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Read books online » Fiction » Guardian Peacedove by Tianna (top 10 novels .txt) 📖

Book online «Guardian Peacedove by Tianna (top 10 novels .txt) 📖». Author Tianna

Guardian Peacedove

The Discovery:

This dragon was discovered in 2001, though not many people know of it. Each time a child is born, so is his or her dragon. It is invisible until the child is considerate, generous, caring, selfless, and loving. You might think this is asking a lot, but it wants to know that the child can be trusted. Each girl child has a boy dragon, and vice-versa. It was discovered when Judy Sorsendotz, a 12 year-old girl, was sickened by a horrible disease. Her dragon was found crying by her bed after she passed away. He wanted to save her, for he loved her more than anything. Scientists studied him, but gave up, and since then the dragons were forgotten by almost everyone.

Its Looks:

Guardian Peacedove dragons are very unique. The adults can be any size from a bear to a boulder, or a tree. They have two legs and two arms. The male's wings are small and shaped as you would picture an angel's. The female's wings are big and look like a pixie's, and are very thin with holes. The female and male babies have different symbols. The dragons are very muscular, have extendable tails, and can retract its wings. For an adult male dragon, they show off a tiny bit during mating season, participating in the popular dragon sports and such.

Its Home:

Nobody knows its natural habitat. It sort of lives “inside” a human, as if it is a part of them. It has no real home. It likes to be in a person's home, usually by a fireplace. They often build nests out of household items, such as blankets. Some think it sleeps in a child's closet, but that has not been proven yet. Guardian Peacedoves follow their human children wherever they go, unless the child abandons it, then the dragon lives in the Land of the Lost Creatures, a warm place where everyone feels welcome. In Winter, it hibernates. If the child is in danger, it feels the child's aura and wakes up. Their feelings are connected.


The babies are born in eggs, and have four legs. Most consider the babies “ugly”, which isn't necessarily true. They have certain patterns, and no wings. Usually, they are a different color than their adult forms. They are about the size of a small cat.

Predators and Food:

Leopards, wolves, moose, and large birds all hunt Guardian Peacedoves. Sharks also are a danger when the dragons are by water. The dragons hide by turning into a shadow along with the child. It guards the child with its life. They catch mice in corners for food. It sometimes eats the unwanted vegetables on a child's plate. Its main favorite food is fish: Salmon, Tuna, Trout-- you name it!

Talent and Communication:

Its talents are turning invisible, reading minds, hiding in shadows, and knowing its child's feelings. To communicate, the dragon makes a high-pitched noise that travels over 1,000 miles around for danger, a low growling noise for attention, and a series of short barks for anything else.


Publication Date: 05-30-2011

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