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Read books online » Fiction » Girl Vs. Love by Faith Kemp (thriller books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Girl Vs. Love by Faith Kemp (thriller books to read txt) 📖». Author Faith Kemp

The New Girl

Chapter 1:The New Girl

When I first moved to Sacramento, Ca, I thought it was the end of the world. I left comfort zone of knowing everyone and knowing where to go. I miss my small town of Warsaw, NY. But most of all I miss my friends.Tomorrow is my first day at Sacramento High.

We live on 247 Doom St. It’s the big blue house on top of the hill. I don’t think anybody has lived in lit in forever, because everything in the house was old and rusted. Dad will have to do a lot of repairs on the house to make it liveable.

I’ve already chosen my room. The attic. The farthest one away from my parents and my annoying, nosey little brother, Alex. Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I’m terribly sorry for being so rude. My name is Eval Jones.

No, my name isn’t pronounce Evil. The A has a short vowel sound.

“Eval, it’s time for dinner! Come down, here!” My mom shouted up to me.

“Coming, Mother!” I shouted back.

Time for a little snack. Don’t worry I don’t bite or do I?Did I also forget to to mention I’m half-Vampire? When I’m home I drink blood and when I’m at school or in public I eat regular food. My dad is a Vampire and his name is Alexander, and my mom is human, and her name is Alexandria. My little brother is fully human, and his name is Alex.

There is only one reason why we moved here; to find my mate. I don’t know much about him, except that he lives in Sacramento, and he goes to school at sacramento high. My grandmother, Freda, can see the future and everyone's mate. She looked surprise the first time, she saw who my mate was.

She said I’ll know when I find him. She also gave me 3 hints of who he could be. She told me privately, before we left.

He’s team captain of both the Football and Track.

He’s different from me.Like a different species.

It will be difficult for the two of you to be together, but ya’ll can get through it if ya’ll work together.


On the way over here, I was thinking of the 3 things my grandma said. Mainly about the third one.

3. It will be difficult for the two of you to be together, but ya’ll can get through it if ya’ll work together.

Now what can that mean? Guess I’ll find out tomorrow. Goodnight.
























The New School



Chapter 2:The New School

I had to arrive at the school early, so I could get my schedule, locker, and a tour of the school, by one of the students.

“Come this way, miss Jones.” the principal said.

“My name is principal Skin, and this is Jason Wolf. One of Sacramento’s finest students. He’s team captain of the football and track team. He also has straight A’s.”

The guy next to principal Skin was drop dead gorgeous. He was tall and really tan. He had the most beautiful set of ocean blue eyes, and black silky hair.

“Hi, Eval, I’m Jason, but my friends call me Jace for short. May I call you Ev, Eval?: Jason asked as soon as the principal was out of the room.

“Sure, Jace. So what do you guys do for fun around here? I mean actual fun, because it don’t seem to be a whole lot of people out after 9. What’s the deal with that?” I asked him.

“I like you. You ask a lot of questions. To answer your question about what we do for fun we usually go out clubbing at nearby towns. Now, to answer your question about the curfew. A couple of years ago, a couple of teenagers were coming back from a friend’s party and they served to the wrong side of the road and got hit by a Semi.”

“Oh, were they close friends of yours?” I asked, because I heard a little pain in his voice and I want to know more about him.

“No.” Jace said.

But the look on his face said otherwise. Hey, guess what you guys? I think I found him, my mate, and he is drop dead gorgeous. Actually I know I’ve found him. He matches ⅔’s of the things i’m suppose to look for.

Now, I just need to look for the last one, the third one. “It will be difficult for the two of you to be together, but ya’ll can get through it if ya’ll work together.















The Hot Guy

Chapter 3:The Hot Guy

“Were you born here?” I asked Jace.

“Yes, I was born and raised here. So what about you? Where did you come from?" he asked me.

"I moved here from Warsaw, Ny.  Its a small town. Nothing like this place. So what sports did you like again, I forgot." I asked. I seriously need to make a list of what he likes and don't like and if he don't like me tough luck caause he's my mate and we're stuck together for forever.

"I like Football, Track, and Cross Country, but my personal favorite is wrestling. What sports do you like to play?"

"UMM....I like to play Football and I like to run alot, but I never really tried track or Cross Country. I think I'm going to try out for Football and Cross Country this year." I said hoping he wouldn't laugh at me.

"I think you'll do great at try outs. You seem like you can handle just about anything."

"HEEY,youu...." someone said. 

We turned around and saw a girl in a black and yellow BumbleBee uniform.

 "Who's this?" she asked 

"This is Eval Jones. She just moved here from Warsaw,NY. Ev...this girlfriend...Anna Chase. She's cheer captain of Sacramento high's BumbleBee cheer squad." Jace said.

"Oh, and don't forget I also have straight A's." Anna sad.

"That's nice." I said.

"Hey why don't I go get us a couple of school newspapers. That way Ev can catch up with what's happening. I'll be right back." Jace said, before he disappeared around the corner.

That's weird, as soon as Jace left and was out of sight I got a headache.

"Don't try anything. He's my boyfriend. So back off, before I rip you to shreds. Got that." Anna said rudely.

"Before I could say anything, Jace came back with three school newspapers.



Images: NONE
Cover: 9-13-17
Editing: Faith Kemp
Translation: me
Layout: book
Publication Date: 09-13-2017

All Rights Reserved

To my mom, and my best friends, Riley Gray, Tommy Bassham, and my other friends, Erica Owens, Aspen Huddleston

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