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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» A Cursed Angel by KaruChan (find a book to read .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«A Cursed Angel by KaruChan (find a book to read .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author KaruChan

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There are things that can be wished for. There are things that cannot. One cannot think about these thingsā€¦ their wantsā€¦their desiresā€¦.their needsā€¦and theirs aloneā€¦without stepping across that invisible lineā€¦that line between Mortality and immortalityā€¦ between human and non humanā€¦sanity and insanity... Love, Money, wealth, fame, power, these are but simple things of many that can drive a person when they have the option to have themā€¦But what if a certain personā€¦ or persons and hedgehogs and others alikeā€¦discover that their wishes can be granted?... even disregarding the price they will have to pay in the long run, as something cannot be wished without having paying something in equal to gain it. Is this a curse... or merely a blessingā€¦wellā€¦that would be telling you what will happen now wouldn't it?

Chapter one:
Destined to be with you Part 1 / The girl locked away and the guy who rescued her.

*Flashback (3 years ago)*

ā€œD...Donā€™t leave me alone tooā€¦I trusted youā€¦pleaseā€¦ā€A girl that looked no older than 13 with purple straight hair that went half way down her back a blind fold covering her scarlet and amber eyes. Her cat like ears twitched as she heard him walk away and without saying anything. She slowly stood to her feet stumbling a bit before she could gain her balance as she tried to follow him. she wore a simple black dress with two thin straps and a buckled strap under her small bust The dress covered most of her small frail body ā€œPleaseā€¦ā€she pleaded her voice filled with sadness and desperation in hopes that he would listen to her cries for him to stay with her. A few sobs escaped her peach lips as tears ran down her pale light peach like face somewhat seeping through the black blindfold that restricted her vision. Her voice lowered down to a whisper as his footsteps faded away ā€œpleaseā€¦donā€™t leave me hereā€¦ā€ another tear drop fell down her face when she was unable to hear or see him again. The last thing she heard was silence before sleep took hold of her saddened thoughts.

3 Years later
Morning 7:50AM

A girl with purple hair no older or younger than 16 her actual age unknown sat alone in the dark room that she was left alone in 3 years ago, she was unable to take off the blind fold she wore. Her hair had grown a bit and the color of her hair darkened to a dark purple color and her dress had gotten a bit smaller and tighter. Her cat like ears twitched at the sound of footsteps walking towards her. Her child like personality kicking in as she slowly stood up on her feet her body weakened as she attempted to search for the sound of the footsteps as they approached her louder. ā€œH-helloā€¦ā€ she spoke with a hint of confusion and sadness in her voice along with a bit of hope, hope that the person that once left her alone in that dark place had somehow came back for her. ā€œDo you wish to leave this placeā€¦ā€ his kind yet stern voice asked her as she nodded her head. ā€œY-yes ...I do...ā€ she said as she followed the direction of his voice as he placed his hand gently on top of her head and began to pet her head gently. He spoke once more his voice remained kind as he spoke to her ā€œthe one who left you hereā€¦he no longer wants you...He has someone elseā€¦ā€ his voice lowered to a whisper, a hint of sadness could be heard in his voice as her ears twitched under his touch ā€œI...I seeā€¦The contract made has been brokenā€¦ā€ she said as a few tears fell down her face and a few sobs escaped her lips as she began to cry. The man leaned down and held her in attempts to comfort her and assure her that everything was alright as he continued to pet her ears softly as he let her cry. ā€œW...will you take me from this placeā€¦ā€ she finally spoke in between sobs as he pulled her away gently and told her ā€œyes...I willā€¦ā€ her lips curled into a smile as she continued to hold him and they stayed like that for what seemed like hours but were merely five minutes.

*several minutes later outside*

ā€œSoā€¦whatā€™s your name?ā€ the man asked her as he held her hand to help guide her down the stairs of an old abandoned cathedral that seemed to look over forty years old. Vines covered a portion of the decaying building. A few stones could be seen missing from the building here and there. ā€œWellā€¦I was given the name ...Maruā€¦ā€ she said as she kept a firm grip on his hand and his on hers. ā€œJudging from your appearance, were you like...I donā€™t know...ā€ he spoke as he continued to guide her until they reached his car as she finished his sentence ā€œif... You are asking if I was a slaveā€¦ then no...I was merely used to grant wishes to whomever I deemed worthy of a former contractorā€¦he abandoned me before he could make his wish...but somehowā€¦I knewā€¦ā€ she spoke casually her voice filled with sadness as she told him her story as they approached the car the man looked down at her before he spoke. ā€œIā€™m going to open the door alright?..ā€ maru nodded her head as they released each otherā€™s grip on their hands as he pulled out a pair of car keys from his pocket on his white coat and placed them in the door twisting the key as the car door unlocked and he opened the door as he lead her inside of the car and closing the door after making sure she was fully inside of the car. He made his way over to the driverā€™s side once he was sure she was alright as he opened the door and got inside of the car. The man took another glance at the girl before he spoke again as he started the car. ā€œI was wonderingā€¦if I may askā€¦ how you were you able to survive until now...ā€ he asked as they pulled off from the spot he was parked at near a scarlet leafed tree. Maru looked at him as he focused on the road her ears twitched every now and then as she heard the sounds of the carā€™s engine and the birds as they flew by as well as other cars before she finally spoke ā€œwellā€¦ I donā€™t know exactlyā€¦but I know every once in a whileā€¦someone would bring me foodā€¦although I donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t free me from that place soonerā€¦ā€ she said as she looked away from him as the man spoke. ā€œWell think of it this wayā€¦ youā€™re out of there now. ā€œ She sighed as she heard what he said and knew that he was right and that he did have a point. She WAS free from that awful place after all so she could be happy for that. ā€œI suppose youā€™re rightā€¦but mind if I ask you your name?..ā€ she said as she looked at him, his eyes never leaving the road as he drove the car and after a few minutes pondering he finally spoke ā€œ my name isā€¦Arkiousā€¦Arkious the hedgehogā€ she smiled as he told her his name ā€œ thatā€™s a nice nameā€¦Arkiousā€¦ā€ she said as she leaned her back onto the seat as sleep slowly began to take over her thoughts her smile never leaving her lips. After several hours of driving they had arrived at an average but nice and spacious tan and redwood Estate. Arkious pulled into the driveway as he looked over at Maru to see if she had woken up but he sighed when he saw she was still sleeping. ā€œG.U.N probably wonā€™t be too happy if they found out that I actually did find something or... someone inside of that old cathedralā€. He said to his self as he exited the car and walked over to the passenger side of the car opening the door as he carefully and gently shook maru in attempts to wake her up as she began to stir.
ā€œWake upā€¦ā€ he called to her as her ears perked up at the sound of his voice as she stretched. ā€œWhere...are weā€¦ā€ Maru said as she turned in his direction, her blind fold still covering her eyes. ā€œWeā€™re at my estate/laboratory...ā€ he said as he helped her out of the car, closing and locking it once he made sure she was out of the car. He led her up the stairs of the estate. A smile appeared on his lips when he saw his wife and maid and butler waiting for him after they walked up the stone steps. ā€œWelcome home...ā€ his wife said as she smiled at him before kissing him on the cheek as they approached. Her attention darted to the girl that stood next to him before she looked at her husband again ā€œSo this is what you foundā€¦ā€ she said as she smiled at the girl. His wife was a maroon hedgehog with soft teal eyes that held wisdom in them her hair was long and scarlet with a few strands of gray. She looked around the age of thirty. She wore a brown/tan sun dress that complimented her fur color and wore a pair of small Metal rimmed round glasses that helped her pull off the ā€˜perfect middle aged wife lookā€™. Her husband was a dark grey hedgehog with amber eyes that held a sad tale within them. He wore a casual black suit and tie and also wore a lab coat over the suit. He had goggles that dangled around his neck. He looked to be thirty one years old.
ā€œShould we introduce her to her sister?ā€ his wife asked him after she turned her attention to her husband. Maru looked up at the couple as her ears twitched helping her indicate that there was indeed someone talking to the man. ā€œWell it would be a good idea... Karu hasnā€™t had anyone to play withā€¦besidesā€¦ā€ his wife looked at him with sad and depressed eyes knowing what he meant by those words. ā€œWell...Should we get her settled in? ā€œThe butler spoke as he looked at the couple. ā€œIā€™ll go and prepare something to eat for the poor dear...She probably hasnā€™t eaten in a while ā€œthe maid looked at maru taking note of her small frail form before she took hold of her hand. Arkious looked down at maru as he spoke ā€œitā€™s alright maruā€¦ thatā€™s our maid sheā€™s going to prepare something for you to eat alright? ā€œMaru turned her head her ears twitching every once in a while upon hearing his voice. ā€œo-okā€¦ā€ she spoke a bit shakily before letting go of his hand and followed the maid as she led her to the dining area. The couple walked inside the estate entering the grand hall before walking up the stairs to their room as the butler closed the main door. Arkious stopped midway turning around to his butler and his loyal friend. ā€œMake sure to find her a nice outfit to wear tomorrow and something to sleep in ok my old friend? ā€œ The butler nodded and bowed before he walked off in the direction of the guest rooms As Arkious continued his walk with his wife up to their room. He was a purple fox with a white tip tail and gold red eyes which held a dark and saddened tale within them. He wore the usual butler attire which consisted of a black suit and an

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