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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Her Betrothed Prince CHAPTER 7 by Jennifer Brunner (best books to read for women txt) 📖

Book online «Her Betrothed Prince CHAPTER 7 by Jennifer Brunner (best books to read for women txt) 📖». Author Jennifer Brunner

Chapter 7
Symphony’s P.O.V.
Nothing. That’s what I felt. Well, not entirely. I felt cold and numb.
I heard whispers surrounding me everywhere and I wanted so badly to open my eyes and see why they were talking so quietly.
I couldn’t remember anything from the hours before I blacked out. The last thing I do remember is Landon leaving with someone.
Kim? Was that her name?
My head was excruciatingly painful. My thighs were sore, my arms burned and my face felt raw.
I tried thinking back but then stopped myself. If I was in this much pain I didn’t want to remember how my body got to feel this way.
I tried turning my head but groaned in agony. I heard movement.
“Symphony?” I heard Landon’s velvet voice say. He reached over and gingerly grabbed my hand.
My eyelids were too heavy to open all the way but I could open them to be slits. It was blurry so I let my site adjust to the bright light. I took a deep breath and a series of coughs came in place of exhaling. “What happened?”
“Sh. Get your rest.” Someone else said.
“Landon what happened?”
“Your dad raped you. You are at the hospital.” I felt something drip onto my hand and when I looked up at his face I saw that he was crying.
I reached up and whipped the tears away with my thumb. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Two days.” He said lightly.
“What’s the damage?”
“Symph, honey, just go back to sleep. I will explain everything next time you wake up.”
That explanation never came.
I was released a few hours after I woke up the second time and it was silent the whole ride home.
I could feel the tension radiating off of Landon’s body. All I wanted was answers. Where was Mick now? Did they catch him? What damage was done to me? Could I still have babies? Would Landon still want to marry me if I couldn’t?
My head swarmed with the questions but they would not form on my lips. I rested my head on the head rest and closed my eyes. From all the sleep I had I didn’t know why I was still tired.
The drive felt like it took forever but when we pulled in the drive and rolled to a stop my body did not want to move. My knees were weak; my back was hunched; my shoulders slumped. I successfully climbed out and Landon came around to pick me up, bridal style, and carried me up to our room.
“I can walk you know.” I said with attitude. He didn’t deserve it but I had to release my anger on someone.
He put me down and rose his hands and backed away. “Whoa, whoa whoa. What did I do? I wasn’t the one who raped you! You can stop with that shit right now.”
I sighed deeply. Slowly walked towards him and put my arms around him. “I’m sorry.” I really didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“No it was my fault. I know you are going through a rough time right now and I should not have raised my voice towards you.” He kissed my forehead. “I’m just pissed at Mick, not you.”
I looked up at his glorious face. “Did they find him?”
He shook his head and unwound my arms from around his waist. “I don’t know Symphony,” He sighed shakily. “He just disappeared. He wasn’t at his house, he’s not here. The cops are on it though. I made sure of that.” He shook his head. “Be glad that I love you because with all this money falling out of my pocket to keep you safe—”
“You love me?” My heart beat once and it seemed that it took forever to beat again. I smiled and liquid rolled down my face. I walked over to the bed and sat down.
He swallowed hard. “I thought you knew that I loved you.”
I shook my head. “Well, your aunt said you did but I still thought you didn’t. I don’t know how you could. You’ve only known me for a week and a half. I keep everything secret. Did you know I had a brother?”
He smiled and nodded. “First let me say that I fell for you before I even knew you.”
My brows knit together. “How?”
“I had a dream about you. It didn’t end well but I knew by the way my heart raced and the tears on my face made me feel. Alone. Missing you, even though I didn’t know you and I only knew the girl—the woman—from my dream was real. Love at sight before first sight.” He laughed. “I will walk in front of a bullet for you, jump on a grenade for you, take every beating Mick gave you and bring them upon myself.”
“How did your dream end?”
“You were in the hospital, bruised. You died.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I will prevent that dream from coming true. I finally realize how you ended up in there. Mick.”
“And I finally realize why God sent you to me. You are my guardian angel, my betrothed prince.”
And I am his betrothed princess.
He smiled at me. “Ha ha. So funny. You know,” He sat on the bed and kissed me lightly on the lips, “I am writing a story and you are my inspiration. You just gave me the perfect title.
I felt wondrous in that moment. “You wrote a story about me?” I asked shyly.
He nodded, “Well, it’s not finished yet, so technically I’m writing a story about you.” He took a deep breath and rephrased his last words. “A story about us.” I hugged him to me tightly, never wanting to let go.
“I truly adore you Landon. You are my hero... Superman.” He smiled down at me.
“And you truly are a damsel in distress, Lois.”
I mock shoved against his shoulder, “Do not compare me to her. I am not Lois Lane!” I giggled.
“So, are you saying that you aren’t a damsel in distress?”
“That is not my fault,” I whispered defensively. I stood and walked over to the dresser and grabbed my makeup bag. “I’m gonna take a shower, okay?”
He nodded. “I’ll be in my office. Come see me if anything disturbs you.” He stood, walked over to me and kissed my cheek. When he pulled away I felt suddenly alone.
I didn’t know what to do. I was so confused. My head was swarming again. “Where are my meds?”
“Are you okay?”
“It’s just a headache. I’m sure Tylenol will help it.”


Publication Date: 03-14-2011

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