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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Rosemarie's Diary by Aurora Kryan (a book to read txt) 📖

Book online «Rosemarie's Diary by Aurora Kryan (a book to read txt) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

Sat. May 16, 2045
Dear diary,
I am so lonely these days. I have nothing to do in the day time at night I go bowling Skyway lanes, the floating bowling alley. I have no husband to look after me or children to rise and I’m only 25. I would just love to have children to look after. Well not young children. Well I would love to write more but I have to do my laundry but first I’m going to go for a walk.

I sigh and set my wireless diary down on the night stand and flung the covers off my legs. I walked over to my mirror that was in my room and pulled my thick light brown hair into a ponytail and said.“You are so alone in this house all by yourself Rosemarie.

I put on my blue jeans and disturbed t-shirt to go for my walk. I stuffed my mp3 in my pocket. I have always enjoyed antiques and the mp3 player was a favorite early twenty-first century find I enjoy.

People always said I still dressed and acted like a young girl born in the wrong era and I guess there right. The only other thing I have in my closet other than t-shirts are the tank tops I wear when I work out and the dress up tops I wear to work. Work…I had to work tomorrow, joy yet another day at Alco.

I pushed the thought of work to the back of my head and looked around to see where I was. I had made it to the park without realizing it. I smiled at the bright sunshine and started to walk off of the normal path like I had done many times before. I walked out to a big weeping willow it looked like a good place to sit.

So I did and took out my mp3 player and indulged myself in some classic songs from 2010. I stuck one of the headphones in my ear and set it to random. I heard a noise from the other side of the tree. I looked around and saw her just as she flinched away from me. I held out my hand and told her it was ok.

“Where are your parents little one?”


Dead, how sad, she was so young and also wondering in a park?

“Hey what’s your name?”

“Anne Lynn.”

“I’m Rosemarie Hale.”

I looked at her. She had deep green eyes and blond hair. She wore a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt.

“How old are you Anne?”

“I’m 14.”

Fourteen was older than I expected.

“So do you have a place to live?”

“Yes, I can show you.”

.I nodded and she took me through the park to a set of trees. I can’t believe how trusting she was. I looked at the trees and saw that there was a yellow hammock type thing in between the two. Under it was a blue book. I looked back at Anne and smiled wide.

“Hey Anne would you like to come live with me for a while?”

“That sounds nice.”

“Well then why don’t we go now?”


She really was trusting. What happened to not talking to strangers? I smiled at her as we made our way back to my house. I started thinking again. She was still young, though not as young as some of children that lose their parents but it still difficult. I don’t know what would be worse losing your parents young and not have any time with them, or have them die when you’re older and know what you’re missing from them. I’m glad I still have my father at least.

“Welcome to my little home.”

“I like the color. Blue’s my favorite.”

“Really I prefer red, but a red house would look weird next to all these white and yellow ones.”

She laughed at my idea. She had such a nice laugh. I opened the door and began to wonder what my house looked like to her. I had nothing fancy, even if my father had a lot of money because he was an interstellar lawyer. My walls were plain aside from the art I had on them and the few tiger holograms I had on the tables. It was so boring. I decided to take her to her room.

“Anne, if you would like you can sleep in the guest room. That’s about the only bed other than mine.”

“That’s fine. Whatever you say, I am a guest after all.”

I nodded at her and opened the door. Anne’s face lit up with excitement as she looked at the light blue walls of the guest room.

“Here why don’t you set your book on the bed for now?”

“I want to keep it, it’s my diary.”

“You have a diary too?”

I showed her the black leather one I had taken to write in at the park before I found her. She slowly touched the cover that had a tiger stamped into it.

“It’s so pretty. I hate to stay here too long but how long can I stay?”

I looked at her, at the empty bed, at the mirror that had a reflection and back at Anne. I didn’t need to think long to come to an answer but I had to ask her.

“Anne I know it must be hard for you but would you like to stay here forever?”

“Forever, as in like be adopted by you?”

“If you don’t mind it being just you and me?”

“Well I think that sounds like a good idea. Do you think I could have a new diary?”

“Of course you can.”

“Then I want to write one last page in this one.”

I nodded and let her write in her diary. I headed down stairs to do the laundry and find something for her to wear to bed. When I walked back upstairs to Anne’s room she was half asleep.

“Hey sleepy head you might want to close your diary before you collapse onto it.”

“Your right, I should go to sleep. Here I want you to put this somewhere safe please. It has everything in there since the day my parents died.”

I took the book and hugged her. She stiffened at first but returned the hug. I told her good night and walked to the living room. I knew I shouldn’t have looked at her diary but I wanted to know more about her.

Dear diary,
Today is so sad for me. I saw my parents get killed. We were in a hover car accident. I was thrown out of the car. I wasn’t hurt bad so I went to check on my parents but I saw mom was dead and so I ran away from the car accident. The only thing that I have from that is this wireless diary, this diary that we just bought at Space-Mart, and was the last thing my mother touched before she died. I don’t know what I will do now but I will keep this diary to write in. I will keep this diary as a reminder of this horrible day. And I will keep this diary to remember them.

I turned the page to the back and read what she had just written.

Dear diary,
I know I said I would keep you and write in you, that I would keep you as a memory. But I don’t want to keep those bad memories anymore. I want to keep the good ones that will happen from now on. I want to write memories of Rosemarie but I can’t write about her in you. Not if she is to be my new mom. So this will be my last entry. But I want to say that I will never forget my parents just because I will have a new mother. But I will continue to write about my life in a new diary, just like I am going to start a new life.

After a few minutes I set it in the antique treasure chest that had my mother’s stuff. Later that night I slid into my bed and began to write in my diary.

dear diary,
Well I had the most interesting day. I went to the park for a walk and came home with a new daughter. Well she will be. I plan to adopt her. Her name is Anne Lynn she is a very pretty 14 year old and an orphan. She was so trusting at first and it was kind of weird for me. But when I read her diary I learned why. Her mother and father had died in a car crash, so had my mother. She wants to be happy again and so she talks to anyone that will talk to her. Now that I understand why she acts like she does, I want to be the best mother I can for her.


Publication Date: 05-24-2011

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