused, TacoKat Jumped up on TadpoleKat's head. TadpoleKat and Skyler couldn't,t help but stifflle a purr. They all laughed and TacoKat just mewed with happiness.
"We're here" said Toxic
"Where" said Blackwolf.
She opened a door and motioned them inside. TadpoleKat and Skyler looked at each other with concern but they followed Toxic into the door. TacoKat started to feel to uneasy and so was everybody else. But Toxic seemed completely and totally calm. But she had always been a trouble maker so she's a proffesianl at this stuff. Surprised? To tell you the truth none of us were. Again, she was always a trouble maker. But that's why we love her.
"Ok, this way!" she said as she turned to the right.
"Where are we going Toxic!?" Asked TadpoleKat
"Just a little secret place I found a few days ago."
Now they were really concerned.
They started to walk up some stairs then they came to a door.
" here it is." she said.
They opened a door and they were at the top of an old abandoned water ride. Then Toxic pulled out a

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