Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Scrooge Goes to Florida by Bethan Rees (classic literature books TXT) 📖

Book online «Scrooge Goes to Florida by Bethan Rees (classic literature books TXT) 📖». Author Bethan Rees

‘Bah!’ Cried Scrooge as he stepped off the plane, into the sunshine. ‘Humbug!’
Scrooge had been travelling in business class on a plane for HOURS and, to nobody’s surprise, was so bored. Claiming his luggage from the collection truck (before it even got back into the airport), he growled at all the happy little children wearing little Mickey Mouse caps on their heads. Then he had realised – Disney World was nearby and after checking his ticket, Scrooge saw he’d booked his hotel there instead of an adult-only resort.

Once he was inside the air-conditioned hotel lobby, he scowled at everyone in the queue and barged his way to the front. When he got to the front, he had a shock. The receptionist was dressed as – yes, you guessed it – Mickey Mouse!
‘Why, hello there! Welcome to the Mickey Hotel! You are Mr Ebenezer Scrooge, right?’ The receptionist asked. Scrooge pulled a face.
‘Yes. Now, I demand for my keys to be handed over. Oh, and take that flea-ridden costume off immediately! It’s not practical, and I didn’t pay for some village idiot to dress up like a rat right when I get in to fetch my keys!’ Scrooge ranted, banging his fist on the desk. The receptionist seemed offended, but took of the big hat and handed Scrooge his keys. Without saying ‘thank you’, he rushed to the lift and pushed the ‘5’ button before anyone else got on. He could hear the people moaning.

When he’d got to his room, Scrooge looked around. It was paradise, with a plasma television, a big, red sofa and a coffee table which rested on a white, fluffy carpet. There was a stylish open-plan kitchen and a big bedroom, which boasted a black bed with red covers. Instead of jumping on the bed to see how comfy it was, Scrooge pondered on how much he’d spent on the room.

So, Scrooge decided to earn money. He had to welcome happy tourists on holiday to Disney World, but he was so angry, he traded all his dollars back to pounds (except a few for plane funds) and hopped on the plane, going back home to London.
And, oh boy, there’s no place like home.


Text: I give credit to Charles Dickens for Scrooge and Disney for Disney World and Mickey Mouse. The story is mine!
Publication Date: 11-17-2012

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