Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » michael by george hart (free ebook novel txt) 📖

Book online «michael by george hart (free ebook novel txt) 📖». Author george hart

RUN!! Is what i awoke to today. The world is being taken over by the demons. Someone let them out, through the gate of death. So my name is jake rix. the chosen child for michael the angel to use as his body. But if im so chosen then why wont he help me. The other angels are destroying the world, while demons are killing innocent souls. Thats the thing that set me apart from my family. I have the power to see innocent and guilty souls. So i guess a part of michael is in me. But the first time i saw him he gave me this sword. He called it the sword of exsistence. So back to the story. Im part of a clan called christs army. Ive seen each of the members souls and they all were guilty at first but michael told me to give them time so I did. And now theyre all innocent.But i have a feeling that one of them isnt as innocent as he seems. My own brother jack hes special to. He can see guilty souls as i can see innocent souls. My brother said a man named dean visited him and gave him the sword of eternity. which is the sword of exsistences brother. "Jake hey look what i have now wings its soooo cool!!" said jack. With crunching and screams jake grew giant magnificant white wings. "how did you....." when he stopped breathing hard jake spread the wings and jumped into the air. And flew straight up until michael struck him out of the air."What was that for!?!"asked jake. "Noone is allowed into the heavens you know youre not supposed to have wings!" "Well take it up with jack because he had them first." Michael had a gaze so hard that it almost made jake faint. "Fussing with an angel is not smart. If you wanna know who gave them to jack then ill show you follow me." And in a second michael waz flying upward and jake stayed close. within less than a minute they were in a place with golden streets. "Heaven" muttered jake. "No jake home is more like it" " what is that sound?" The sound was like thunder and lightning meeting with crackles and booms. "God is making a judgement of gabriel" "Who isnt he jacks angel" "Yes but he has done a terrible thing hes given one of the mortals wings which he knew would seal both of your fates." "Wait i didnt do anything so hows that fair i get it were twins but thats him not me." "Your fates are so close that what happens to one the other feels it or the same happens to them." BOOM!!!!! The golden doors opened and a loud but loving voice said "Come my sons." "Who was that" asked jake. "God" said michael. "Come" So jake followed michael into the room. Where a light so bright almost blinded him. "Jake how are you doing son, would you like to keep your wings?" "Because im giving you a choice so that you can have your adavantage in the war." "Father if he has the advantage then he will lose. Because even though hes the chosen one an advantage will be his downfall." But god knew what the outcome would be. "I dont want the wings but thank you father." "Well youve just shown how responsible you are. So i will give you a gift." "I will give you the power of light." "But how how can i use them?" God whispered something but jake didnt hear it. Then a ball of light flew through the air and hit jake, but when he awoke he was surrounded by light. Demons were running towards him. He stood up raised his hand and a beam of light spread through the valley. While the light destroyed demons it also revived the plants in it from grass to roses white roses. But what jake noticed that the grass was fine cut and no sign of weeds were there so it was like a garden of eden.As the plants grew so did the sunshine. It got as bright as a summers day. Until jake heard the scream. He turned around and jack had a woman by the throut with his blade hovering less than an inch away from her juguler. "Let her go jack you wont win this battle." "I beg your pardon I have already won im the one who opened the doors dont you get it me and gabriel have unleashed lucifer." Then jake heard a slithering sound. He turned his head around and saw a tall creature. "Hello jake so your the chosen one hahaha!" Then jack flew up and landed on the creatures back. "Jake you shouldve kept your wings theyre great!" Jake was in a tight spot so he held his hands out as if to give a loved one a hug. Then a sheild of light surrounded lucifer and jack. "You think this is gonna work brother HA lucifer will destroy you and god!" "I think not for the power of christ jesus our savior and lord will overcome you!" Michael appeared and was apauled. "UGH! lucifer you stink of sulfer o yea i forgot where youve been banished to." "O michael the rebelious son, why do you try to protect the gate!" "HUH what gate is he talking about michael?" Michael had a sstrong look on his face but didnt take his eyes off of lucifer.
"You are the gate to heaven the only gate that lucifer can get through. Meanwhile your brother is the gate to hell so thats the only reason he has him but if he gets you then i have failed my job." "Well then lets fight our way through this" said jake with a serious face. Michael grabbed jake and they flew straight upwards. "Now drop me." and jake fell right on the sheild. He used his blade to cut a hole in it and he dropped the grenade of light. "MICHAEL!!!" bommed lucifer. "JAKE!!!!!!" yelled jack. But jack couldnt be destroyed by the grenade. After the light and dust cleared lucifer was gone but jack was standing alone and glowing in a blackish shadow. "O brother time to die!" And he jumped up into the air after jake. "AGH!" yelled jake. But he drew his blade and sliced jack across the face. Jack stood and raised his hand towards his wound. "You cut me.... bbbbut i was supposed to defeat you." Then jake relized that the cut was across his angelic mark. "AGH!!" screamed jake in a battalic voice. He lepped towards jack and within the one split second e chopped off jacks wings. The two black feathery lumps fell towards the ground. Jake was breathing hard when michael grabbed him and flew towards the gates of heaven. "Why are we going home let me finsh the job!" screamed jake. "NO you have done the right and wrong thing chopping off his wings has let out the seven deadly sins. We have to talk to god on this."

Well there you go that was the time i had almost killed my brother but if i had stayed then i would have been taken back to lucifer. Well talk to ya later jake out!


Publication Date: 04-09-2011

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