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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Daughters of Kimora by Angel92296 (best thriller novels of all time .TXT) 📖

Book online «Daughters of Kimora by Angel92296 (best thriller novels of all time .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Angel92296

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The Six

“Why hasn’t it happened yet?” one of the six hissed. She was the tallest of the six, and the most beautiful. She wore a gown, like the others but she couldn’t be compared.
“I don’t think it’s us this time. Wait. I know it’s not us this time,” said the second of the sixth. “Something has changed our path. Blocked it, somehow.”
“How could that be? Aren’t you suppose to know?” the beautiful one yelled.
“She doesn’t want me to know” was hissed in reply. Silent gasps held the others faces, including the beautiful one.
“How is that even possible? We took care of her centuries ago” said the beautiful one as she recovered quickly, the other four still frozen in shock.
“Whatever made you think she wouldn’t return?” said another of the six. All eyes were suddenly shooting toward her. She met all of them with the same powerful gaze. “We all said that wouldn’t hold her long. Just because she can’t come forth to us doesn’t mean she can’t
“Never!!!!” the beautiful one yelled. She looked extremely pale as she spoke her next words and realized the truth. “She has made a new child. A child that can bring us power and death”
“It is true. She let lives another child. A child of great power and destruction” said the second of the six. “What was The Six are now seven. There are seven daughters now” And then my alarm went off. I sat up slowly, my alarm still beeping away. The little black alarm clock read six thirty. I pushed the snooze button and threw my covers over my head. I was prepared to go back to sleep when the covers disappeared.
“Don’t even think about it, Lucinda” I heard his voice, before I saw his face. I was so glad that I wasn’t one of those skanks that slept naked because that would be the worst scene ever for my foster brother.
“Did I invite you in here?” I asked, highly annoyed that I was allowing myself to get more annoyed and less sleepy. He still had his PJ’s on and his light brown hair was all over the place.
“I’m not a vampire. I don’t need an invitation” he said, grinning stupidly. He looked at my not-so clean and not-so girly room. “Do you want a lawn mower for you room?”
“No but thanks. It would be nice for you to see yourself out though” I said, no longer as sleepy as I needed to be to easily fall back to sleep.
“So you can fall back to sleep and I get yelled at for not waking you. I don’t think so” he said, folding his arms across his chest.
“No, so I can get ready for school, Jesse” I said. I paused, putting on my best thinking face. “I sometimes find it hard to believe you’re older than me.”
“Whatever. Just hurry up” he said, walking out my room pulling the door closed behind him. I climbed off my queen sized bed and began my normal morning routines which included me taking forever in the bathroom just to annoy Jesse, burning toast to a crisp and waiting impatiently for my ride to show up.
Two honks of a car horn had me jumping off the kitchen stool and throwing away my burned breakfast. I snatched my bag off the floor and was surprised to meet Jesse standing at the door.
“Come on” he said, motioning for me to hurry out the door. He actually being ready for school meant he was riding with me and my best gay friend to school. This should be interesting.
“Decided to come to school on time, Jess?” I asked, sarcastically.
“What could it hurt?” he asked
“Do you even know who you have first period?” I asked.
“Nope” he said closing and locking the front door.
“My point exactly” I said, rushing toward the still honking black sedan. I slid in the passenger seat.
“Could you two have taken any longer?” Cameron asked, as Jesse hopped in the back. Cam failed to notice Jesse doesn’t usually ride with us but then again he looked like something else was on his mind.
“His fault” I said, pointing my index finger behind me. I thought he would deny but instead he said, “She’s right. It takes time to look this good.”
“Well, there is a possible chance we might be late” Cameron said, carefully pulling out of the drive way.
“Not if you stop driving like a grandmother” I said, looking in the glove compartment for a non-healthy treat. I sighed when the only thing I came across was a banana and a pack of trail mix. I closed the compartment and put my feet up on the dashboard.
“Why are you so mean to me?” he asked, sadly. I forgot Cameron just had a bad break up with this guy he really liked. I also forgot how emotionally fragile he can be during these times. Screw Derrick Henson for making my best friend an emotional wreck!
“Oh, honey! I’m so sorry” I said. We both knew I wasn’t mentioning my behavior and I saw the tears that filled his eyes. Cameron didn’t even need to look at me to know that his already pale skin was red from sadness and anger. I wasn’t worried about him driving and crying because this isn’t the first time this has happened. Jesse, on the other hand, freaked out.
“Is he going to be alright? Maybe I should drive” he said in a panicked rush.
“He’s fine” I snapped at Jesse. I watched Cameron try to pull his self together silently.
“I’m fine” Cameron said but his voice cracked when he said ‘fine.’ The rest of the drive to school was quiet. We pulled into our normal parking lot space. Jesse was the first one out the car. He spoke through my open window.
“Don’t bother waiting for me. I have baseball practice later” he said, giving Cameron a nervous smile before he turned back to me.
“Hand it over” I said, holding out my hand. He pulled out his wallet and counted five twenty dollar bills and slapped it in my hand. I grabbed his hand before he pulled away.
“You have Trig” I said. “Do you know where that is?”
“Nope” he said.
“Do you think you can figure it out?” I asked.
“Nope” he said, grinning stupidly.
“Ugh, move out of the way before I hit you with this door” I said, pushing my way out the car. I shoved the bills deep in my jeans pocket. I didn’t notice Cameron get out of the car because I was too busy cursing Jesse to every dark place I knew of.
“I’ll see you in class then” Cameron said, walking to the theater side of the building. His body slouched a little and it made me sad that I couldn’t cheer my cheery perky friend up. I stormed in the other direction toward the math section. I knew that Mr. Lopez, the drama teacher, will eat me a live for being late for his class yet again for the twelfth time this month.
“Ms. Wills would love to see you again. It’s only been three months.” I said, grinning to myself happily as I imagined the scenario. He grabbed my shoulder, spinning me to face him.
“I’m not going to Trig” he said seriously.
“Then why did you come so early. You usually show up around third period” I said. I started digging in my bag for my Blackberry. It wouldn’t hurt to see if Lopez might want to kill me or not.
“I needed to talk to you” he said. I peeked up from my search because he still sounded serious. I kept searching in my bag.
“Can we talk and walk. I really can’t afford to be late for drama” I told him, turning heading in the direction Cameron disappeared in.
“Sure” he said. I finally found my Blackberry which was buried in my U.S History text book. I guess that was a sign that I should have did the reading last night. I sent Cameron a quick text: ARE U THERE YET?
“So what do want to talk about?” I asked, picking up my pace.
“You” he said.
“Me? What did I do?” I asked, shocked.
“You were screaming last night. Did you know that?” he asked. He looked like he was telling the truth but he sounded off topic. My phone vibrated at an incoming text message from Cameron: YEA. LOPEZ IS PISSED!! GET OVER HERE NOW!!
“No I didn’t know that. Get to the point” I said. I stifled a groan at the message I received. Cameron was so right when he said we were going to be late but half way walking in the opposite direction made me later than him.
“I’m worried about you. You never screamed in your sleep before. Ever. Not one nightmare. And the fact that you didn’t wake up after all that screaming is weird” he said in a low voice. I slowed down but didn’t stop. That was weird because my throat wasn’t hurting at all. Screaming does tend to leave a sore throat.
“How long have I been screaming?” I asked.
“All night really” he said.
“Are you serious?” I asked. I then really looked at Jesse. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes were a little red. Probably from lack of sleep. He wore a black shirt that showed how muscular he really is. He barely looked like his normal annoying self. I don’t know why but I turned away quickly, fighting the urge to tell him how crappy he looked. I remembered that I didn’t reply to Cameron and I sent a quick little message: IM ON MY WAY. COVER FOR ME. I pressed send and shoved my cell in my bag.
“Yes” he said.
“That’s really weird because I didn’t have a nightmare last night” I said, remembering the strange dream because it was my first in years. “I dreamt of six girls that looked like they were a little over their twenties. I wouldn’t say that was a nightmare. I would say that’s kind of weird.”
“Were they hot?” he asked me in a full guy-stupidity mode tone. I screwed my face and gagged in disgust.
“Is that really the point? No, it’s not. And anyway, it was just a dream” I said.
“But you do admit that it was strange and not normal?” he asked. We finally reached the auditorium side stage door.
“You could say that” I

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