Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » David by Marisa Redhead16 (psychology books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «David by Marisa Redhead16 (psychology books to read TXT) 📖». Author Marisa Redhead16

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David's Admission


"It doesn't matter!" I yelled. Sophia's lip quivered a little. I immediately felt terrible, but it was too late. Besides, she probably didn't want to hear it. She mumbled something under her breath.


"Speak up," I said.


"You're right, this whole fight doesn't matter, because it's not a big deal."


"Yes it is!"


"Tobias, I can't believe you're this jealous. Billy's in jail anyway, I called a restraining order on Kalonice, and Chris and I are just friends."


"I don't want you around him. He's too flirtatious." I snapped.


"You can't tell me who to be friends with. I didn't tell you to stop being my sister's best friend. She didn't tell you not to date me. In fact, she made you sound better than you are!"


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"You're jealous, Tobias. You don't lie or cheat, and you don't hurt me, but you're jealous and you're trying to be controlling." I couldn't believe this. All I did was tell her to stop hanging out with some of her guy friends. How did this fight happen.


"Maybe we should break up!" I shouted.


"Is that what you want?"




"Good. Maybe it's for the best anyway." She turned on her heel and walked the two blocks to hers and Nina's house.


I stood there, feeling like she'd punched me in the gut. And it was several months after we'd gotten together. We'd gotten together as a couple in October and it was late April. I'd grown up a lot since. I'd gotten more confidence. I weighed over two hundred pounds, I still do, but I was two forty five, now I'm two fifteen.
I felt I should run after Sophia Martinez, tell her I loved her, she was my world, my being. I walked the few houses down to my house. Mansion, actually. My family's pretty well-to-do. So's hers. My mother is a lawyer, a famous one at that. Anne Grass. My father lost his job as a professor at the local college. The reason being is he had an affair with his boss's wife.


I know-heartbreaking. Ripped my mother apart when she found out. On top of it, he started drinking heavily and abused all of us. Now he's in rehab. Joseph Grass in rehab. Hmm. My brother took it better than the rest of us. Dad abused him the most. Tony pretty much hates our father. He's a grade and a year older than me. I'm fifteen and a freshman-he's sixteen and a sophomore. We both look and sound more mature than we actually are. We both have blonde hair and greyish brown eyes.We're both sort of odd.


Me, I'm the A-getting guy with a mature mindset. My mind doesn't necessarily think like a computer, but I'm more mature than most guys my age. Tony's a typical sixteen year old. He drives an awesome Mustang now. He used to have a truck, but it was hideous and ran like crap. He has a super hot girlfriend whom he is wild bonkers in love with. Her name is Keisha and she's his longest relationship. He used to be a real player, then he met Spring.


Spring Garcia was a pretty Hispanic girl who appeared to be really sweet. But she broke his heart when she found out he'd screwed over a good friend of hers. Besides, she turned out to be a pyscho. She enjoyed starting catfights and stalked Tony until he told the local authorities.


Want to know what's worse? We recently found out Spring Garcia is Sophia and Nina Martinez's cousin. Now we're in real trouble. And as I laid in my bed listening to a classical music song called "Secret Garden" on YouTube, I wondered if the fight was my fault. Maybe I did try to control her. My mother stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame.


"It's rude to lurk in doorways, " I muttered.


"Something's bothering you." Mom said, sitting on my bed.


"Sophia and I had a fight and broke up."


"I'm sorry."


"I think it was my fault. I told her to stop hanging around certain guys."


"Hmm. Do these guys make you nervous?"




"Well, I don't know much about Sophia, but I know Nina. I know they're fraternal, but they're still twin sisters. I know Nina would never be unfaithful to Michael, and Sophia seems to be a lot like her. It stinks that she had to go through so much pain and heartbreak. I wasn't as strong as her as a teen.


"She's been through a lot. And you two seemed perfect. I'm not scolding you, son. I'm just saying a little jealousy's healthy, but a lot is not, especially if you're telling her to stop hanging out with certain boys."


"Guys." I corrected.


"Of course. Well, I'll leave you alone."

I knew she was right. I could feel nausea slowly working its way up. I knew I had to talk to Sophia. So I walked the two blocks to her house.


"Sophia just left." Nina explained.




"Come in."




Immediately, her new cat Marilyn rubbed on my leg. Of course she has another cat named Calvin. They'd also gotten a Chihuahua they named Hobbes, after the comic character.


Hobbes sniffed my hand while Nina went to her room to get something. I could tell he smelled Girlfriend, my Shetland/Pomeranian/collie mix, and Jazz, Mom and Tony's Queensland heeler. Nina came down, carrying a box. There was a pistol, a diamond necklace, a jade earring, and a mens wedding ring. Jewelry and a gun.


"What are these?" I asked, taking the box.


"Sophia wanted to give these to you. Kalonice gave her the gun before they broke up for good. This diamond necklace was something Billy gave her. The earring she found in an antique store. It didn't have a match with it. The ring was our great grandfather's before he passed on. Our parents entrusted her with it because neither Kevin or I want it. But she took it without hesitation. She loves you, Tobias. "


I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Here I was being a jerk to her, and she was about to do something nice for me.


"Keep it. I don't deserve it." I said. Nina looked confused. I told her about my fight with Sophia. "Oh." she said.



I went home feeling crappier than before. I missed Sophia. I noticed some stuff on the table when I got home. There was Li-Lac, an expensive dark chocolate, eleven red roses, which mean "I'm sorry for what I did, I love you" and some balloons. There was also some wrapping paper and a box. It took me a minute to realize it was a pedicure set. Kind of personal, but this was for my girlfriend and Mom meant well. I knew it was her because I told her and she'd written a card.


It said "I'm so sorry about our fight. I care about you too much to let this get in our way. Please forgive me." How sweet. I also saw an amethyst necklace. That's Sophia's birthstone, and one of her favorite jewels. It's supposed to make the wearer more amiable and promotes love. It represents spiritually and contentment. Sophia was born a exactly a minute before Valentine's Day, February 13th.


I played with the thought of going back right away. But I didn't know when she'd be back. Better to return later. Besides, she was probably still furious with me. I imagined the way her long brown hair falls over her shoulders when she wears tank tops. The way her eyes rival the stars in the night sky. She has naturally tanned skin that glows like the Sun. Nina is a bit paler than her, but you have to remember they're fraternal.

I saw Tony. He was smiling like a jackass and his hair was messed up."Keisha here?" I said.


"No. Just took a nap. Brother, I found out that we're ten percent Jewish, five percent Atheist, and another ten percent Pagan/Wiccan. The rest is Christian."


"That's nice." I said. I really didn't care that much, although it was an interesting fact.


"How do you know?" I said.


"Went on to Our family history is whacked. Did you know our great grandfather owned a casino in Las Vegas?"


"Which one?"


"Dad's grandfather. Mom's great grandfather got accused of murdering a girl's fiance."


"Oh. How is the girl significant? He could've been anyone's boyfriend." As soon as I said 'boyfriend', my stomach tightened.


"Fiance. She was related to Queen Victoria. Some really distant relative."

"Oh." These were our typical conversations. Stuff that was interesting, but at least one of us was having a bad day most of the time. I was the one with a bad day now.

I spent pretty much the whole day laying in bed or showering. I take extremely long showers when I'm depressed. I also repeated The Word Alive's song 'Heartless'. Yes, I like metal. Maybe more than rock. Metal, screamo, rock, punk. My favorite types of music, in that order.

If I called, I had to talk to her in person. No matter how nervous I was. At about 5:00, I set out to her house again. I knocked on the door. Kevin, her and Nina's older brother, answered. He stepped back. There she was, reading her favorite magazine, Seventeen.


"Meet me upstairs in five minutes." she said.

So I watched CSI with Kevin for five minutes. I went upstairs and found her in her pink director's chair. She has an ambition to do something in film, like me. Or design clothes.


"I'm sorry."I said. "The fight was my fault." She kissed me. I could tell she wanted to do it, but I didn't want to, and she knew it. She smelled like fresh musk. One of my favorite scents.

My stomach twisted as she licked my neck. "Sophia, stop."


"What? You don't care about me?" I lost control then.


"Slut!" Then I started to walk away. I turned around for a second, and she was sobbing.


I left, knowing I'd lost a girlfriend and possibly my best friend. I went home. I ignored my dinner plate and everyone's stares. I ignored Girlfriend, who jumped up on my leg and tried to get me to pet her. I ignored Jazz, who was giving me his adorable Give me a treat?  look.


I went into my room, shut the door, laid down on my bed, and sobbed. I got it all out. I remembered that tomorrow was Sunday, so I didn't worry about staying up late. I loved high school more than middle school, but I wasn't in a good mood.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was "Miss Independent" by Kelly Clarkson. A.k.a Nina.


"Hello?" I muttered.


"Tobias! Listen you need to sit down before I tell you."


"What happened?" I said, sitting up suddenly.


"It's about Sophia. She's been shot."




"I don't know the full story, but she's been shot in the thigh. She's out cold as far as I know, and she's being transported to St. Mission."


"I'll be there!"


I grabbed my jacket and wallet.


"Tobias. what's wrong?" my mother asked.


"Sophia's been shot, and she's at St. Mission."


"Oh my God, get in my car!" Mom is particularly fond of Sophia and Nina. She calls them "sweet and intelligent young women". Which they are. Nina would give a terrorist roses if his or her loved one died, and Sophia is the smartest girl I've ever known.

Now she'd been shot, and I wasn't there. I should have been there. I could have lost her. She was in ICU, and I couldn't see her yet. Apparently the bullet hit a major vein. I sat there for a few hours, tapping my foot and contemplating whether to burst into that room.


Finally, after three hours, I could see her. I was starving. Mom had tried to get me to eat, but I couldn't. My stomach churned with anticipation and hunger. Was she okay? Did she even want to see me? She did.She

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