Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Give Into Me by Laura Sopko (best autobiographies to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Give Into Me by Laura Sopko (best autobiographies to read .txt) 📖». Author Laura Sopko

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I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
Winston Churchil

Chapter One

I'm just like you. Almost. You see I'm a clairvoyant . Which is just big fancy talk for I can see ghost. Okay I guess the proper term is that I'm physic, but come on thats such a cliché so I just say I'm clairvoyant. Sounds so much cooler right? Okay enough about titles let me tell you a little bit about myself, well if you haven't noticed already my name is Aurora Evelyn Warren but my friends call me A. I'm 18 and I go to Black Widow High in Portland, Oregon I've lived here my whole life. I have Black hair and Hazel eyes I guess I have a good figure I have C cup boobs so I guess I'm good in that department to. My best friends names are Milly Kriles and Miles Miller.
Okay so today was Thursday the last day before Friday which is the day before Saturday which is the weekend, and this weekend were having a huge party at the peak which is just this huge cliff. The party is for this year being half over. Its a stupit reason to have a party but a partys a party and im always in.
I was in my room getting dressed when Milly apeered on my desk. Oh yeah one thing i forgot to mention Millys a ghost. She died in a car acent a month ago and she been hanging with me ever scince.
"you look super cute today!"she told me hoping down and looking at me up and down.
"yeah I know. Oh i almost forgot. Were getting a new kid today his name is like Hamon Brillicks or something."i told her as i aplyed some chap stick and picked up my book bag"you coming." i asked.
We walked down stairs and out the front door to my battered Neon Camaro.
"You really need to get a new car."she said kicking my tire and throwing me a glare of funny hate.
"dude i could never get rid of the neon! i cant belive youd even say that!"
Ive had the neon since i could drive its really the best car you could ever have it runs like a dream its my favorite color and its a convertable! what more could you want!?
"Babe if you only drive this car its gonna die but if you drive it in small doses it will last longer. I'm just saying cause i know how much you love it."Oh Milly so nieve.
But she did have a point.
"Okay we'll go look after school. but if we dont go now im gonna be in huge troble and then ill have to kill you. even tho your already dead ill just have to reserect your ass!"
As we pulled into the school parking lot i noticed that the energy was excited and happy.
I hopped out of my car and ran over to my friend Miles.
"whats going on?" i asked him as he was texting on his sidekick.
"you didnt see him?"
"see who? i just got here?"But i already know.
"The New Kid! All the girls are saying how hot he is. i wouldnt know because im a dude and all but eveyone is swooning over him even some of the guys."he told me taking my hand and walking me towards the school.
Miles is a jock he has blond hair, blue eyes and the football player build. he is hot if i do say so myself. Milly like loves him but to bad he cant see her or they would go out, cause there perfect for eachother.
"well good thing i havent seen him or i might swoon too."i joked
"Oh joke now but he is sexy.....Oh speak of the devil there he is now."he said pointing towards a boy.
He was gorgeous i cant lie. he had that Skater/emo boy hair it was black and to his sholders he had Sexy green eyes and a muscler build, ANd he was only slighty tan but he still looked like he didnt belong in Portland.
"Swooning yet?"Miles asked as i snaped out of my small fantasy.
"No hes hot but he also looks like a real player."
"haha you know you like it." he said right as the bell for Block one rang.
"haha ill see you in at lunch."i told him as i headed of to first peroid math.

Chapter two

I went into first period and sat in my desk in the back. i knew the new kid was in my first class cause everyone was talking about him and sadly the only open desk was next to me in the back.
"Class,"Mr.Gwiller said"This is Hamon Brillicks hes new here so i want you to makehim feel welcome. Hamon you can take the seat next to Aurora in the back."he told the new kid as he walked towards me.
"Hi i'm Hamon" he told me exctending his hand for me to shake it.
"Aurora."i told him taking his and and shaking it.
At that moment the weirdest thing happend. i got a vision of the past. it was him and a girl with red hair they were sitting in a bar talking about something i didnt understand cause it was to fast but he looked very sad like he was getting news that someone died then he couldnt take it and left the bar with her yelling after him.
then the vision shifted to the futer it was me and him we were walking on a beach holding hands untill a dark cloud came down and engulfed him.
When i came back to the future he was staring at me like he saw the same thing. i let go of his hand quickly and turned so i was faceing away from him.
I could feel him staring at me for the rest of class. the hour draged on and on. and when the bell finally rang Hamon tried to talk to me.
"Aurora?"Hamon said as i grabbed my books and stood up.
"Yeah?"i asked reluctantly turning to face him.
"What was that did you see what i saw?"He asked
"I dont know what your talking about. Now if you dont mind i have to get to chem."
From the look on his face he could tell i was lieing about the whole not seeing bunisse.
i turned and walked away i was debateing on wether or not i should skip the rest of the day or not. the whole math situation left me really jittary. and i wasnt sure if i would make it the rest of the day but i had to at least tell Miles i was going home or he would be worried so instead of going to chem i walked to the library to wait for lunch to come so i could see Miles.
When i got to the library i walked over to the mysterey section and grabbed a book without reading the title i walked over to the tables and began to read. when i got to the 8th chapter the bell for lunch rang and i walked to the cafiteria and grabbed a soda. after i payed for it i walked over to Miles and my table in the corner farthest away from the doors. after 5 mineuts of waiting Miles finnaly walked in with, you guessed it, Hamon! isnt it ironic that the very person im trying to avoid is going to be at my lunch table. now if i say im leaving hes going to wonder why im leavimg. Wait! why do i care what he thinks.
Miles and Hamon walk over to the table laughing and making jokes. while im sitting here sharing looks with Milly cause she says i need to get out now before something bad happens.
"Wow A you look sick."Miles told me as he and Hamon sat down.
At that moment i had an idea.
"yeah im feeling a little sick. i think i might go home."i told him grabbing my bag and throwing it over my solder.
"Ok A ill be home after school to cheak in on you. is Milly going to?"oh yeah i forgot to tell you Miles knows that i can see Milly.
"yea. she'll be there With me."i said walking towards the door. once the door was shut i ran towards my car.
"A are you ok?"I could she was worrying because i was breathing hard and shaking hard.
"yeah im fine,"i said starting the car and pulling away from the school"So what do you wanna do? we have until 2:30 cause thats when Miles is coming over."
"lets go to the mall i need more lip gloss."
"haha ok to the mall!"i said heading towards the main highway.
When we got to the mall we hoped out and went to the makeup store for milly to get her lip gloss. then we went to all the other stores. the entire time my mind kept wondering back to Hamon. I mean whos name is Hamon that sounds like such an odd name. and his unearthly good looks. and not to mention that freaky thing that happens when i touch him.
It was 2:03 when we got home so we had plenty of time to hide all the things we bought and make me look like i was sick i took a really hot shower to rise my body temp. and got into bed. It was excatly 2:40 when i heard a car pull up and people walk in my house. once the door shut i instantly new that Hamon was here to. OH FREAKING HELL!!! i come here to get away and hes in my house! thats crappy luck right there my friend.
They came into my room and looked at me. i was trying not to move so they would think that i was sleeping.
"Awe she looks so small."At that point i couldnt help wipping around and giving him my famous death stare.
"WOW Kid! put that away." he said coming over and sitting on my bed putting his arm around me.
"Hi."i said to Hamon not wanting to seem rude
"How Ya feeling?"he asked me coming over to sit on my rocking chair.
"Oh just peachy."I said shooting Milly a look to tell her to stop she was standing next to Hamon playing with his hair. He looked right at her and raised his eyebrow like he saw her. it was weird and beyond. And after

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