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Read books online » Fiction » There are mates, then there are mates ;) by JH (superbooks4u TXT) 📖
  • Author: JH

Book online «There are mates, then there are mates ;) by JH (superbooks4u TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author JH

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Out of gas? Why don’t add a little magic to the mix?

Please read book one, there are mates and then there are mates- he may be alpha but i'm omega first. This is an extension/book two. Thank you all so much for your support, heart- favorite comment and enjoy :)

You’d think they’d be a gas station near to a palace wouldn't you? At least a few miles out- perhaps five at a push? But no, there wasn't.
This oh so brilliantly simple plan was starting to go sour and my mood was going with it, thunder rumbled above my head. Both Oz and Damien went to reach for my hands to calm me down before I started a downpour but I shrugged them off. I was in no mood for this bull. This side of the road was still in direct pack territory and we couldn't afford this stupid set back!
I growled my wolf pacing back and forth, my shifter sitting there pruning its feathers looking disapprovingly at my wolf. Screw this, I wasn't going to wait around.
Getting out of the car I made sure the hand break was off and started pushing. Who needs gas when you’ve got werewolf strength? The boys just laughed at me
The boys, my boys.
Why does the apocalypse have to coincide with me being the happiest I’ve ever been? I mean if the apocalypse wasn’t their I’d be lounging about with possibly the best people on the planet, it doesn't matter that I was in love with two of them I loved the other two equally, they were pack.
It was pretty nice to just run, but what we were running into was pretty scary. I’ve never met a proper witch and although I’m pretty sure I could take one I don’t know whether I could take the whole coven. I have my own brand of magic, my own creepy abilities- heck I don’t even know what I am the possibilities are endless.

My gut was my compass- but it wasn’t heading where I’d thought north was pointing, this was actually a little off key but if there‘s one thing great about being brought up in a werewolf pack it‘s that it teaches you how to be in tune with your gut. Eventually I just stopped running, holding onto the car making sure it didn’t continue to stream off into wherever. The boys looked out of breath and incredibly windswept, it was quite a sight and I didn’t even attempt to hide my snigger
 but then my stomach lurched and I nearly spewed my guts. Freddie and George where screaming in pain, Oz was looking panicked and Damien crying blood tears. I knew the sickness I felt, it wasn’t my pain it was theirs, my packs.
I searched for the threat, but I couldn’t see one- I couldn’t smell one- the air didn’t taste of evil it tasted like grass. But I could hear one, a soft chanting was echoing throughout our surroundings. And that’s when I took it in, vast plains of green and yellow. Sunflowers and grass weed. The chanting got louder once I opened up my mind. Of course when I did the pain of my pack increased tenfold. “STOP” I commanded my invisible attackers praying they‘d listen, I turned and pressed my hands to my pack root (my latest handmade tatoo upon my breastbone) and their pain stopped.

I cranked my neck with a click and towered up to confront the witches anger was tinting my vision. I could feel my bones crack as I extended my powers to the surface of my being-it was a threat, not the empty bark of a wolf but the purity of an omega and boy do we mean business.
We were looking for the witches but they ended out finding me, I would have gone right past them had they not have hurt my friends I’d have blamed the gut feeling on the marshmellow pizza I had earlier.
Heck I wasn’t even looking for this pack, sunflower coven so named because of the sunflowers of their plains. I heard they used them within the moon months to heal their ill, I of course could do this with a small amount of blood or spit. Of course they were still the closest thing to governors the supernatural world had, they had a spell to bring any beasty to its knees and could remain undisturbed for centuries with the wards they put up. I was probably just bad mouthing them because I was angry but what can ya do I’m a teenager.

My bones continued to buldge, senses on high and I could see the veil. I could see the ward that hid the sunflower covens village, the witches gathered all together holding hands channeling their powers. I could hear their voices waver as I reached out my hands the skin of which had a glowing green sheen and began to pull at the veil. It was a bit like a wispy cling film, I could tell I was touching it but I couldn’t really feel it with my hands more like with my magic. My wolf could smell their fear and that’s when I realised my own image.
Of course my pack was in danger but why should I try to harm another race who didn’t know anything but a foreign power enter their territory. Though that wasn’t really any excuse for them to attack my friends.

I stepped back, “Don’t take this as weakness, take this as strength and respect to your own race
 I came for help
My name is Tara DivinoSalvador Omega
and I’m going to reunite the keys. Sunflower coven, those who have remained undisturbed for so long, forgive me for my intrusion and I shall forgive you for harming my friends
I beg passage.”

Who said I couldn’t be diplomatic when I wanted to be?
I didn’t realise that the guys couldn’t see the pack until I caught a glimpse of Freddies thoughts ^Crap Tara’s lost it^.
A woman stepped forward, she looked old but I knew she was older still. Radiating power, symbols of Nyx and Apollo hanging from her neck she was the leader their ‘eye‘. I turned my head to her and she returned the gesture then with a flick of her own risk a hole began to form.
“Quickly, you and your friends may enter.”
I heard a little suction noise and turned to see all four boys with little O shaped mouths.
I lifted them into the air with my mind and pulled them through the hole with me.

witches, weres and getting bare.

The village was beautiful but something seemed off. Their schools took shape in the form of cabins, open fires and wells and crops it was like stepping into the past.
“My name is Alliana, apologies for the assault we’ve been having a spot of bother recently and you triggered a ward.”
A small smile formed across my lips but Oz growled. Alphas really don’t take kindly to threats. Freddie and George hid behind Oz and Damien stood near to me.

“Well hopefully similar occurrences will not occur again in the duration of our stay.”
“Hopefully.” She smiled back at me, respect for the woman blossomed in my heart- she was cautious and protective of her coven and was in many ways her own omega.

“Come child, we will make you a home and you shall introduce yourselves to the rest of my coven over Dine.”

Only then did I realise the villagers I’d witnessed earlier had vanished. “Where did they go?”
Alliana smiled once more and her voice echoed with more warmth then before “My ancestors come and go as they please, rarely do they reveal themselves to outsiders. That tells me a great deal of your powers, I both fear and envy that your little display earlier was truly only a fraction of your destiny.”
“I fear it too.” my voice sounded more brittle then I had expected and I had to clear my throat with an apologetic cough. Personification of spirits, or ghosts only truly exist within fractions of witch covens. That’s why witches are so powerful, they have power over all that once was- where vampires have lived for so long witches embrace their souls and continue to grow them after the body has died.
She took us within the winding shrubbery and trees until she reached an old oak.
“This shall be your home, a test of course is necessary- but if you pass your place within Nyxs heart will be sealed. Build your home from the tree but to do so you must master the part of yourself that you fear most my dear for it is that which shall keep you safe.”

Automatically Freddie and George picked up fallen branches and went to start battering the tree to gather timber for the house but Alliana stopped them
”Nay- you do not belong with Nyx you have your own place within society. Go back, spend time with the children of the coven and teach them of the werewolves history. I gather it is somewhat lost in translation
They dropped their sticks and turned to me I nodded my blessing, Oz and Damien placed kisses upon my temples and went to leave. Soon enough I was alone, myself and the trees.

I knew what Alliana meant, those little coincidences in life that led me to believe that I was simply different. Levitation, flying, the acceptance of the water to my body back at the palace. The uniting with Oz and effect his own flame had as it joined with mine.
Those words
the words that water spoke, they called me an Elemental. Elementals weren’t really races but spirits of the old souls that brought the planet to life.

The earth felt as though it was breathing. I became gradually aware of the animals within the soil, in the tree tops, soaring in the sky. I wanted to feel more, feel the beauty of the place.
Hands cold against the rest of my skin I tugged at my clothes. My top vanishing as it lost contact with my body, it ceased to be. My shoes went next, allowing my toes to dig into the soil letting me find my own roots within the forest. My nipples stiffened as I removed my bra, electricity running through them as the air embraced my body. The air is alive.
Rain began to fall and I peeled my jeans from my legs.
I howled as my I felt as though my soul was immersing my body until all I was, was free.
Everything was alive! Life bred life.
But there was something there. Right in front of me, it was in

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