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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» 101 % LOVE........ BROKEN HEARTS by P.K PANIGRAHI (best reads of all time txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«101 % LOVE........ BROKEN HEARTS by P.K PANIGRAHI (best reads of all time txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author P.K PANIGRAHI

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101% LOVE.......


Someone said love is made in heaven, its right..but life partners are not made so..if yes it had been a combination of love and soul mate togetherā€¦I have been frustrated to write my story so that some of my pains would get less. why someone gets so much pain in return for his love whom he loved so much than his lifeā€¦why???

All say love is life..I first believed that but soon I came to know itā€™s a part of life, love just exist part in happiness and one can be happy forever. itā€™s a true reality of life that hurts many .

Why we think of being so caring for others ,while they donā€™t care once for us. why we love those ,who donā€™t ever think of us. do really love exist for someone, somewhere ,where he can find peace in life.

My life also busted in pain and facing the reality of the one whom I loved onceā€¦

This story is based on part of my life where I faced my reality and love both at a time. So patiently how can one wait for her love who is no more with her..

Part 2

My graduation completed, I had to move on for my further the age of 22, most of my friends move on to job, some get settled well in their areas..but I had my own plans wanted to discover something new that I hadnā€™t done in my graduation. Mean while, I was searching for job, as lots of people do.

Why to sit idle, I started my part time jobs, where I could earn penny for my pocket money. Financial issues were good in my family, but I wanted to stand by my own. So tried to do earn while learning.

My days passed well, when I moved to a city where I was new to all, I tried to adjust myself with those conditions. As my surroundings were far different from those, here people were fast active in different areas. and competitions were tough enough.

Days passed byā€¦.i was on my 10th day of my training period where I used to do my work. that day was a rainy day. I with my some friends bunk those training day and went on to enjoy that lovely day.

The sky was surrounded by rainbows, little drizzle of rain drops in my face was making me so exited to dance with it.

It was a day when I first met her, she was about to go to her college ,walking in the rain with rain drops just falling in her face was making me to just see her.. ā€so cute she wasā€, my heart responded quickly. but the mean while I could see her ,she went away as if it was my dream ,the rain also stopped.

That night I was just thinking of her, smiling and shifting side by side. just thinking of her and slept. next morning I felt ,was it a coincidence or my luck to see that girl. suddenly somewhere my hopes got alive ,a thought strike to my mind to find that girl.

But how?? The same time where I saw her I used to stand the next day same time, just to have a glance of her. days passed ā€¦. I havenā€™t seen her ,many thoughts were coming to my mind, did she knew I was following her or any other reason, I was tensed and worried about her.

I didnā€™t knew why I was worried for a girl I didnā€™t knew. but I was at that time..was this infatuation or something else.

I didnā€™t knew her name ,how to find her and where. some how I tried to find her college name and her branch..i know its was not right, but at time I was totally influenced by her face..I somehow wanted just to talk to her..but how again???

It was fb , who introduced me to her. I tried to search her with her college name, somehow I tried to find a name, and in fear tried to chat with her, the girl whom I chatted was the one whom I used to wait to seeā€¦she didnā€™t post her pic in her fb.

Without knowing was she committed to anyone else, I tried to talk to her, as I felt very happy when I used to be with her in talk.

Chats were regular now. I always felt to ask her did she had a bf..but I always left courage as she might refused my friendship. I was as happy as with her, my nights passed by just chatting. it was a regular habit now for me as if she was everything for me diets ,my sleep just went away with the flow of her voice.

I never had a fight with her once, thinking fight may break my friendship..but I was always jealous when someone speak to her ..I mean I was little bit possessive for her.

But I never showed to her. She might knew that, but she also never told about this to me.

But I canā€™t wait always being a friend to her. I wanted to expose my love for her . but I didnā€™t knew how will I do ..I couldnā€™t explain to my friends who are close to me. it was something unexplained .

The day came when I told that I loved her, but was a bit sad as she will take time to think, was I wrong in my approach. it was 31st dec, when I waiting for her response ,as she promised me to tell her view for me todayā€¦its was a special day for me. I was looking to the clock several times, but time passed slowlyā€¦3 hr later a call came that she was in hospital ,as she met with an accident ,I was worried as I couldnā€™t go her place where she lived, as it was far distance from here and it would took two days to reach there. I was cursing myself ..why I am so helpless to help her, to see her. it was just a negative impression for meā€¦.some may say ā€œ if u love anyhow u should be there with herā€, but saying and doing are two different things..I didnā€™t cared about the situations, and somehow tried to go to see her, mean while a phone rang and it said that she was just joking with me, just to test my love for her. she toldā€ I knew u wont be able to come here, but as I tried to be there, she cried and said no one would love her as I loved herā€.

But I was angry at that time, I didnā€™t knew what I said as she made a joke to me, I switched off my phone, and slept. at night when I logged in back .I saw 23 missed calls,2 mesgsā€ I love uā€.

I was surprised by that word, my anger went away, I was speechless what to do, I was trying to call her but my hands were not working..

I was very happy ,but how to respond to her, as by the time feelings are changed from friendship to love. it was a new feeling for me now..and a challenge to handle it forever.

Challenge comes with difficulties and responsibilties. we started talking now about our future, still we hadnā€™t met face to face ,it was a year now. I insisted her to meet me once, but she was so sweet to say that wait a little .In her love I was blind, every thing of her was right to me.


I didnā€™t ever questioned a bad thing about her, even if she did a mistake. small misunderstanding happened ,but it was always soughted out.

Now the day came it was again 31st dec. when I was going to meet her in reality, besides her pic send to me.i would rather always imagine her as a barbie in my dreams ,before I met her for the first time.

The place was fixed where we were to meet, I reached the place one hour before in excitement.


Part 3

Now there was an twist for me waiting , I waited long for her, time passed, I was just seeing the clock and waiting for her to come. suddenly 3 hrs passed by, still I was curiously waiting for her ,as it was my first meet with her after a long 1 yr.

Now waiting for her turned into frustration , donā€™t know why?? But it was so, I had travelled long distance just to see her, but she was just joking with me, I was just moving to go, when I saw a girl sweetly dressed coming towards me (ā€œ it was that because a girl in photo looks different from seeing face to faceā€).

She came near to me , and said sorry for coming late..she was trying to say something ,but I was totally flat on seeing her , she seemed to be just like an angel , she was really awesome ,I was just seeing her and listening her sweet voice.

I was not able to guess what she was saying, in between she hold my hands and moved on to go to visit some places as we both had discussed earlier.

We were on a visit to different places ,as I was new to that place she used to stay there so we had no problem, we roamed around, but my eyes were fixed at her, as if I was out of the world.

We then went on to a park where we sat together ,but I had not uttered a word to her till now ,I was so happy that my anger went away ,my voice was so low that my lips were shivering to say a word to her ,only my eyes were having a glimpse of her eyesā€¦she was saying her talks continuously , if I had listened that seriously I would had gone mad ,as girls speak a lot ,but At that time I was totally lost at her words. time passed by and it was my time to go, I left her near her cottage ,and went on to my destination..ā€A destination I left and went on for my original oneā€.

At the journey I was just thinking how I spend my valuable time with her ,but it looked as if I was here only ,soon I reached at my place ,moved on to my house and sleptā€¦. I was feeling hungry, but thinking about her , my all hungriness went away. I slept a good sleepā€¦next morning I wake up with a smile ,as if I was with her till now. her call came in mean while, I responded and she said ā€œI had been calling u since one hour, where were uā€. I replied ā€œ I have been sleeping till nowā€, it was first time that I was sleeping late till now. she toldā€ lazyā€ā€¦.but I was smiling as I was having a different experience today.. I hanged on the phone and went on for my daily routines. and went to collegeā€¦

I met with my friends and chit chat with them, but the experience was little bit odd now, not as like other days it used to be. it was different ,I was not feeling comfortable with them , I was totally washed up by the feeling of her.

I was behaving awkward with my friends ,irritated with small jokes, donā€™t know why? But I had to face the reality of life, when someone special come to oneā€™s life then life takes a U turn.

In between classes I used to get calls from her ,somehow I used to talk to her, if not I used to say sorryā€¦.ā€relations demands time for the oneā€, which I did try to give ā€¦still even if the fault is not yours u have to admit it.


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