Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Goth House by Tai Platt (highly illogical behavior TXT) 📖

Book online «The Goth House by Tai Platt (highly illogical behavior TXT) 📖». Author Tai Platt

I woke up on a bed.
Which was strange because i remember being on the floor with a hole in my neck . But now im lying on a very comfy bed. and it was pich black but i had perfect vison.
i could see every little thing. A mouse crawling on the floor, the big grandfather clock with 6: 0clock on it.
Then i stopped scanning the room and thought "it will be dark soon GET IN. "
Wich was strange because i hated the dark, it was the worst part of the day.
And i hated it even more when it was winter, witch it is, because its always dark by the time of 7: oclock.
I had all these crazy thoughts going though my mind.
And i was soooo thirsty, and hungry, the thirst though was excruting.
Iv never been so thirsty in my life.
I lyied there trying to work out what was up with me, and then the door of my bedroom flew open, and a very familiar looking man stood at the door way.
" Who are you? Where am i? " i stammmerd
"Your at The Goth House. And its me Marco. The guy that turned you." He grinned.
" What do you mean " turned me ". turned me into what ? " i said.
" I'll show you." He said still grinning.
He came over and sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
Everthing came back then. I saw i let him bite me and turn me into a vampire.
I rememberd comming into the ordanairy looking house.Then i remeber him taking me up to my room and kissing me on the lips ever so gently. ( i was knocked out while this was going on )
And then he said " your so beuitful."
And thats when he pulled his hand off.
" Ooopppss, you wasnt meant to see that bit." He said still grinng as if he actually wanted me to know.
" IM A VAMPIRE. Oh my GOD! " I acted as if i dint want to be one.
but I was happy i was realy.


He smiled,
" Not yet your not." He took his smile away from his face .
The happiness in my body went away.
" Why? " I sighed.
" You need to feed befor the transformation complets its self. Its time to go and feed now. I'll bring anni up to take you out." He said and befor i had any chance to ask who she was.
He dissaperd and a young looking lass stood befor me.
" C'mon get dressed we are off clubbing." She grinned.
" I dont have any clothes here though and im too young they wont let me in." I said, i dont think she knew how old i was.
" Dont worry bout that i'll make them let you in with my conpulsion, you'll be able to do it when your a full vamp. And you do have clothes i bought a load for you. Now c'mon lazyass get up."
She grinned.
So i got up and got dressed.
I found the sluttiest little dress ever invented.
And the largest high hells iv ever seen.



Publication Date: 11-26-2010

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