Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Stay Hidden by UNCOVERED . (best books to read non fiction .txt) 📖

Book online «Stay Hidden by UNCOVERED . (best books to read non fiction .txt) 📖». Author UNCOVERED .

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Chapter One


Living and hiding is what we do. In womb of the forest we lurk with spell and magic. We keep our secret from the ordinary human race. We are WITCHES… It is crazy but true, witches do exist.


I’m one of them.


There are two types of witches the White and the Black like good and bad. Many said we used to be equally living together in one kingdom by the mountains, till one day a woman fight against the seven thrones. She was exiled and told not to go back. Sad to say, she came back but this time she craves power and more. She got hundred of army, they held rebellion and killed every witch, they destroyed the seven thrones and persecuted every witch but one family survived. They start a new life after the tragic fight. The witch kingdom fall, leaving scathed walls and the burnt pieces of a place that was once so beautiful. They escaped into the forest to start a new beginning. Now we grew bigger and bigger and we called ourselves the WHITE WITCHES. No one knows a thing about us because we stay hidden.


We the white don’t bring any harm we used our power according to our talents. We bring solitude to the forest, we feed the ecosystem, cast away the rude loggers, maintain the flowing rivers and the growing trees. That’s why many human often called our home the "curse forest" which is really ironic from what we are trying to do. We are in the middle nowhere and we are safe if we are away from the ordinary mortals. On the other side the black witches or what we prefer to name them, the doomed blooded. Right now, I don't know where I can find them but they might be looking somewhere in the woods or in the big city outside to live a life. We are not safe they might come back and repeat what is now called history. And it scared us all.


The game we are playing right now is called 'hide and seek'. All of us are fearful knowing they're out there somewhere in the shadows silently prying on us. The truth is nobody knows when they will come.


And that was before, this time everything changes. It was after I escaped.






“Mom, I don’t want to go to school.” I said bluntly. 


Leaning against the cold window frame, I stared at my mother. Her eyes are sad and swollen, no doubt she cries every single night. I hate the way she got those sick looks. We gaze at each other and I see the pain she kept. My hands suddenly felt numb, thinking she might shout at me then broke the window like before or worst to be grounded the whole week. I think I’ll die if that happens. This scenario happens every day because I hate school and the people in it.


“Let’s not talk about that Mabby, you know why you need to study, the world is big out there you must learn to use your powers.” She pinch the bridge of her nose a sign of exhaustion before going back to what she was doing.


 I take a sharp breath, balled my hands and try not to be piss. I sniff and like I domino I feel every single pain brought by this life again and it make my eyes sting. How could she ever say that? Does she know what I feel being rejected, being treated like a contagious disease? Can she ever feel my pain? There should be a power to let her heart see what I look like inside… a dying log. Oh! How I wish we have that kind of power lesson at school maybe I’ll love that class. She is a mother she must know something is wrong with me, I mean us. I want to cry, I want to die!


“That’s it, the outside world is big, and yeah you said it! But have we ever been out there? NO! So I don’t need to study and the thing is no one want us mom. I feel so dumb. In times I need you, you're gone. You’re always out at night.” I spit on her.


“Mom, I can’t even reach you.” I mewl.


Tears roll down on my cheeks and it hurts to feel this way. I never stop them from falling. Pain is what I feel; hatred is consuming me. Hate! I hate mom, I hate life, and I hate being a witch. She saw my distraught but she just silently sob and never glance my way, we both let the tears cascade, the pregnant silent shouts so many unspoken emotions.


My mother and I always feel so unwanted, emotions we long to say but force to keep to show we are strong but we are not. We are not. I walk outside the wooden door and make a loud thud that she’ll notice my absence. I sobbed and let everything turn into a blur I let my bare feet take me somewhere, I always pray for a place that makes us feel like we’re wanted and ordinary. No eyes that criticize the way I’ll look, yet eyes that sees me inside. I then start running; I feel the grass under me. My long green skirt sways with the wind making rattling sounds under the air's pressure, my red hair dance with the soothing wind. Nature whispers the miserable life I have, life so unwanted. I realize sometimes home doesn't feel like home maybe because I know a world exist somewhere out there that could help me feel I belong. The humming breezes embrace me with a song of my sorrowful life.


I never stop running, wishing to let this pain kill me and let them be happy when I'm dead. I bump into a stone and yelp with another pain, a physical one. When would this pain go? I cringe with the pain and knelt to the ground.


“Ouch. Ouch. You win! Happy!” I just shouted and sobbed. Is the person making my life like this happy? Isn’t it enough to see me slowly killing myself?


By flowing river I rest and my heart leaps ghastly, my rib cage feels like bursting out after the extreme run. The clear running water of the river calls me, walking towards it just to taste the refreshing liquid. Scooping it with my both hands I closed my eyes as I moan. The refreshing douse drift to my throat and drink more. It was a great satisfaction and crack lips are delighted. Resting like a minute or two I studied my face on the water's reflection; it is lonesome, those red eyes, puffy nose and a complete wreck hair. Then feel the surging grief again, I want to see mom. It's true we both feel rejected and we need each other but we both just have to adjust. If only I had my father.


 I touch the flowing water and it dance beneath my hands.


My inner peace showed me my mother. It's my glowing power that ignites my desire, the water dances through my fingers like glowing crystals and slowly I gaze at our little house down the wood, and there she is… My mother crying and griping the marble edge of the counter top as she sobs, her short red hair glows under the radiant sunlight lapping through the thick canopy of the forest. This woods is where we belong, the secret portal of the outside world is out of my reach. I wanted to be out in here and live not like this, no one wants me at school and even in the village and I hate it… What is wrong with us?


I can’t take watching my mother’s suffering, our suffering. Letting the water go and she was gone, again. I hope our pains will flow away just how this water bump the rocks. Then I just remember what my mother used to say when I’m mad, lost and afflicted.


‘You are strictly special so put that smile on and show the world what you’ve got.’


I cry like a baby and yell to the top of my lungs wishing that my throat would crack open. I just wanted it to end. If mom is weak, someone should be her rock to make her life better; I’ll take a risk and be that rock. If only I could be strong like how the words seems to be. Like someone out there.    


The pale curtain hangs loosely by the window swaying with the hush of the cold wind and sends shiver to my spine. It’s August already, the start of an age, the new wave of pain. I like how the cold wind touches my skin it helps me feel alive but I hate how the people around me freeze my soul. I used to curl on my table and never ever pay attention to our professor. I can do self study at home and I'm sure of that. Staring blankly at the broken window seal I imagined myself away from this judgmental atmosphere. I heard one of my classmates says something about me and my mother. Never giving any signs of disagreement, I just let her say what she likes to. I'm used to it.


Professor Hasting discuss everything on the book and after a long period of agony, the class was smoothly dismissed and that makes me smile. I collect my things and saw Richard the playboy smirking at me from a far. All of my cold hearted classmates are gone and busy doing there chit-chat and crowding the corridor. Calculus is the last period of the afternoon no doubt how they like it.


I never mind Richard with his creepy stares. According to what I've heard he came from the Logan Family, his dad is one of the known tycoons of our society. He may be a good looking bastard that every girl dies just to date him, but me? I'm not fond of him, his pathetic. Maybe that is the reason of his cockiness. 


I hastily make my way pass through him when out of the blue he grabs me by my elbow. I gulp and froze. Not again Richard.


"Excuse me, you seems to gripping my elbow." I said coldly trying to get away from his hold.


"Am I?"


"Definitely." I give him my most irritated look.


"Oh. Tell me Mabby, what are you being so strong for?" 


I frown and never look at him. Good thing he release me before I punch him. What Am I being strong for? I smirk and about to slap him with words that would break him into pieces. 


"I--Im" I blink few times when the question seems to be heart breaking.


"See, you don't know it. Freak." The hint of disbelief and disgust in Richard's voice makes me want to cry.


"What are trying to prove, yourself?" I snarl at him. What is wrong with his thick-arrogant head?


"I'm a Logan. I can mess with anyone and want to screw you."


Speechless with anger, I slammed my book on the table making a loud bang and face him. 


"If you are a Logan, I'm telling you this. You're a great disgrace!" I angrily said.


A part of says I should take it back. Yet no, he deserves someone to kick his guts. I saw his expression falters and I love it. Now tell me Richard, where is your most expensive smile? Looks like I'll end up giving you the smirk that will piss you off. I courteously glide pass through him leaving him hanging with confusion. Before making my way out, I gave him my smirk and take my final wave. Serves him right. 


"You'll be sorry for this Mabby. I'll make you."


I heard him talk nonsense. Paying no attention, I just continue walking through the now isolated marble floor of our school's hallway and never look back. You'll never find me Richard because one day I'll be out in

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