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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» the vampire rose by Sunny Skye Blanco (ebook reader with highlighter .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«the vampire rose by Sunny Skye Blanco (ebook reader with highlighter .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Sunny Skye Blanco

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The vampire rose: the orphan

By: Sunny Skye Blanco

made in 2009

Chapter 1

I was having a nightmare, a terrible one I was dreaming about a couple the adopt children but when they do they seem very nice and kind. But when the couple gets hungry they drink their blood or if their not to hungry they turn them into vampires. I woke up quickly I couldnā€™t bear to know anything about what they did to does kids. Everything seemed so real and thatā€™s why I couldnā€™t go back to sleep. Then I looked out the window and saw a star even do I didnā€™t believe in wishing on stars, I did and my wish was if I ever get adopted I got adopted by a couple that really wanted a child. Then I felt better somehow so, I felt comfortable to go back to sleep.
The next morning I got up and ate some breakfast when I went back to my room. I started thinking about the wish I made last night I wondered if itā€™ll ever come true. But wishing on stars isnā€™t going to help me survive in the world, I decided to start practicing my black magic Iā€™m a spook but also a witch I think thatā€™s the greatest things you can be from the underworld.
Then I noticed that the reason I was practicing my magic was because I thought that horrible nightmare from yesterday might happen to me. It seems most of my dreams come true lately.

Days passed and almost everyone was getting adopted except my roommate Alice and me. Alice was the closest thing I had so far but itā€™s cool because she also belongs to the underworld, sheā€™s a werewolf.
ā€œSo Alice, has anyone come to see you? You know to adopt you.ā€ Asked Vanessa.
ā€œWell yeah but no one wants to adopt me. I overheard one couple say I look to evil. I guess itā€™s true. I might look evil after allā€ said Alice sadly.
ā€œSorry to hear that, but just so you know you donā€™t look evil youā€™re just special you know differentā€ said Vanessa.
I grabbed my diary and started writing:

Dear diary, 12-20-2009
Well itā€™s almost Christmas and either Alice or I have gotten adopted yet, Iā€™m very sad and Alice thinks she does look evil and is all because the people that see her donā€™t want to adopt her exactly because she supposedly looks evil. Can you believe such thing? I wish Alice and I get adopted before Christmas Eve. Oh! Also I had a nightmare last night about some couple they adopt children and then they turn them into vampires or suck out all their blood is scary but I have a feeling that dream is real. Is weird I never got to see their faces if I had I would have known how they look like so I can protect myself. Well I donā€™t have all day so bye Iā€™ll write on you later.
Bye, ļŠ

When I finished writing Alice left. I guess she didnā€™t want to talk anymore. I went to sleep and tried to dream the same thing as last night I thought if I had the same dream as yesterday I could get to see their faces. But instead I dreamt about Alice being interviewed by some woman the woman seemed nice and Alice looked happy. I wondered if that was going on while I was sleeping. I woke up quickly but it was too late Aliceā€™s stuff was no longer here. I was happy she got adopted but also sad that she didnā€™t wake me up to say goodbye. Now Iā€™m the only kid left for adopting from my age but I still hope I get adopted tomorrow.
I started practicing my magic once again and then I fell asleep.

The next day a couple was in my room and as soon as I woke up they started talking to me.
ā€œGood morning Vanessa you mind me asking you some simple questions?ā€ asked the lady.
ā€œSure. No problem.ā€ Responded Vanessa.
ā€œWhere were you born?ā€ asked the man.
ā€œWell I was born in Puerto Rico, San Juanā€ answered Vanessa.
The couple kept on asking questions they were really easy to answer and interesting. After a few minutes the couple started to talk to Ms. E. about me becoming their daughter.
It was so exciting hearing that I was very happy.
After Ms. E. got the couple to sign some paper work, everything was ready for me to leave with the lovely couple. I already packed and learned their names the lady was Amanda and her boyfriend or husband was Carlos. I was going to miss Ms. E. she was like a mother to me for all this years but I knew this was going to happen one day. So, I said goodbye and gave her a really tight hug.
Amanda, Carlos and I took a flight to Los Angeles it was a four hour airplane ride but it was fun. When we got home I was amazed it was a mansion! And it was going to be my home, after I got everything out of the limo I rushed inside with my new parents and they showed me my room. My room was big as a living room maybe even bigger; I had my own bathroom and a little living room in my room. The sofas were red the type of red I loved it was a dark color red with black and white small pillows. The lamps were gold and silver with a very weird fancy design and my bed was huge it was king size! Also the bathroom was huge it had a spa, shower and a tube also it has two gold sinks a huge mirror and plenty of space to fit my whole bed and sofa in here.
After that I explored the house a bit. I was very happy it was a dream come true. But even do this was great I was worried I donā€™t know what kind of parentā€™s they were going to be.
ā€œVanessa come to the living room we got to speak to you.ā€ Said Amanda.
I went down the stairs headed to the living room and sat down.
Amanda and Carlos told me I will no longer be going to me normal school. That I will be going to a private school and I will be wearing new clothes since my new parents are rich, Amanda told me Iā€™ll be wearing outfits only once then will donate them and I will be wearing every weeks fashion.
ā€œWe donā€™t have any rules but if thereā€™s something bad or not normal you will have to tell us we donā€™t want any harm. Is that okay?ā€ said Carlos.
ā€œYesā€ answered Vanessa.
I stood up and walked to my room I unpacked but when I opened my closet I saw tons of clothes I felt like if it was already Christmas but now I am rich I just hoped Alice is living the same way I was. After I got everything in its place I started writing in my diary again. I wrote:

Dear diary, 12-21-2009
Iā€™m very glad my wish came true. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m rich and Iā€™m going to a private school also with brand new clothes what I mean is Iā€™m going to be wearing new fashion every week. But Iā€™m kind of worried because I wonder if Alice is been treated the same way I am. I hope sheā€™s okay, you know I would do anything to protect her and also how does she look the same way as me is weird I think all my dreams are trying to tell me something I just canā€™t figure it out. Sometimes I think if we were sisters itā€™ll be awesome and very cool because we get along great and we have the same powers except sheā€™s also a werewolf and Iā€™m becoming a spook. I have so much to tell you but I have to go sorry!!!!!
Bye, write on you later! ļŠ

ā€œIā€™m probably going to hear about Alice soon or I can just contact her through a mirror.ā€ Vanessa said to herself.
Then I went all the way down stairs to the last floor, the mansion looked a lot bigger than before I felt very awkward and decided I should tell Amanda Iā€™m a spook and a witch.
ā€œAmanda! Amanda!ā€ screamed Vanessa.
ā€œYes sweetie am in the kitchen!ā€ answered Amanda.
Vanessa quickly walked to the kitchen and saw Amanda.
ā€œAmanda I got to tell you something but please donā€™t tell Carlosā€ said Vanessa.
ā€œWhat is it Vanessaā€ said Amanda with a worried face.
ā€œOkay Iā€™ve got to tell you something that humans have the ability to do.ā€ Said Vanessa.
ā€œSo, what is it, itā€™s okay?ā€ said Amanda.
ā€œWell Iā€™m a spook well almost when I turn 15 and Iā€™m a full power witch Iā€™ll be a complete spook but Iā€™m also aā€¦..ā€Said Vanessa.
ā€œYouā€™re also a what? Tell me Vanessa is ok just tell me I wonā€™t tell Carlos anything.ā€ Said Amanda.
ā€œIs that you might think Iā€™m lying but Iā€™m not!ā€ said Vanessa.
ā€œIs okay I believe you, me and Carlos have a secret we were planning to tell to tell you, but I will tell you if you tell me youā€™re secret.ā€ Said Amanda.
ā€œWell Iā€™m not sureā€ said Vanessa.
ā€œokay-thenā€ Said Amanda.
Amanda laughed at what Vanessa said. Amanda didnā€™t believe she could be a witch and a spook. But that really hurt Vanessa; Vanessa thought she could trust her.
ā€œIā€™m not joking I thought you would leasing but now I know I canā€™t trust you!!!!ā€ said Vanessa.
ā€œIā€™ll believe you if you show meā€ said Amanda.

Amanda took Vanessa and placed handcuffs in her hands and her legs then Amanda hanged her in the very last room on the top floor. She placed tape around Vanessaā€™s mouth so she couldnā€™t yell.
ā€œNow you canā€™t do anything you stupid witch. You wonā€™t even last long enough to turn fifteen. All because you couldnā€™t keep your mouth shout I was going to give you a chance, so you

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