Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Glass Mirror by Hannah Garcia, Amanda Peterson (non fiction books to read txt) 📖

Book online «The Glass Mirror by Hannah Garcia, Amanda Peterson (non fiction books to read txt) 📖». Author Hannah Garcia, Amanda Peterson

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     Bam! Now I just want to scream. He kissed me over and over again. And all I did was walk in with open hands. I just wanted to apologize. Now all I can do is think about Bryan. It all started in St. Panamá with my best friend Amber. I was just hanging out with her when I met a cute guy named Bryan. He seemed very polite, sweet, and has dark brown eyes. Then, I found out she went with him and they broke up. Then, he had a sister named Daresay that was sometimes annoying.
     Daresay had short brown hair, pimples, and is kind-of short. Amber still has feelings for Bryan. I know I am a werewolf. I told Amber I was a werewolf and she told me she was a vampire. We have mundane friends like Daresay, Wendy, and Clarissa. Some people are bitchy and uses witch craft, her name is Ginger. She is witch of all evil magic. Also, Amber and me hate evil witches.
      Also, Bryan is so hot. Back to real life. Daresay, Clarissa, Wendy, Amber, and me are going to the Strip-club. All of us want to figure out what is so good about it. Everyone says, “it’s all about the strippers” and “they have sexy men and you don’t have to wear underwear”. So, I am wearing a black short dress, crystal necklace and diamond earrings. Now, I’m at my first experience at a strip club. I was so excited that when we went, I saw strippers who were cute guys, but many guys went looking up and down at us as of in their interest. One of the men made the “call me” sign at me and Amber. We went to dance and had some drinks, becoming totally drunk. Then, I saw Bryan there and his best friend Hunter. While Hunter was talking to Amber, Bryan was coming over to me.
    I was nearly about to faint, but something told me to blush. He grabbed my hand and said, ”Could we go dance “. He pulled me to the dance floor. His hand down low, and my hands in his hair. He said in a charming voice, “ We should go somewhere um… private”. We went to a small bathroom. I knew what was going to happen. He said something that sparked me than before. He said, “ I know you are a werewolf and I need to tell you I am a Vampire Guardian. I also love you with all my heart but we can’t be together. I’m sorry Brittany.” I almost cried but I had to stay strong.
   “I know but we can try to make this work Bryan. We can keep it a secret from everyone and anyone. Even our friends.” Bryan touched my cheek and smiled. I smiled too. He said “ I can’t! Its just I know Amber is a vampire and I am surprised that you are her friend. You know what will happen because of our ancestors war past. I deprive myself everyday to stop thinking about you. I’ll kiss you and love you at any time, but not now. We can play it off as friends at least. I still love --”, he lowered down to a whisper. I pushed all the love I had for him down on his lips. He reluctantly stopped the kiss. He looked at me with a surprised look. Then, he pulled me close to him and my hand went exploring. Next, he just speeded out and I could tell he took Hunter with him because Amber had looked like she was fucking him with a surprised face. We looked for the others who was having a GREAT time.


  We went home and I went in my bedroom. I locked my door and took my jacket off. Hunter was fucking me against the wall at the strip club. I pulled my shirt over my head and felt arms wrap around my waist. Kiss after kiss on my neck.
     “I’m sorry I left you against the wall beautiful.” said a sexy, charming voice. It was Hunter. His fingers lightly touched my flat stomach. I moaned. I threw my head back and felt his shoulder. I opened my eyes seeing his handsome face.
     “You left me with no shirt on.” I turned and faced him.” And besides you left me before we even got naked.” Hunter grinned. I was really drunk so I didn’t know what I was saying. He pulled me closer and we heard the door knock. I sighed and I pushed Hunter in my bathroom. I changed to a baby blue tank top and black board shorts. I let my wavy-curly hair out and flipped my bangs. I opened the door and saw Brittany.
    “Hey Britt. What do you want? It’s like twelve in the morning.”
    “I need my pillow back.” I went to my bed and got her pillow. I gave it to her and she left. I closed and locked the door. I opened the bathroom door and saw Hunter looking at one of my drawers. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I kissed his neck and he looked at me through the mirror.
    “Well you must be hungry babe.” he said sexily. I smiled and I saw his fangs. My fangs came out and he immediately pinned me to the wall. We started kissing and Hunter’s hand went down to my thigh. He pulled it to his hip and his lips traveled down to my neck. I threw my head back and he sank his teeth inside my skin. I gasped for a moment and started moaning. His other hand slid inside my underwear and started groping my butt. I felt his tongue touch his bite marks and he lifted me up. We got out the bathroom and he got on top of me on my bed. My arms were above my head since he pinned me to my bed. We were French-kissing and he took his shirt off. I saw his six pack. Oh my f-ing god. He looked super hot. Hunter took my tank top off and my breath was heavy.
    “Well look what I have here again.” I giggled and he took my bra off. Hunter kissed me again and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We switched positions when I heard Hunter groan. I looked at him and he looked at me. I ran my fingers in his hair.
   “What’s wrong Hunter?” I asked. He shook his head and took my shorts and panties off at the same time.
   “Nothing babe. It’s nothing important.” I got up and sighed. I started pacing and then I went to my bathroom. I didn’t feel good. I opened the toilet and started throwing up. When I stopped I saw Hunter at the doorway. He grabbed my white robe and I put it on. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.
    “You drank too much alcohol baby.” I sighed and nodded. Hunter kissed my cheek and I looked at him.
    “Do you still want to have it?” he asked. I nodded and we went to the bed, having a jolly old time.


    I was still thinking about Bryan. I went back to Amber’s house and got my pillow. When I came back I saw a shadowy figure against the wall. The figure sped over to me in a second. I noticed he had his fangs out and it was finally Bryan. All I could do was throw my body against him. I said to him with a faint voice, “ OMG why did you just leave me. You didn’t even say goodbye”. He put his hand on my cheek. He said calmly, “I left cause I was hungry. I left you because I did not want to bite you. Also, I think we can heal this hunger mistake up”. His eyes turned red and I felt like I had no choice to say, “ yes! And I think we should go in the bathroom and I will change  into my great underwear “. Then, his eyes turned dark brown again. After I did what I said ,I was in the bathroom and he locked the door. I went back to normal when he locked the door. I said, “ what just happened? How did you do that to me? Did you just put on a spell with your glowing eyes--”.
   He shushed me with his fingers. He put his hand on my cheek. He said, “ I know you Brittany. I know everything about you. I love you so much that I want you to be mine forever.” He kissed me on the cheek and sighed. “You were always so unique and you don’t even know what is so special about you. You don’t even know about your powers. We share life together. Hunter loves your strong vampire friend. So lets have some fun. Shall we!” He pinned me against the wall and we started kissing over and over again. My thought is if I should stay or go. And what are my powers.
   I said moaning, “ what are my powers that we share.” He said in a light voice, “ we share speed, teeth, vision, claws, immortality, and element powers. Now, where were we.” We started it again with love all around. It’s a crack to dawn and still wondering if I want to get up is a problem. L-O-V-E is all that counts.


    I woke

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