Creations End: A New Beginning by By: zzmbrashear (best young adult book series .TXT) 📖

- Author: By: zzmbrashear
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Creations End: A new beginning
By: zzmbrashear
The ground rumbled. They sky shook. There were people running in every direction. The ground was moving like an explosion happen below us. My wife and I didn’t know what to do. Its like life stood still. Everything was in slow motion. I stood there, frozen in fear. What would happen to me, to Lisa, to our unborn baby? I panicked. All you could hear were screams of children and adults. I saw a little girl get crushed by a falling building. She was standing yelling for her mother. She was crying, there was fear and pure horror on her face. She was no older than 3 years old. She had curly blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She looked so innocent. A women started running towards her. I think she is her mother but before she could get close enough to grab the child the building behind her crashes to the ground. The child is caught in the crash. The mother drops to the floor and starts crying. The women just stays on the ground weeping and yelling out Chelsea. The poor little girl didn’t even have a chance. Lisa just held her mouth and turned to me to comfort her. It was a nightmare to see that but for Lisa... She is almost a mother and she was mortified.
“She is our neighbor. Her name is Abigail and her daughters name is.” Lisa paused “Chelsea.”
“You mean that was little Chelsea Lou. God, she just turned 3 yesterday.” I said rubbing my head. Lisa couldn’t look at my face. She just hugged me and held her stomach. You could smell dirt and gas in the air. There must have been at least 80 abandoned cars. The were cars that were flipped over and buildings that were falling to the ground right in front of your face. I thought I was dreaming. This look like it was right out of a movie.
My job is to be a pilot and I own a whole airline and that will come in handy at a time like this. I planned to get in a plane and fly to a different part of the world and start new with my soon to be baby. I figured that the only way to save my wife is to get in the air. We got on my plane and we went up as fast as I could. When we got to a high altitude I was speechless. I couldn’t believe what I saw. There was a big hole in the middle of the city. Cars and people were just falling into nothingness. I saw my brother. He was standing on his car. I swooped down and I stopped the plane only long enough to get him in. My brother was an assistant for the president and he has to know whats going on.
“Zachary, thank god your okay.” Thomas said to me.
“Tom what the hell is going on?” I said to him with a tone of voice I was not proud of but Thomas didn’t answer. “Thomas I am talking to you! What is going on?”
“I don’t know but they knew this was going to happen.”
“Who is ‘they’? ” I asked. “Anyway, we plan to fly to a different part of the world. Maybe Italy or Boston.”
“Its not just us, its the whole world. President Lockwood knew this was going to happen. He didn’t inform the public because there was no stopping it and they were going to die one way or another so he didn’t see any point of worrying them.” He said looking out the window at all the poor people dying.
“So he left us to die!” I said with more rage than I thought I had. There was smoke that was covering the plane. There was thing falling from the sky. I didn’t know what they were or were they came from and it scared the crap out of me. I knew if I got in the smoke it would pull us down so I got out of it but no before seeing a women on the ground. She was not more than 20 years of age. She was standing, looking right at me until a car that was trying to avoid the hole, lost control and slammed into her. I saw her body. I saw the blood and the fear on her face. She knew she was going to die and she had no hope. There was no hope. Not for any of them. The women and the car with children in it then both fell into the hole and you could hear them scream. The screams lingered. They stayed in your head like a nightmare that never ends. No matter how long it was since you heard them, you could still hear them.
“No! He had a plane ready. It was bigger than our whole city. He would pick certain people that would help start over a new life in a different part of the universe but the plane got caught in a smoke cloud. They went down an hour before you found me. They knew this was going to happen. They also know that after this there is going to be an explosion. An explosion bigger than you can imagine. When all the tabloids said the world was going to end in 2033, they were right. We had to deny it because the president would get accused of denying the public their right of knowing if anyone found out. It was a top secret case. The whole world is going through this. Now Zachary, I’m going to tell you something but you cant tell a soul.” Tom was explaining to us. I couldn’t believe that our president knew this was going to happen but never informed us because we wouldn’t make it anyway so why worry us. The man that we are suppose to be trusting with out government deceived us.
“Look around! Who would I tell? Half the world is falling into a pit that only the lord knows leads to. The world is crumbling in front of us.” I told him.
“There is a place were we can go. NASA discovered a distant star off in space but when they went to explore it they found something. It wasn’t a star, it was a planet. An undiscovered planet. Its almost identical to Earth but a few minor differences.” Thomas said with a voice he would always get when he tried to lie to me.
“How minor?” I asked trying to keep my eyes on the sky, terrified what I might fly into.
“Like there is no people or hills.” He continued. “There are plants there that are amazing. Its unlike anything you will ever see.”
“Look around. I have seen a lot so far.” I said. “So where is this planet?”
“We will need a shuttle to get there.” He said pointing to the Sun.
“Are you joking? Its near the Sun!” Lisa said. “Are you trying to fry us like bacon or something?” Thomas laughed but this was no laughing matter.
“I can get us a shuttle but we wont have anyone to fly it. I could make a call but I cant promise anything for sure.” I said taking a quick glance at Thomas but even taking my eyes off the sky for 5 seconds was a bad idea. For when I did it seemed to have flown to low and we were about to plummet to our death. There was a building about to fall and we were heading straight for it. It was not falling fast enough for us to miss it and when I tried to turn to avoid it all engines failed.
We were heading in a downward spiral to the ground. I looked at the gas gage and it was on empty. With all the excitement I must have forgot to fill it. What a rookie mistake and this one will cost me my life. As we were falling I had a flash back. Its was the summer of 2028. I was in New Jersey for my break and when I was on the beach I saw this girl. It was Lisa but I didn’t know it then. I was star struck. I started to walk her way but I tripped. I never was clumsy but there was something about this girl that made me dizzy. When I came to there she was, above me. Apparently I was passed out for 10 minutes when I hit my head on a rock. When I stood up I asked her something.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” I asked still a little dizzy from the fall.
“No thanks.” She said walking away. Although she turned me down there was a warmness is her tone that made me not want to give up. For the next 3 weeks I went to the same beach, same time, same spot. I stayed there for hours after she left, just watching the water. The shimmer of orange when sun set came and the color of blue in the day time when it shimmered. Sometimes I didn’t leave but other times I dragged myself away. The colors and hues were mesmerizing. The next day I bought her flowers and chocolates and she still said no until one day she approached me.
“Are you a stalker or something? You come here everyday at the same time and place and all you do is watch me.” She said throwing the flowers in the sand.
“Just go on a date with me. One date, thats all I’m asking for.” I said with a pleading in my voice. She said okay and the first date was only the beginning to a million others. The first day we went on went on forever. We stayed at the restaurant 3 hours after the lights went off. We talked about life and how her parents gave her up and we told each other everything. It was up hill from there.
And I remembered that moment like its still happening. I quickly unbuckled my seat and ran to the back. I then grabbed Lisa and told Tom we had to jump. When we opened the plane door it was enough to make you dizzy. When we jumped I grabbed on to Lisa and didn’t let go. I had no intentions of making it but when we landed we were in water. We had jumped into the cities community pool. There was shrapnel all over the water and most of it was on fire from when the plane crashed. It looked like it was raining fire. The intensity of it left you speechless. When I looked around to find Lisa and Tom I couldn’t see them. I spotted Lisa in the deeper end and went to go and help her. When I pulled her out I asked her where Tom was and she said I thought she was with you. I froze. What if he never jumped? What if he was still in the plane and he crashed? What if he landed on the ground and not the water? All these questions went through my mind until I spotted him hanging from a tree. He was upside down and he had blood dripping from his head. I ran over to him. I gently picked him up and set him on to the ground and elevated his head.
“Speak to me! Thomas don’t leave me! You cant leave me! Thomas! Thomas!” I started crying and screaming. Lisa
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