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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Creatures of the Night by J.C. Kelley (ap literature book list txt) 📖

Book online «Creatures of the Night by J.C. Kelley (ap literature book list txt) 📖». Author J.C. Kelley

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Voracious appetite for human flesh. “The evil spirit that devours mankind.”

Said to have glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs and overly long tongues. Tall and lanky and driven by a horrible hunger.

According to the lore, the wendigo is created whenever a human resorts to cannibalism to survive. Many believe the wendigo still exists in Northern Minnesota and Canada.


They are believed to be killed by fire.



A person who shapeshifts into a wolf, either purposely, by using magic, or after being placed under a curse.

The transformation may or may not be associated with the appearance of the full moon. 

A werewolf allegedly can be killed by complete destruction of the heart or brain. Most legends mention silver as the most destructive thing to a werewolf. 

*In Greek mythology the story of Lycaon supplies one of the earliest examples of a werewolf legend. According to one form of it, Lycaon was transformed into a wolf as a result of eating human flesh; one of those who were present at periodical sacrifice on Mount Lycaon was said to suffer a similar fate.

To Become A Werewolf: 

1. Drink water out of the footprint of the animal in question. 

2. To be directly bitten by a werewolf, where the saliva enters the bloodstream. 

3. May be a hereditary condition, meaning, if one or both parents carry the curse, their child will as well. 


The form of a werewolf is not always an ordinary wolf, but is often larger and more powerful than an ordinary wolf. 


CHUPACABRA - â€śGoat-Sucker”

It is associated with Puerto Rico, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and the U.S.A. (Especially in U.S.’s Latin-American communities and Maine.)

Reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. 


Typically described as being 3ft (1m) or taller. Roughly humanoid in shape.

Said to appear in 3 specific forms:

1. A lizard-like being, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. This form stands 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. A forked tongue, large fangs, and known to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave a sulfuric stench behind. When it screeches, some reports note that the chupacabra’s eyes glow an unusual red, then give the witness nausea. 

2. Bears a resemblance to a wallaby or dog standing on its hind legs. It stands and hops as a kangaroo, and it has coarse fur with greyish facial hair. The head is similar to a dog’s and its mouth has large teeth. 

3. Described as a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless, has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, teeth, and claws.

This animal is said to be the result of interbreeding between several populations of wild dogs, though enthusiasts claim that it might be an example of a dog-like reptile. 

Some reports claim that the chupacabra’s red eyes have the ability to hypnotize and paralyze their prey—leaving the prey animal mentally stunned, allowing the chupacabra to suck to animal’s blood at its leisure.

Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabra sucks all of the animal’s blood (and sometimes organs) through a single hole or two holes. 



Acheri are plague demons or spirits. They live in the mountains and at night they come down to prey on their victims, which are usually children.

Acheri appear as gray-skinned little girls. 

They kill their victims by infecting them with diseases.

According to legend, Acheri will sing and play drums and other instruments in the night and anyone who hears them will soon grow sick and die. It is also believed that Acheri kill their victims with their shadows. 

Defense Against Acheri: 

Parents would place a red ribbon or thread around the necks of their children in order to protect them from Acheri.


According to Chippewa tradition, the only way to kill an Acheri is to wrap a medicine woman’s red cloth around its neck. Avoid the shadow of an Acheri at all costs.




It is an Irish/Scottish fairy. It’s an ancestral spirit appointed to forewarn members of certain Irish families of their time of death. 

Chiefly appears in one of 3 guises

1. A young woman

2. A stately matron

3. A raddled old hag 

She usually wears either a grey, hooded cloak or the winding shee or grave robe of the unshriven dead. She may also appear as a washer-woman, and is seen apparently washing the blood-stained clothes of those who are about to die.

She is not always seen, but her mourning call is heard, usually at night when someone is about to die. 

In some parts of Leinster, she is referred to as the “Keening Woman” whose wail can be so piercing that it shatters glass.

The banshee may also appear in a variety of other forms, such as that of a hooded crow, stoat, hare, and weasel—animals associated in Ireland with witchcraft. 

There is no harm or evil in her presence, unless she is seen in the act of crying—but this is a fatal sign.




Demons are fallen angels under the command of Satan. Demons can enter the body of a human, therefore taking command of the human. The human may or may not be conscious during this time. Demons possess the bodies of humans because their true forms have almost no power on Earth. They use their stolen bodies to commit acts of evil and chaos. 

Species of Demons: 

1. Fates, who alter destiny

2. Poltergeists, who cause mischief

3. Incubi and Succubi, who stimulate lust and perversion

4. Marching hordes, who bring about war 

5. Familiars, who assist witches

6. Nightmares, who disturb sleep through bad dreams

7. Disguised demons

8. Demons who assail the saintly

9. Demons who instigate witchcraft 

Powers: Intellect, knowledge, emotion, self-awareness, will, ability to speak. 

Demons have no fixed appearance; they are able to take every look they find required. 




The Arabian ghoul lures travelers into the desert wastes to slay and devour them, and also robs graves and feeds on the flesh of the dead, or on young children. It is known as a skin-walker demon that can transform itself into the guise of an animal. Their appetite is nearly insatiable. 

Powers: The ghoul is impervious to pain, does not age, needs no air to breathe, and is immune to drugs, poisons, and gases. Guns and knives can wound them, but they will not destroy them, as ghouls possess remarkable regenerative powers, enabling them to withstand large caliber weapons and even small explosives. They are no stronger than humans, but they are agile and fast. The ghoul possesses keen night-vision and can smell human flesh from up to a mile away. 

Weaknesses: The ghoul is a nocturnal creature, and is repelled by sunlight and artificial light. Neither cause any real harm, but their speed and strength are reduced. They are highly susceptible to fire. Decapitation is another effective way to destroy one. 

After eating a person/animal’s flesh, the ghoul gains the ability to transform into him or her. 


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