Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Destroyer by hima (best fiction books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «The Destroyer by hima (best fiction books to read .TXT) 📖». Author hima

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Seven Kingdoms

A person in royal robes, tall, brown skinned and handsome in features was pacing to and fro restlessly, each time he passed the huge door in front of him, he pressed his ears over the door to hear something.

“Be patient, my lord. Everything will be well.” One of the persons approached him. The king nodded merely, He pricked his ears once again to hear any sounds. At last the time has come for which he had been waiting for years and years, a little infant’s cry was heard over from the walls behind the huge door. The king’s face at once lit with joy, he hugged his royal supporter, his friend. He heard another cry now, this one was different; it was like the little girl was announcing her birth to the whole world. The king pushed open the doors and hurriedly walked to the queen’s bed side.

He kissed on the forehead of the queen and congratulated her for giving birth to twins. Next to her lying were the most beautiful babies that anyone had ever seen. The king picked up the first born baby and kissed her gently and she has her mother eyes; dull brown. He carefully placed her beside her mother, he picked up the next born and cradled her in his arms, she opened her tiny little eyes; king was shocked at once to see her glassy blue eyes that radiated power and knowledge. He stumbled as he realized who she was. The royal supporter caught her before she fell from the king’s arms. The baby started crying and her mother hushed her, cradling in her arms. She noticed her eyes and was visibly shock but due to her natural instincts as a mother, she didn’t let the baby feel the worry. The king collapsed on to the bed, the royal supporter who is another brown skinned, moved towards him slowly and examined the child. True to their suspicions, the child bore the mark and her glassy eyes proved it.

“What do we do?” the royal supporter thought out loud. “Why should it be my child? After all these years god smiled upon me with two cute baby girls and one of them turns out to be…” the queen cried clutching her baby girl.

“She is my child. I will not let the destiny play with her. “The king said determined. Do you have a plan my lord?” “Yes…yes… Announce that the queen has given birth to a beautiful baby girl.” He said. “Do you mean to hide her birth from others?” the royal supporter asked.

One week passed by…people of Andalasia celebrated the birth of their princess. None ever knew about the other little girl except for the maid who attended the delivery of queen, the king and the royal supporter. The queen hushed the maid by giving loads of money.

“My lord you can’t keep this secret forever, one day or the other someone will see her and know who she is.” The royal supporter said tentatively.

The king nodded solemnly. “She has to live in a place where people know nothing about the destroyer. Far away from these seven kingdoms…” the king thought out loud.

“If I may…” “Yes…” the king looked at him grimly. “I think the other world will be a safe place for her. “He said.

The king glared at him but soon he knew what he said was right. “Prepare for her journey and I want none involved in this.” He commanded and left to the queen’s chamber with his rob trailing the floor.

The queen sobbed into his chest when she heard his plan but she knew that at least she would be safe somewhere else. She put a chain of aquamarine pendent around her neck and kissed her goodbye. She fell on her bed crying as her little baby girl went away from her.

Only the king and his royal supporter went to see her departure. They traveled through the “Great Arch” into the other world and left the little girl on a shore, well tucked in a basket. They waited hidden behind the bushes until a couple in mid 30’s found her. The woman was excited to see the girl, she at once accepted her as her own girl.

Far in the Euranda, a meeting was going on. The spokesperson of the meeting stood up, “we have seen the signs of the birth of the destroyer. We have yet to know where she is born and try to kill her before she comes of age and makes her choice. I want a team of experts to trace her out.” One team lead by Lorenzo was given the task of finding the little girl.

Every kingdom has seen the signs and feared internally and hence sent their own teams to find her. Andalasian kingdom has sent a team too; the king gave orders to bring the girl safely to him if at all anyone finds her. His army was confused about the king’s strategy but still they agreed to bring the girl safely.

When her wife asked about it, “I’m sure they wouldn’t know where she is, if by bitter chances they find her, they will bring her alive to us. Then we can think of other strategies to protect her.” “If we don’t send a team, the other kingdom does will get suspicious of our motives…” he added.


Lorenzo dragged an old lady into king’s hall. The king of Euranda stood frowning. The old lady begged for mercy and she said that she would give away the truth if she is left alive.

Lorenzo is a man of cruelness, he liked to display his battle scars on his face proudly. He even boasted that the scars gave him fierce look in the battle. He was tall, bulky and his face was full of scars, people even doubted that he himself carved that scars on his face to make him look fierce.

Lorenzo pulled up the old woman on her legs by pulling her hair. “Say it,” he said pushing her towards the king’s feet.

The old woman in her shaking voice gave the details of the birth of the glassy eyed daughter of the king of Andalasia, She also said that she was sent away to the other world. The king stood silent for a few moments.

“Take as many men as you like but I want the girl as soon as possible. Say you are on an official business to the portal keeper.” He commanded.

“Lock up this lady in the dungeon.” He commanded the other soldiers. They dragged her away while she kicked and cursed them.

Back in Andalasia, a soldier was running towards the king’s chamber. He knocked on the door waiting breathless.

“My lord we heard strange news that Eurnada king has sent a team of his people to the other world, his motive not yet known but we think it has something to do with the destroyer.” He said taking a few short breaths.

The king collapsed on to the floor. The knight helped him up and sat him on the chair. “I need to talk to you alone…” he ordered. The other people in the chamber left away. Only the king’s friend, the royal supporter stayed in. The king explained everything about the birth of her daughter to when he gave away her to humans. The knight listened to him intently.

“I need your help, now. Please save my child from them. I can give you the exact co-ordinates where I left her. Please, I can’t bear to lose her. Save my child…” He broke up into tears.

The knight had never seen his king like that. He promised to take care of her and bring her back safely.
“Take you elder son with you, Brandon. He would be a helping hand; this task is to be done secretly. We will tell your soldiers that you are sent on another important task.” The royal supporter added.

The knight nodded and took leave of the king and lord Calder. He knew why Calder had asked him to take his eldest son, he was a tough guy, he was only fifteen but still he could defeat ten members single hand in war.

Lis woke up startled as the alarm went on, it was 7.30 and she was going to be late if she won’t hurry up. She stretched herself to jerk off her laziness. She cleaned herself up in 15 min and wore casual jeans and shirt. Lis was not a typical a teenage girl, she never took time to stand by the mirror or to consider what to wear. For her age, she knew her responsibilities well; she took care of her parents and worked at their shop soon after her return.

Lis knew that they were not her biological parents but still she loved them so much, the old couple loved their little girl and truly believed that she is their little angel sent by god himself.

“Your breakfast is on the table…”She called to her parents and hurried outside where her only friend Anna was waiting in her car.

“Good morning…Miss. Lisa…”Brandon called from the neighboring house working on his fence.

“Good morning…Mr. Brandon…”Lis replied cheerfully giving her best smiles. Chad walked out just in time to wave at Lisa.

“You know you are magnet for hot guys…” Anna said laughing. Lis smiled at her.

“What about the weekend plan?” Anna asked still driving. “I have to arrange for the annual dinner of our shop…” Lis said strapping her belt. Anna revved up the engine… “Do you need any help?”Anna asked putting on their favorite tunes.
“It would be great…”Lis replied.

Lis was a cheerful person but her eerie beauty earned her no friend, though people admired her they did that from distance, Anna was the only person who seemed to not mind about her weird looks because she is kind of geek here, so as they say loners attract these two became good friends.

“When should I come?”Anna passed a slip as the Ms. Matthews began to brag about some history. “Why don’t you stay over?” Lis wrote back. “Ok…Are those hot neighbors of yours coming?” Anna wrote back. “I think so, I invited them…”

Anna quickly shoved the slip into her book and pretended to scribble the running notes. Lis held her head down and laughed at her.

They finished school and rode back to home excited about the weekend. “I had some quick things to do…I’ll be back.”Anna replied as she dropped Lis at home.

Lis was greeted by her mother who was sitting on the sofa watching some news. “Hi…Mom.”She called. “Hi…Little angel. How was your day?” “Good…Mom. Have you taken your medicines?” Her mother nodded. Lis’s mother was bed ridden by some serious illness last year since then she never walked.

“Do you want anything mom?”She called from kitchen grabbing a bit from the sandwich. “No…”

Lis took a

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