Why Won't He Date Me? by Redhead16 MLM (readict books .TXT) 📖

- Author: Redhead16 MLM
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Why Won't He Date Me?
KarrieAnn applied a final lip gloss touch up. "l'm ready!" she cried. Today was special, she'd ask Daniel to love her. She already had yesterday. So he was a little grumpy, what of it? His exact words were, "l've got a feeling you'll keep asking, even if l say no for the tenth time. l don't like you, and never will!" She got into her car, stopped at Mcdonald's for a couple mochas, and left. She sang for Daniel when she got there. Daniel quickly ducked into the boys bathroom.
"l gotta get rid of her," he told Dustin. Dustin smirked. KarrieAnn waltzed through the school, calling Daniel. "Dork," muttered Haley to her clique. They giggled. "Boy chaser," the sidekick whispered. "LBR. Loser Beyond Repair." said another. Everyone agreed KarrieAnn was very near the bottom of the social scene.
"Daniel!" KarrieAnn cooed. She tried to stop by his locker, but he wasn't there.
"There you are!" she said to him. Then the bell rang. KarrieAnn's young math teacher furrowed her brows. "Do you have a pass?" she gently asked. KarrieAnn showed her the office pass she had photocopied.
"Loser!" Haley coughed. Mrs. Anderson glared at her. KarrieAnn just zipped through math like no tomorrow. She read a book about a girl who had already broken the heart of every single boy in school except one. But he rejected her every single time, even though she truly was in love. "l'm glad that's not me," KarrieAnn said out loud. Everyone snickered and texted their friends.
KarrieAnn stared at her long blond hair after math. Something did not seem right. "More hairspray," she decided. She sprayed so much hairspray a boy with asthma had to take five puffs. The redhead beside her wrinkled her nose and swatted the air.
"No wonder Kelci's swatting the air. The place smells like wet dog. " Haley whispered. Giggles. "This isn't funny, Haley." said the boy with asthma.
"Yeah, it's overwhelming. Come take a whiff." Kelci said. Haley smelled the air.
"OMG!" she cried.
KarrieAnn wrote...Daniel... a note.
"He'll want me after he reads this." she said. She slipped the note in his locker. She had left a little perfume and a lipstick stain on it. The note was very important to her.
Daniel opened his locker to get his astronomy book out. A note fell out. It was from KarrieAnn. He grinned. Maybe it says she hates me. Maybe if l've hurt her yesterday, she got mad. Maybe... He stopped when he saw the stain and smelled the perfume. His heart raced. He read it, and felt himself turning red.
Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Love Me:
1. A hot guy deserves a hot girl.
2. I'm cute.
3. I like you.
4. I love you.
5. I'm the hottest girl in school.
6. You're the hottest boy in school.
7. You love me.
8. You are adorable.
9. I'm hot.
10. We'd make the perfect couple!!!!!
Daniel felt a pain in his stomach. He threw it away. He turned around and came face to face with KarrieAnn.
"You're kidding!" she said.
"Nope. l'm dead serious." he said. KarrieAnn watched him walk away, his long brown curly hair bouncing a little. He didn't like KarrieAnn.
What if she finds out what l am? WHAT IF SHE FINDS OUT WHAT AND WHO I AM???? He decided he would kill himself if she found out. He saw Kelci talk to a jock. He liked Kelci. A lot. He felt jealous every time she talked to another guy. He'd loved her since fifth grade. But she was his ex-girlfriend. It lasted a month. He wanted another chance. Today. He felt so unhappy. He wanted her now. He wanted to cuddle with her. She dated him in sixth grade. She was his first love. His first girlfriend. But he was in high school now. Time to let go.
KarrieAnn saw Daniel look at Kelci. No way.
What does she have that l don't? l have more money, beauty products, and power. And popularity. Why does my future husband want her? Why? It's stalking time. l'll stalk Daniel and then Kelci. She wrote down the plan and hid it in her locker. Daniel glanced back. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. He didn't like it. He pulled his jacket even tighter around his body. He suddenly felt freezing cold. That wasn't a good sign. You know how Spiderman hears a whistle and the screen turns green when he detects danger? Freezing coldness all over was Daniel's way of detecting danger.
Daniel told his best friend Dustin what KarrieAnn did.
"Oh boy." Dustin tried not to laugh.
"Not funny." Daniel said.
"Are you okay dude?" Dustin asked. He touched his forehead. "I've got to get you to the nurse, boy. You're freezing even though it's like seventy five degrees in here." Daniel's mother happened to be the nurse.
"What's wrong?" she asked. "He's freezing cold, Mrs.Tension. He's been also really stressed out because this chick won't leave him alone. He going to be okay?"
"Yes." Dustin shook Daniel's hand and left. Daniel told his mother about KarrieAnn and what she might do to Kelci. "Oh my." Maria Tension covered her mouth. "Oh dear."
KarrieAnn was so upset over Daniel she almost cried. "l'll figure out why he likes Kelci. She has red hair, blue eyes, and is ugly." "She is not. She's one of the most beautiful young women in school." said a girl with weird clothes, funky glasses, and frizzy brown hair. "l want to be her." KarrieAnn rolled her eyes.
KarrieAnn got into her car and followed Daniel's car. Daniel looked in his rearview mirror. "Uh," he started. He couldn't believe what was happening. He drove to a spooky alley, and watched while she drove on. Big mistake. A stray dog barked at the car until he drove on.
Daniel was so nervous he drove by Kelci's house. She was greeting Harley, her mom's cat. Harley had a kitty door and a bright green collar. She also had a whistle Kelci and her mom carried because Harley was a tease. He watched until she locked the door. He noticed KarrieAnn drive by his house. He watched her until she left, then drove home.
Kelci stared at herself in the vanity mirror. Her eyeliner was a little smudged. But she didn't care. She cared about Daniel. But he made a fool of love.
How often must a man rove and lie before he had changed? And how big of a change must it be? She wondered. She was president and makeup artist of the drama club.She knew he got jealous. She wanted to be in his arms again, if only for a moment. She stared at her long red curly hair. She looked at Harley outside. Harley was playing with her BFF and boyfriend and her BFF's husband.
The doorbell rang. She went to open it, and stared at the visitor. It was her. Her hair was black and gorgeous. and she wore a long floral dress and high heels. "Miss me? He's mine!" She grabbed Kelci by the arm and yanked her into the car. Harley and her friends were witnesses.
What can we do? she wondered.
Someone needs to follow them, her boyfriend answered. You warn your owner and l'll warn my owner and the street cats. Everybody else warn his or her owner! Amazingly, a dog couple also saw.
What can be done? asked Chocolate.
The Midnight Bark. It's the only way. said Lucky. The Midnight Bark was a way of animals sending news to each other at dusk.
Daniel was pulling into his driveway when it happened. He saw everything. He cursed himself for letting this happen. He told mother to let her know what happened.
"Oh dear. Don't call your father, l'll call him." she said. Daniel rubbed his hair in utter fear. He felt his stomach churn and gurgle. He felt faint.
"Oh my..." He clutched his chest and stomach. He wanted to clutch at his head also, but didn't. His part-vampire-part-time traveler-part werewolf father appeared in the room. He grasped his son in his arms and fanned him.
"Daniel! Daniel! Are you all right?" he asked. "I...I don't...save her...I must..." "Hush. Now rest." He set him on the couch. Daniel laid down with his hands over his chest. He felt like his ribs were going to explode.
"Shhhhush. I'll find out where she's taking her."
Daniel clutched his hair. Suddenly the doorbell rang. It was Kelci's mother. While the two mothers talked, Daniel tried to locate Kelci. Where are you? WHERE ARE YOU?
Kelci? Talk to me. Where are you?
I don't know. She brought me to the time of Romeo and Juliet. AHH! AHHHHHH!
Kelci? Kelci! Talk to me baby. What is she doing to you now? She wants you now or she'll kill me. Literally. Kelci! Hang on honey! I'll be there soon! Daniel sat up, took his jacket off, and put on the kind of clothes Romeo would wear.
KarrieAnn was pissed off. She cursed Kelci like she did something horrible. Daniel appeared in her room suddenly. He cursed the tights he was wearing, and how silly he felt.
"Where did you come from? Oh well no matter. The important thing is you're here!" KarrieAnn wrapped her arms around his body.
"Stomach......chest....can't breathe......." he stuttered. She let go and batted her eyelashes. She'd been wanting him since preschool and he was finally in her house in her room!
"Listen, I'm not here to have sex. I need your help." he said.
"What is it?" Whatever wish he wanted, she'd grant it!
"I need you to pack all of your dresses and beauty products and other supplies." he said. She started right away. "You'll also need high heels and flats." he said. As soon as she was done, Daniel packed his things and snapped his fingers. KarrieAnn found herself in a lavender dress in a forest.
"I set us back to the time of Romeo and Juliet. But don't think you're Juliet," he added, seeing The Glint In Her Eyes.
"Who is, then?"
"Kelci Rich. I love her so much, you know that."
He turned to the sight of a beautiful red haired figure in a blue dress. "Kelci!"
"Daniel!" He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, even though she wasn't his. KarrieAnn turned away.
"Daniel, I have a boyfriend."
"I could care less. I have you now, that's what's important." Then he noticed scratches along her face, arms, and dress. "What'd she do to you? Oh Kelci, I can't live without you."
"She had a werewolf, and a......what's it called...not a cougar...a...um....it had a dragon's head and a griffin's body...and a snake's tail..."
"Oh!" He hung on to her tightly. He loved her more than life itself. "We have to go to the house. My father's house."
He shrunk the bags, put them in a bag, and led the way to his father's old house.
"I have to find out what she wants with me," he said.
Suddenly, a creature with a dragon's head, a griffin's body, and a snake's tail landed on the ground in front of them. A girl with dark hair, a white dress, and lots of jewelry and makeup got off it. Kelci trembled and hid her face in Daniel's shoulder. "It's fine, honey, it's fine, I-I'm here...don't worry." "Daniel Tension. Kelci Rich. I see you've brought another slut with you." she said. KarrieAnn ground her perfect teeth. "I'll have more luck with sex than you, Queenie!" 'Queenie' frowned. "You don't know what you're dealing with, KarrieAnn Seer!" she shouted. Fugly makeup, ugly hair, wants my boyfriend. I hate her guts. KarrieAnn thought. The woman wore lipstick so red it seemed to block out the sun, eyeshadow
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