Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donโ€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online ยป Fiction ยป E.Y.E.S by Bianca Gray (book recommendations website .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซE.Y.E.S by Bianca Gray (book recommendations website .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Bianca Gray

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I was young and in love, as I recalled while looking at myself in the mirror. Today was the day. My wedding day. I looked at my blue black hair all piled up on my head. The white simple dress drifting all the way to my feet. On my feet there were 2 inch off-white heels. When Eric proposed to me, I didn't need to think twice even though I was 18 and barely out of highschool, he, 19. I smiled and the mirror reflected my smile back at me. I saw my ocean blue eyes twinkle. When I was younger, I never imagined myself marrying a scientist intern. I imagined myself of marrying a prince, being rich, but fate had a different path for me. This I knew when I first laid my eyes on Eric White. The only thing about him that irked me was that he was too quick to respond to something. He never thought it through. I twisted my lips into a frown. I sighed deeply. That, was something I needed to change about Eric, I thought. I saw the door open in the mirror. I turned around and hugged my mother and father. All the bridesmaids came in. An hour later, it was time to become Mrs. White. My dad stuck his head through the door frame.
"Honey? It's time," he said quietly, his eyes red and puffy. I smiled at him.
"Daddy! Have you been crying? On my wedding day?" I asked surprised. He stood up a little straighter and then slouched down again.
"Yeah, my little girl is all grown up," he said sniffling. I laughed.
"Daddy, I'll always be your little girl. You know that," I said. I wrapped my arms around my dad. I smiled.
"Let's get this show on the road," I said.
After the wedding, came the honeymoon. I remember every touch, every kiss. And then nine months later came little Zoey. My little Zoey.
But then, one day, Eric came home from work. He was finally a scientist but he was looked down upon. He was starting to scare me. Eric was turning cold and unfeeling. But tonight he was a little happier. He had more life to his step. After I put little Zoey to bed, I asked him what was up? Eric smiled his lopsided smile at me.
"Everyone was talking about those supernatural kids, that the government wanted to put away? That they think is a danger?" said Eric excitedly. I nodded. He had no idea how much I knew.
"Actually Eric there's something I need to tell you about-"
"Well I thought of this great idea!" cried Eric as if he was uninterrupted. I sighed. I'll tell him afterward, I thought.
"How about we capture them, suck the power out of them, and put them into a regular human being to make the most super human being on the planet! Which we could use for armies and stuff!!" cried Eric. My face turned ghostly white.
"Doesn't that...kill them?" I asked him slowly. He nodded.
"Yeah, but it's ok. I mean whats it to us?" he asked. I gulped.
"Well Eric this may be hard to believe but-"
"So, when everyone agreed I was like well we could do the experiments on my daughter since she's little and everything!! Now I get to be in charge of the whole thing!! Isn't that great?" He asked clearly excited. I felt my face turn hot and fuzzy. My little Zoey? My

little Zoey? I shook my head violently and got up.
"No, no, no! You are NOT using Zoey!!" I shouted at him. He looked hurt for a little bit but his brown eyes started to harden and glaze over.
"Oh really?" He asked cocking his head. He inched towards Zoey's bedroom door. My eyes turned wide. I couldnt speak. He opened the door while keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I saw him reach for something in his belt. A gun! I shouted in my brain. No, no, no, no!! I started to follow him, like a cat hunting its prey. Eric grabbed my baby, Zoey. Her eyes were wide and blue. A beautiful Carribean blue. Her blue black hair was wavy on the top of her head. She was the mirror image of me.
"Eric," I said cautiously, "put Zoey down." He laughed maniacally.
"Put her down? Not until you let me use her! You don't understand Heidi! She's vital for me to get on top! The government totally agrees with it!" he said getting all excited again. I closed my eyes.
"No, I can't let you Eric. Put her down before you hurt her," I said slowly, my eyes drifting to the gun in his hands. Why did I believe he was so perfect? He's obviously crazy! I thought to myself. We haven't even been married for 2 years!! Eric smiled showing all of his white teeth.
"Why would I kill my ticket to the top?" he asked cocking his head. I gulped.
"No," I said.
"Oh, yes," he said back.
"But, Eric, you love me!" I cried out. He looked at me with glassy eyes.
"Do I?" He asked unfeeling. Thats when I turned to run. I heard him put Zoey down and run after me.
"Heidi, don't do this, don't do this," he said.
"Your the one going to do this, Eric!" I screamed at him. I stopped to look at him.
"But I don't want to," he said pleading with his dark brown eyes.
"Then don't," I said searching his face. His eyes seemed to soften for a second and then they hardened.
"But you won't let me use Zoey," he said like he was choking.
"No, I won't," I said half turning to run again. He smiled crazily.
"Ah, don't do that, dear Heidi, for the hunt has just begun," he said. I started to run again but then I heard the gunshot and a baby crying. Oh, and then the pain, the pain! I saw Zoey's face come into my mind. Zoey, I thought, I never got to tell your father. I never got to tell your father how special you are. Maybe then he would've acted differently. Then I felt myself slowly slip away.

Chapter 1

I slumped down in the swively chair at the meeting table. There had to be at least a dozen scientists there with me. My father was at the end of the table. I had just turned 15 and I, also, had failed my mission. I remember exactly what happened. It was a Thursday night, and I was trailing Trudy like usual. She seemed impatient, anxious. She kept looking back but not in my direction so I knew she hadn't seen me. We were at the bridge. I have to keep her safe, I thought to myself. I was about to run to her when she stepped down from the ledge, so I stayed where I was. I thought I was fine, where I was. She wasn't going to get hurt, I remember thinking to myself. But then I saw her look back again, this time with fear and surprise in her eyes. I looked back as well, which later I knew was a mistake. I heard the gunshot before I saw the man. Then I turned to look at Trudy. Oh God, if there is one, please let her be okay, I kept thinking in my head. She was falling, off the bridge. I winced when I heard the deadly splash of her dead body hitting the surface of the water. And that's how I ended up in the meeting room with my father and a dozen other sick scientists. I hated hearing gunshots. It was the only thing that made me show any feeling. I heard a gunshot when I was younger, then the sounds of a woman's gurgled scream that would forever haunt me. I put my long blue black hair into a quick bun. My father turned to look at everyone. I mean from his chair turned so he could swivel around and stare us down with a neglected gray cat in his hands. The cat used to be white. My father was and is a lunatic, a mental patient, he was out of his mind. He was the one who thought of all this. He was the one who shot the only woman he's ever loved. And he was the sick scientist that thought hearing children scream was like waves crashing on a beach. I hated that man with a passion. My father, Eric, started to pet his gray cat who was pleading with me to get him out of my father's hands. I gave a little shrug towards the cat. I was a neglected animal to him as well. Everyone, except the scientists, were. We haven't been fed for two days now!
"Now, Zoey, what are we supposed to do?" asked my father looking at me with his glazed over brown eyes. The eyes that never softened or glowed. I'm sure they once did, I thought, before he went all mental patient on everyone. On my mother. I winced. I hardened my eyes toward him.
"I don't know," I said boldly. No one ever speaks to my father like I do. But I can get away with it. I'm his "ticket to the top" even though he's already there. He just stared at me. His mouth muscles twitching.
"It was a rhetorical question, Zoey," he said. I smiled fakely toward him.
"Right," I said with fake cheerfulness. The new scientist, Robin, raised her hand. My father turned his glassy eyes toward her.
"Well, we could assign her to someone new in the area," she suggested. My father nodded.
"Yes, I already have that covered. Again, it was a rhetorical question," he said with a scowl. Robin blushed and turned her head away. I saw her write, "don't answer questions unless someone has first." I snickered and she looked up and glared at me.
"Mr. White," she started again. My father turned to look at her once more. He looked annoyed.
"I understand you use that bacteria, on the kids here, if they don't obey any of us, that makes you feel like your being eaten alive," she said with a smirk.
"Yes, we do," said my father alarmed. Robin gave me a quick smug smile. My father saw it, though, so he gave me a confused look. I shrugged. He turned back to look at Robin. She gave him a flirtatious smile. Yes, I know my father is very handsome, but it seems to me that every woman doesn't care whether he's crazy and sick. They try for him anyway.
"Well, I've noticed, on my few days here, that you never do anything with this girl," she said pointing a finger at me. I raised one finger.
"Um, I have a name," I said. Eric looked at me.
"Zoey, is my daughter," he said. His eyes never leaving my face as he said it. Then he turned toward Robin.
"I'm sure you can see the resemblance," he said slowly. I scoffed. I didn't look anything like my father except that I had wavy hair like him. I knew I looked more like my mother. Actually, a mirror image of her except the eyes...
"Oh I see," said Robin defeated. I gave her a smug smile. Another old scientist said something about trying to inject one of the strength powers into Poppy since the other one worked so well. But not on me. They never worked

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