Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donโ€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online ยป Fiction ยป ...Then Again I Hate You by Bianca Gray (reading rainbow books txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซ...Then Again I Hate You by Bianca Gray (reading rainbow books txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Bianca Gray

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I felt awful. So awful. I felt like ripping my throat out. She said it would be okay. She said she wouldn't leave me. Some sister. I looked around. I was in the woods, no place to go. So, thirsty. I clawed my neck while looking for a stream. My sister, Taylor, left suddenly about a year ago at the age of 17. I was 15 at the time. When she came back, her blonde hair looked softer and her eyes were a bright crimson red. She was abnormally pale and she walked quietly, like a huntress always stalking her prey. She brought a boy with her, he was dark haired and twitchy. I remembered him as Taylor's boyfriend before she disappeared. And he disappeared 6 months after her. They both stared at me hungrily. That's when Taylor realized I was her sister. And she wanted me to feel this freedom with her. So, she took me here, and bit my neck. Now, I'm stuck here, and she left. I finally found a stream. I ran there, getting to the stream in less than a millisecond. Boy, I was fast now. I opened my hands and closed them. Cool, I thought. I looked into the stream and brought the water to my lips. Ugh, I thought tossing the water out of my hands. Disgusting. It was starting to become harder to breathe. What's going on with me? The pain went away as I looked at myself curiously into the crystal clear water. My reflection. I had big violet eyes with specks of dark blue floating around in them. My hair looked softer, long, auburn and wavy. My face was pale and my features looked more defined. My eyelashes were dark and thick. I knew I wouldn't need any makeup anymore. What happened to me...? I heard a snort and looked up. The man was a beautiful man in a dark red robe and straight black hair. He looked astonished for a minute and stared into my eyes. I stared into his musty crimson eyes and he smiled.
"My dear, what is your name?" he asked putting out a hand. I looked at his hand curiously. I didn't take his outstretched hand.
"My name is Cherry Blossom, but everyone calls me Cherry," I said.
"Please, take my hand. Let me help you up," he said smiling. He looked okay. So, I put my comparitively small hand into his hand. His long fingers covered my hand and he put his other hand on top. He bent his head down like he was concentrating. That's when I felt his presence in my brain. He was milling around in there, looking at everything. I hissed at him, surprised at the sound.
"Get out of my brain," I said connecting with his mind. I felt him astonished.
"You're in my mind," he thought. And I had to admit, I was in his mind. Well, whatever creatures we are, everyone must be able to do it.
"GET OUT OF MINE!" I shouted into his head making it a command. I put up walls around all my thoughts and he couldn't get in even still his mind retreated from mine once I commanded him to. I snatched my hand away from his.
"It's rude to be intruding into other people's mind, Mister," I said crossing my arms. Then I clutched at my throat. I could hardly breathe. Then the man took out a bag of blood from behind him. He held it to the side. I eyed at it hungrily. Then all of a sudden the bag of blood was flying at me and I ripped it open and drank the blood that was in it. I could concentrate much better now. He looked at me, even more astonished.
"You are telepathic, a mind shield, can control people's minds, and you can control things with your mind," he said astonished and curious.
"Can't everybody," I said downing the last drops of blood.
"No, you are definitely special. Come with me," he said.
"I don't know who you are," I said eyeing him suspiciously.
"You have surprisingly good concentration for a newborn," he said.
"I am Aro, the head of the Volturi clan," he said. I frowned.
"Who?" I asked. Aro laughed and grabbed my wrist.
"Come, come. I'll tell you all about it on the way there," he said.


I was standing in an open area with all these vampires staring at me. Aro, the head of apparently all vampires and the head of the biggest clan in the world, called a meeting. And now all these red eyed hungry vampires were staring at me. How ordinary. I turned to look back at the big doors that were opening to let in some late comers. There was a girl leading them. She had red blonde hair and had deep golden eyes. Different, considering everyone else had red eyes. Her hands were intertwined with a tall boy with dark hair and red eyes. He looked at me curiously. The girl smiled. Behind her was another girl who couldn't keep still who was coming in with a big man. He smirked at me. Everyone turned their attention to Aro.
"Cherry Blossom, this is Caius and Marcus, my brothers," he said. Considering he said they were all royalty, I curtsied.
"How do you do?" I said blinking my big purple eyes and looking up at them. Marcus smiled and Caius gasped, looking curiously at my odd colored eyes. I didn't think they were that odd. My eyes had always been slightly purple. Now they were a deeper purple and more noticable but still...
"Everyone, this is Cherry," said Aro. I looked around and made eye contact with the girl with deep golden eyes.
"Why is your eye color different?" I asked cocking my head to the side and staring at her wide eyed. She looked shocked for a moment and then smiled.
"I drink animal blood," she said. I looked up at Aro.
"I want to drink animal blood as well," I said. He tried to hide his surprise but considering I connected my mind with his just barely, I knew he was surprised and a little irritated. Something about the Cullens...? Then he went on with explaining my oh so powerful powers. Marcus was staring at a boy who was staring intensely at me. He had deep green eyes with golden specks floating around. His caramel colored hair fell just a little into his eyes. He was staring very intensely at me. I felt like I was being interrogated. I knew what everyone was thinking. "What's with her eyes?" I looked curiously at the girl holding the big man's hands, not at all paying attention to what everyone was debating about.
She had straight brown hair that was slightly red. Her eyes were a little smaller than the usual vampire and her skin tone was a little darker than the average pale vamp. She smiled at me as if encouraging me to do something. Then I heard something about soulmates, so I started paying attention.
"Marcus, come," I heard Aro, I mean the master, say. Marcus gave Aro his hand while staring blankly at me. Aro smiled.
"Yes, how strange," he said. I figured since it was a private conversation I wouldn't butt in with my whole telepathic thing. Then Aro stared at the guy with the soulful green eyes.
"Everyone is dismissed...except for you, Corin," said Aro. I turned to leave.
"And you also Blossom," he said.
"It's Cherry Blossom," I mumbled. He looked at me like he was my father and I had said something out of turn.
"Come, my little Blossom," he said beckoning me over with his hand.
"Yes, Master," I said obeyingly.
"Please, call me Father. I have now adopted you," he said with open arms. I looked up at him, excitement showing desperately on my face. I had never had a father, and of course he knew that, nosing around in my mind and everything. A girl with an angelic face and short dark brown hair hissed at me.
"Jane, please," said Aro waving at her. She scowled at me.
"Yes, Master," she mumbled. Aro looked at me and Corin.
"Come, come," he said. He sat down on his throne, Marcus on his left, Caius on his right.
"I have heard some very interesting things," he mused putting his head on his fist.
"What kind of things, Master?" asked Corin his voice sounding like melted butter over toast. He looked about 17. A year older than I.
"You know about the soulmate principle, don't you Corin?" Aro asked.
"Yes, Master. All vampires do," he answered.
"Mm. Well, this may be one of those things. How often does a vampire see two 3/4 vampires in their lifetime?" asked Aro.
"Excuse me? 3/4?" I asked. Aro turned to look at me and smiled cheerfully.
"Of course. It happens when not enough venom goes into your heart. It looks as though an amateur did you," he answered.
"It was my sister, Father," I said meekly. He nodded.
"I already know this my little Blossom," he said.
"But, she is not your sister anymore," he said strictly. I nodded and bowed my head.
"My daughter, I like you better when you are defiant and strong, do not be like this in front of me," said Aro. I looked up and saw him smiling. Strong and defiant, he said. He saved me from ripping my throat out. I can be strong and defiant. I lifted my chin and stood as proudly as I could. Aro nodded at me in approval.
"Now, about the soulmate principle, when two soulmates come together in battle, they become unstoppable. No one can touch them. And especially with the both of your powers, together, you two would be my secret weapon," said Aro thoughtfully.
"Are you saying he's my soulmate?" I asked narrowing my eyes at Corin. I hated him already and he hardly uttered a word. There was something in between us. A connection I couldn't understand. And I hated it, so in turn I hated him.
"Yes," replied Aro. He and I took a step away from each other.
"This must be some mistake, I'm not attracted to her at all," he said as I said, "Um, no, Father, I think you've got it all wrong." Then we both looked at each other and scowled.
"Not happening in my existence," we both said at the same time. Aro laughed at our childness of it all.
"Corin, Cherry, Do you not feel a connection at all?" asked Aro thoughtfully.
"Well..." Corin started off.
"I feel a connection but its more like 'I hate you' kind of thing," I finished.
"So, you do feel a connection?" asked Aro. We both nodded.
"Unfortunately," Corin said. I glared at him.
"But of course it works both ways, the whole soulmate principle. If you look at it one way, you both hate each other so much, you can't stand it. If you look at it another way, you both love each other so much you can't stand it. But in your case, you both love each other so much you hate each other," said Aro.
"I don't love him," I said crossing my arms across my chest.
"I will never love her," said Corin looking at me like I was something on the bottom of his shoe. So, I stuck my tongue at him. Yes, it was childish, who cares? He looked amused. So, I rolled my eyes and looked

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