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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Angel Sword II: Visions by Tyrone Vincent Banks (detective books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Angel Sword II: Visions by Tyrone Vincent Banks (detective books to read TXT) 📖». Author Tyrone Vincent Banks

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The Gift

Two years ago, I asked for a gift. It was a simple request, I just said; no actually I thought; “God help me…if only I could see what was going on…” Yes, this may sound like a strange thing to say, but if you could hear and feel two large “things” locked in combat bouncing off the hood of your car during a thunderstorm – you might feel the same way or pretend that it’s not happening.


 I’ve heard about spiritual warfare. I’ve heard about the battles that rage in the spiritual realm as Satan attempts to undermine all that God has planned for us. I’ve heard about many things…but now…I see them - in vivid detail - twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. I tried to explain this to my wife and she was afraid. I tried to explain this to my kids and they were mildly amused. After I explained it to my shrink – I was sent away for “evaluation.”


How can a gift turn out to be such a curse? Maybe today’s curse may turn into tomorrow’s blessing. I just made that up…I think.


 Let me tell the story to you – hopefully you are a partial audience and maybe you’ve gone through this before. I saw a movie a few years ago about a guy who had the ability to see spirits and demons. They said that he wasn’t wanted by heaven or hell and he used his ability for good. I tried to do the same thing and here I am, in a cell, one brain cell short of a straight-jacket.


 Let me bring you up to date.


 I am Tyrus Gavriel. Two years ago I witnessed an invisible battle between what ended up being an angel and a demon. I wanted to see what was going on and God made sure that I could see – and then some. I picked up a few souvenirs – the angel’s sword and a shield – and I managed to bring them home. The next morning the angel - who told me that I knew who he was when I asked his name - returned to retrieve them. He thanked me for saving him and told me that my arsenal was far greater than his own and that I was a powerful warrior – more powerful than I could know at that time but I would soon find out.


 I didn’t know what to make of that statement. But over the course of time I began to have visions. First they were confined to my dreams where I would see so many demons, imps and beasts running across an open field towards a large wooden gate. They would scurry up the side and get knocked back by streams of bright light that seemed to slice them away. This dream would repeat itself hour after hour and night after night. I got to the point where I wouldn’t sleep at night in an attempt to avoid this disturbing nightmare.


 All too often I would nod off and the images were waiting for me there. I would drift off to sleep at work, while driving, while exercising and during, well let’s say “other” activities that required 100% of my attention. It was inevitable that my body’s need for sleep would outweigh my stubbornness and that happened as I fell asleep at my desk at work one morning.


 As I sat in my supervisor’s office I fell asleep while he was talking and the nightmare changed. The demons scurried towards the gate and up the side. They met with no resistance and more demons joined them inside of the gate. The gate was opened from the inside and the onslaught of demons continued until my whole dreamscape was filled with these disgusting creatures pouring through the gates and tugging at and pounding on millions of smaller locked doors in an attempt to get in. I was awakened by a loud banging noise as my boss was pounding on the table trying to awaken me.


 He asked; “Am I boring you Mister Gavriel?”


Half asleep I answered; “Yes…you are Mister Snow!”


I began to see shadows moving across the walls and ceilings of the office. I massaged my temples and raked my hands across my face vigorously to make sure that I was awake. That did it! With that I could see everything. I could feel my body tingling and convulsing. I felt cold on the inside and warm on the outside. My nostrils were invaded by the foulest stench possible and I had an urge to clean out my desk and go home.


 But wait – there it was. Right over the boss’ shoulder attached to the wall. It looked at me curiously and backed away cautiously. He looked around the room as other creatures walked in and made themselves “at home.” They were probably about 3 feet tall, reddish-grey with glowing red eyes. They had what looked like a tail but it was made of fire. Their cleft feet resembled that of a goat and their elongated fingers were tipped with long, filthy nails.


 I stood, causing my chair to roll across the room and into the boss’ trophy case. I pointed and exclaimed; “don’t you see them? They’re everywhere!”


It must have appeared to be strange but to me I was very calm in those circumstances.


 Snow yells out; “Are you on drugs, what is wrong with you, what is your problem!?”


The creature over his shoulder stared intently at the boss and looked at me as if it was saying; “c’mon, let him have it, is that all you got!” Obviously that worked as the boss flew off the handle yelling and swearing at me until his boss, Mister Mueller, opened the office door to see what was going on.


 "Jesus Christ!"


 With that statement the whole assembly of demonic intruders retreated into what looked like a vortex hovering just above the floor.


 "What's all this yelling about?"


 I looked at Mister Snow and he looked at me. I've been a Union Steward for the last 20 years and very difficult to get rid of, he knew that. However, given the fact that I fell asleep on the job and told him that he was a bore, I was prepared for a pink-slip.


 Snow replied, "it’s okay Mister Mueller, we were just discussing last night’s baseball game!"


 "Well, keep it down!" Mueller slammed the door and walked away.


 Snow and I sat down to continue our discussion.


 "Tyrus, where have you been lately? I've been here physically but not mentally. Your workload is getting out of control, you miss meetings and you come in late everyday...Tyrus? Tyrus!"


 Again, I was asleep. I was looking down into a valley. I was passing overhead scanning the landscape that was spotted with trees and scorched grass. I was totally engrossed in this vision and peaceful. As I gave in to this state I began to look around and take in the environment. I could see some movement in the distance and I glided in the direction.


 I could feel my feet touch the ground. I look down at my feet. I'm wearing sandals on these ugly feet? No one deserves to see those things. However, my feet are larger, much larger, perhaps a size 20 wide! I look up as I pass by a large wall of stone. I can see my shadow but I cannot recognize it. It's taller, wider and I notice that my shoulders are elongated.




 I'm awakened and I instinctively reach behind my neck. I'm reaching for a sword...but why?


 "Tyrus, go home and get some rest. I made an appointment for you in the morning at Doctor Bills - he'll get to the bottom of this!"


 Stifling laughter I say, “You’re sending me to a shrink and his name is Doctor Bills?  Who’s paying this Doctor Bill?"


 He replied, "Tyrus, I'm trying to save your job and this is the only way!  We pay for this so that you can get better."


 I stand and look out the window. I'm on the second floor looking at a small patch of grass next to a large tree stump. Something's not right. I focus and there's someone or something looking at me. It must be tall because I can see its face clearly from the window.


 He looks familiar...


 I hear a voice whisper, "Yes is I..."




 Snow interrupts my unheard conversation and asks, "Where do you go?"


 I turn and ask, "Excuse me?"


 "Tyrus, you doze off when you sit and you stare out the window when you stand. What do you see?"


 "Mister Snow, it's hard to explain..."


 "Tyrus, perhaps you should go have a drink and sleep it off. This is no place for you."


 I look out the window again, he's still there.


 "Gavriel, look at Snow with your other eyes..."


 I turn and look at Snow, some type of creature is sitting on his shoulders, kind of like the way I used to carry my son on my shoulders when we went on a long walk. I point at the creature and he's gone. I look outside and Gelic is holding him with his thumb and forefinger before crushing it like a toothpick burned by fire.


 Snow is confused so I let him off the hook.


 "Okay Mister Snow, I'll do what you've told me to do..."


 It was as if a floodgate had opened and visions poured out uninhibited by my own desires. As I walked to my desk I was amazed at what I witnessed. It was all so amusing at times, but downright scary.


 Imagine this, you’re looking at a room full of people minding their own business. However, creatures of various shapes and sizes pose over these people with swords raised to slice and chop – but they are stopped by angels who move through the room constantly saving their lives. I could see large angels chasing small creatures scurrying across the room, under desks and over tables. Constant activity, unheard words being mouthed by demons and Angels alike and complete chaos in the middle of what appears to be calm.


 I thought about it and I did it…I asked for vision and I received vision, so it was only natural to ask for the ability to hear what was going on.


With the thought of asking for Hearing, It came like a freight train!




 All at once the voices and chatter could be heard with all human voices filtered out. Growls, grunts, shrieks and disembodied voices followed by calm whispers of words in a different language. I could understand and hear clearly the Word, Jesus! When His name was uttered, any demon located in the vicinity was washed away into a vortex similar to the one that I witnessed in Snow’s office.

 I look down and one of these foul creatures is standing in my path. It looks around and says in a gravelly, hissing and gargling voice; “He can see us!”


With that a handful of demons scurry towards me. The angels in the office do not move, but they nod at me.


 I say, almost instinctively; “Jesus!”


As if an invisible barrier had been erected, they bounce off and away from me and disappear into the vortex.


 I look at one of my co-workers and she is speaking to me. Her mouth is moving but I cannot hear the words. I look at her curiously and she is laughing. I reach out to her as if I’m shaking her hand and with her touch I can hear her again.


“What was all that screaming about? We could hear you guys across the office!”

I responded, “Just a spirited conversation…that’s all! I’m going home now and I’ll see you later!”


I returned to my desk and unlocked my computer. There is a Wikipedia page displayed that is describing angels, but the angels that I see do not look a thing like the ones on the screen. I sense a presence over my

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