Rippling Thoughts by Gail Luppos (read ebook pdf txt) 📖

- Author: Gail Luppos
Book online «Rippling Thoughts by Gail Luppos (read ebook pdf txt) 📖». Author Gail Luppos
Caught in Winter
To you I write
Do not forget me or my story
The story of love for one another
A love to last until the very end
Remember my silver locks of hair which earned me my fame
The color of my pale lips which gave me my name.
For my denials which made my past
For the rumors that made my suitors flee
Tis not my fault that I have not loved
I have been left in the dark
Alone and blind to love
Love slips through my finger tips
dripping to the ground with a quiet splash
It echoes the sound of my loneliness
resonating my anguish from abandonment
Left to fend for myself alone in the dark
No light left to guide me
Or to see me through my life
Held in the dark embrace of fear
I grew cold,frozen in time
like a statue withering away from poison
The deep erosion in my heart nibbling away
slowly ever so slowly upon the blood that keeps me alive
Consuming my emotions till naught is left but an empty shell
void of all feelings good or bad
Leaving me cold,frozen,and numb to my surroundings
I could've been stabbed through the heart and never know
I could've bled to death and I would've welcomed it
But I was left alive,tortured each and every day
Until the day that i met you
The flame in my life that gave me a meaning to live
The one who holds all my love and my every breath
For it was then that I was born again
changed into a new person
for the better I know not
To become alive once again was my wish
To live as those who love
And to love forever with no boundaries
And only you granted me my wish
Winter was no longer my solace
Instead you had replaced the bitter cold with a warmth
A warmth that would slowly spread through my heart
Filling every corner of my body
Thawing the cold and the frost that coated me
I remember the day that you gave your life for mine
Even near death you had held my hand and cried upon it
Told me that you were sorry to leave me alone in the world
You promised that you would love me no matter what
Even in death you would be there for me
Protecting me and supporting me
And because of your faith in me I had the will to survive
For you and only you my dear,
For you and only you my love I will fight
I will be a testimony to others
That love will last forever,
Never to be diminished or weakened
Never to be doubted but to be held in the highest standards
A love that will repeat its self over and over again
Never will it die but it shall remain yes it shall remain
But now age has taken its toll upon me
And winter draws nigh
It is then that I shall give up my spirit
For when I was born I shall die
And soon, oh so soon, my darling,
I shall join you among the clouds I await for our meeting once again
But as entirely new people forged from a pure love.
Lost in Pain
It slices away at the heart
the wound deep and dark
Your blood begins to leaks
your heart becomes weak
You cry out in agony
As you fall to your knees
Your tears begin to flow
as the wound continues to grows
You try to quench it
But bit by bit
Your heart turns black
You try fight back
But its too late
The darkness can't wait
Your death is sealed with a kiss
As you are thrown into the deep abyss
Lost in forever
Dead altogether
There's no return
No time to learn
From past mistakes
As your life is a waste
Full of bitterness
And so much hate
This is you fate and there is no return
Never Surrender
Silently I breathe
My heart beats
So small and meek
But not so weak
To live or die
My will to survive
Depends on these things
That keep me alive
But if my heart breaks
Or has a small crack
My life would be meaningless
Like an unfinished song
But I shall remain strong
To live as I love
To love as I live
To wish for a dream
To dream for a wish
For hope to shine on a rainy day
For sunny days to wash the pain away
To share joy with your kin
To destroy your sorrow within
To hope for better days
Dancing among the trees
Unbound, unknown and free
My thoughts are quickly torn apart
From the joy swimming within my heart
No longer do I care
About the hateful stares
The eyes that disregard me
And that keep me from being me
I will no longer live a two faced lie
Or hide from what I know is right
People may not see me eye to eye
But I will not run or hide
I will choose my own path to walk upon
I may fall but I will never give up
I will grasp my dreams with a vicious hand
And latch it to my will with a steel band
You may seem shocked when you see me
You wonder what is so different about me
Just lean in a little bit more
And I will tell you my secret
I don't care
Forget About Yesterday and Live for Today
I think everyone has wondered at least once in their life... "What if?" I know I have asked myself that question more times than I can count. I never understood the reason why someone would want to turn back time. But now I understand. Now I understand the need to relive what you forgot. To choose the different path from the one you chose. To love while you are given the opportunity. To value friendship and not to hold it lightly. To take chances. To not hold back from what you feel is right. To stop something that had caused damage in the past. Yet time will not wait for us and will walk its path no matter what. Even now time does not wait for us. You can't ever go back in time; its humanly impossible. For me the only escape I have with the present and to go back into the past would have to be my dreams,memories, or a book that I can lose myself in. It can be considered cowardly to escape the present. And I agree. But I do it every day. I open a book and get lost in it. My life becomes entwined with the characters in the book and I can feel every last one of their emotions. Or I will imagine a scenario before I sleep in hopes that maybe I will dream of that scenario. Sometimes it works, but most of the times my plan backfires and my dream turns into the complete opposite of what I wanted. Then memories. I think this is the worst escape because your memories are true,realistic but each person imagines a scene differently. For me I imagine myself getting into the most embarrassing experiences ever. But no matter what I do. I am always watching those around me instead of watching myself. I watch their lives their characteristic and their friends. How they act and I try to copy them. I once had absolutely no clue on how to open up to a person. But I watched my sisters and their friends interact and I got the gist of it. I had become so caught up with watching the past that I forgot the present and my days passed by with a speed so fast that I couldn't see it when it was right before my eyes. In fact their are days whole days that I just forget. I even forget what I do when I wake up to go sleep walk or talk. That's not normal. But I guess no one is normal. There are only certain levels of madness and normality. I must be a damn good illusionist if I can delude my self that well.I laugh at myself when I realize how glum I'm being. And I try to tell myself that no matter what you can't escape or go back to the past. You can only remain in the present and remember it as well as possible. To choose the right actions and path. And to wait for the future to come around the bend instead of the past. Because I promise you, if you live for and only for the past you will become lost in the past and you will fade into a gray lifeless creature with no understanding of life and no knowledge as to why you are to live.
They hold your hand as you walk
Listen to you sing and talk
Make you breakfast when you are sick
Clean your wounds even a small nick
They treat you to sweets
Because you behaved all week
They love to watch you play
With mud pies on a hot summer day
They laugh when you run from the bath
But they bring you right back with a splash
When it's time sit down for dinner
You jump in your seat and eat with your fingers
Food flies onto the floor instead of your mouth
So they give you a frown and you clean it with a pout
You might get in a fight with a sibling or friend
But they reprimand you and you say sorry in the end
When night comes around and you get scared
They are there to show you they care
Even as you grow to grouchy old teen
They ignore your complaints and tell you to clean
They don't mind that you have friends over
As long as they know their dad and mother
But when you disobey the laws they make
Then I assure you there will be hell to pay
You sometimes end up covered in a pile of mud pies
Or even worse caught telling a lie
But no
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