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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Maldon Models, Basildon Blondes And Girls From Grays by Paul Curtis (shoe dog free ebook .TXT) 📖

Book online «Maldon Models, Basildon Blondes And Girls From Grays by Paul Curtis (shoe dog free ebook .TXT) 📖». Author Paul Curtis

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What would a super Model say?
When told she's in the family way
Patiently the doctor takes his time
And then she says, “Is it mine”?


I’ll tell you this with no mistake
And I’ll tell you how to make
A Super Model laugh on Sunday
Tell her the joke on Saturday


How can you tell if a Model has been using the computer?
There are many spots of Tippex on the screen of the monitor
How can you tell if her friend has used it while she’s away?
There is writing on the Tippex spots all over the display


Models always smile as bolts of lightning strike
But its not the thunder crashes that the models like
It’s only lightening that makes them strike a pose
They think their being photographed - I suppose


Models are only allowed to take
Thirty minute for their lunch break
Because if an hours break they take
Retraining they must undertake


It’s good to have a Model in your car
If you have trouble parking near or far
As a Model passenger with a pretty face
Allows you to park in a disabled space

A young ventriloquist is working on the circuit of bars and pubs
Occasionally he manages to get a couple of evenings at nightclubs
Normally he will perform his act to a room full of drunken blokes
On one such night he’s doing his usual act including blonde jokes
When a big blonde woman in the front stands on her chair and says
"I’m sick to death of demeaning blonde jokes and your sexist ways
Tell me why does my hair color effect my worth as a human being?
Why do you stereotype blonde women that way its very demeaning?”
Embarrassed he began to apologize only getting out a word or three
"You stay out of this, I'm talking to that little bastard on your knee!"


I think that this is worth a try
To put a sparkle in a Models eye
The only way it will work I fear
Is to shine a torch into her ear


Bigfoot is unlike a smart Model
And that’s certainly always been
Because unlike an intelligent model
A Bigfoot has actually been seen


UFO’s are very like smart Models
And the thing they have in common
Is you're always hearing about them
But no one has actually ever seen one


Well the mating call of the common blonde is “I think I’m drunk”
While the ugly blonde has a much louder call “I SAID I'M DRUNK”
Then the mating call of the brunette “all the blondes have gone”
And finally the mating call of the redhead. “I’m the last one”


A Blondes favorite nursery rhyme?
At first the question stumped me
But after careful consideration
It has to be Humpme Dumpme


The first thing the eighteen thirty girls do
Next morning is introduce themselves to you
Not all girls behave this way as they roam
Sometimes they get up and just go home


Three blondes were walking in a desert land
When they found a lamp lying in the sand
Rubbing from the lamp the sand they cleared
Then with a puff of smoke a genie appeared
Saying, “To show my gratitude this I will do”
"I will grant three wishes, one for each of you."
"I wish I was more intelligent,” the first said
The genie nodded and she became a redhead
The second said, "I wish I were smarter yet"
With another nod and she became a brunette
The third said, “I wish to be smarter, if I can”
“Than both of them” So she became a man


What Eighteen thirty girls
Do after sex
Is open the car door
And shout out next!


Soppy Susie the vacuous blonde student
Was sat in class trying to make the grade
When the teacher asked her if she knew
What the decision was in Roe Vs Wade
Finally she thought she had the answer
After quite a while of just sitting there
"It’s the decision George Washington
Made before he crossed the Delaware."


Eighteen thirty girls will say after having sex
Something polite though nothing to complex
You’d never accuse these girls of being wise
But after sex they always say “Thanks Guys”


Why do eighteen thirty girls
Reach climax?
So they know when
To stop having sex!


I have a simple question that wont let me relax
How can you determine as a matter of fact?
Whether they’re on their fronts or their backs
When an eighteen thirty girl reaches climax?
If really difficult to tell when she never reacts
Some say, “who cares” and just make tracks
Does she drops her nail-file or ask for a snack
Or does the bloke behind slap you on the back


Peach and Bimbette were walking down the street
When one spots a compact lying on the concrete
Peach bends down and picks it up from the gutter
She opens it, looks in the mirror and starts to mutter
"Hmm, this person looks very familiar you know"
“I know her but I cant think where from though”
Taking the compact Bimbette says "let me see!"
She looks at it and says "You dumb bitch it's me!"


If an eighteen thirty girl wont let you sin
You just have to persevere and not give in
If you believe you have her on the brink
Just ask her “Do you want another drink”?


A photographer had to go to Bimbette and say
That his models father had just passed away
Understandably Bimbette was quite distraught
So he told her to go home because she ought
After she left, he got to thinking that he should
Have told her that he’d do anything that he could
So he decided he’d go to her house to see her
When he arrived she was siting alone as it were
On the front porch crying even harder than before
"What’s wrong now Bimbette" he began to explore
Sobbing she said, "I just spoke with my sister Sue”
“And she just told me that her father just died too"


Peach and Bimbette one day were walking in the woods
And found something on the ground where they stood
Peach bends down and says, “Look these are Bear marks”
Bimbette looked and disagreed with her friends remarks
“What are you on? They aren't bear marks you dummy”
'They're obviously deer prints” she says “Cant you see?”
It’s not clear how long they argued to be perfectly honest
Next day’s paper read: Two models hit by train in forest


There were two models
Bimbette and Peach
Who once stole a calendar
And got six months each


Peach, Bimbette and Soiree spent
Over twenty minutes looking vacant
At an orange juice can staring straight
Because the label read "concentrate."


She's always turns up late
It’s seems to be a family trait
When her ancestors arrived
They somehow contrived
Arriving at Plymouth Rock
Late to everyone’s shock
I think that the tardy shower
Sailed on the June flower


A super model named Bimbette one day
Was bragging to her model friend Soiree
About her knowledge of world capitals
While sitting round with some model pals
She said proudly, "Go ahead and ask me”
“I know them all just you wait and see"
So Soiree asks for the capital of Germany
Bimbette replies, "Oh, that's easy its G"


When Models Bimbette and Soiree heard
That ninety- percent of accidents occurred
Around the home so it had been proved
They decided it was time that they moved


Super models should I think
Wash their hair in the sink
It’s where you should be able
To safely wash a vegetable


Its not just that models are fickle
The reason they don’t eat pickles
It’s their heads that are the problem
And that’s where the causes stem
Though it may seem a little bizarre
Its coz they can't get them in the jar


The way to help a blonde
Get a positive pregnancy test
Is to ejaculate into her shoes
And then let the flies do the rest


Well the difference between
A skinny blonde schmuck
And a counterfeit dollar
Is that one's a phony buck


I suppose I’ve often thought
Why blonde jokes are so short?
They would say in their wisdom
Its so men can remember them.


A little blonde girl comes home from school
Very exited with news for her mum to submit
"Mummy, mummy today we learnt how to count
The others got to five but I got to ten good init
"Yes darling, very good, what a clever girl
You’ve done ever so well I have to admit”
"Is it because I’m blonde mummy?" "Yes darling,
Its because your blonde", ”yes it is mummy isn’t it”

Next day the girl comes home from school
Very exited with news for her mum to submit
"Mummy, mummy today we learnt the alphabet
The others got to k but I got up to z good init
"Yes darling, very good, what a clever girl
You’ve done ever so well I have to admit”
"Is it because I’m blonde mummy?" "Yes darling,
Its because your blonde", ”yes it is mummy isn’t it”

Next day the girl comes home from school
Very exited with something for her mum to see
"Mummy, today we went swimming, and well,
All the other girls are flat chested but look at me!"
She proceeds to show her breasts to her mum
"Yes darling, you are a very big girl I can see"
"Is it because I’m blonde mummy?" "No darling,
"You have big breasts because you're twenty three"


I think that a blonde
Would be called
Who has half a brain
Well Gifted


The brain cells
Of a blonde crone
Will almost inevitably
Die all Alone


Bimbette and Peaches
Thought they couldn’t use
There AM radio in the afternoon
In their view


My blonde girlfriend
Is dumb to the core
She asks for price checks
At the pound store


An 18-30 girl turns the light on
After a seeing too
by kicking open the car door
With a white shoe


Why do 18-30 girls have more fun?
While they’re on the

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