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Read books online » Fiction » The Powers Of Neobosit by Tyeson Tyeson Harris (life changing books txt) 📖

Book online «The Powers Of Neobosit by Tyeson Tyeson Harris (life changing books txt) 📖». Author Tyeson Tyeson Harris

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The Beginning

In The beginning of the powerful people known as the Puternic, Puter and Putera gave birth to Curajos then when he grew up he married Luptator then Moartea was born and when he grew up he married Viaţă then Incendiu & Zane were born Incediu married Gheaţă and Zane married Vultur, Incedui and Gheaţă gave birth to Cavaler and Zane and Vultur gave birth to Asasin then Cavaler and Asasin got married and gave birth to Regele then Regele married Regina and gave birth to Printul then Printul set eyes on a very beautiful and powerful mortal named Mîndria and they gave birth to a half god half human named Semizeu and then he married a mortal named Frumuseţe and they filled the new city of Puter with people called the Puternic but on one day an all-powerful beast made of pure power attacked the city of Puter and one very powerful citizen with mysterious powers made a sacrifice to seal him and the beast into one special child born from Zi & Noapte named Neobosit.

(Oh this may be too late and you read it all but you may need to skip this, there is a lot of words blah blah dah dah)

Neobosit's Childhood

Neobosit loved to get in trouble and prank people and when it was bedtime time only his mother Zi could put him to sleep with her sweet and dreamy lullaby she song to him but as soon as the sun got to the city he would spring out of bed and prank their neighbor while they were still sleeping and almost every day they would wake up to shaving cream being on their face or them having their hands in water, and they're night clothes wet it got to the point they just set up traps near their doors and Neobosit was the one that got pranked but he only fell for it once and he swore revenge and you did not one to make him want revenge because he was son to many sneaky brave prideful revengeful vengeful and many other powerful sneaky and vengeful ancestors and after that the pranks were WAY worst like once they moved out of bed a barrage of vomit balloons would hit them right on the face or there would be a skunk in their house shoes or there would be a package for them and when they opened it made a mini explosion just enough to give you a bad hair day plus even if it was a nuclear explosion their neighbor were children of Fier and they pretty much had iron skin, Neobosit was almost the same, he had Ahile's blood in his ancestry and like all people who have Ahile's blood in their ancestory their father has to pick where his only vulnerable spot is and he picked Neobosit's armpit a very hard place to attack and you always had to choose wisely because the most smallest cut on the spot you pick will kill you but getting back to the story you kinda get what I mean by the pranks but later in Neobosit's life when he just turned seventeen something very dramatic is about to happen.

The Orb of Zeii


Meanwhile in Olympus the gods were talking about the powerful demigod named Neobosit and how he has progressed since he was born, Regele the king of gods was talking about the orb that was deep in the heart of Olympus that contained the power of every god but what he didn't know is the wicked and banished Raul was listening sneakily and the greatest power that is so powerful a billion words couldn't even describe how powerful it is was being stolen Intelepciunea saw what was about to happen but the gods were too busy talking about Neobosit but Soarta listened and knew even better she used her voice of Urgenţă and the gods knew when she used that voice something real bad was going to happen, Timp slowed time and catched Raul then when he was caught he was put in the eternal abyss of Găurile negre and they decided that the incident was to close and also that Timp, Soarta, and Intelepciunea should be promoted Timp became god of both time and space Soarta became god of both Fate and Destiny and became both god of Wisdom and Chakra and now the gods needed to seal the most biggest power into someone special some one that already was sealed with great power let's see hmmmm have you had time to know who if you said Neobosit then you are correct now they just needed a sacrifice to add both the sacrifices power and the power of the orb they chose to sacrifice Diavolul's Asaltează Diavulul didn't mind to sacrifice his very powerful Asaltează to his great great great great great great.... (Well you get the idea.) grandson, in his eyes he may be the god of demons but he had a great soft spot to anyone that was in his family other than that he was one of the roughest, toughest, mean fighting machines out of the top fifty gods there was and then the gods performed their ritual and the orb and the beast was sealed in a weak earthling beast so when Neobosit slayed the beast the orb would then be sealed in Neobosit and the beast was also cursed so no one could slay the beast but him and now let's see how it's like down there in the city of Puter.

The Greatest Prank

In the city of Puter it was an average day the neighbors woke up to being stunned for a hour because Neobosit put a little stun powder on them and then when they were able to move again and got out of bed they were given a wedgie by Neobosit's special robot that had a sign on its back saying have The Wedgie Robot it's sure to lift your butt and underpants high into the air and it was true in fact their underpants broke and when they took another step a paddle ran and spanked their butt so hard they went flying to the wall but before they hit the wall a giant frying pan sprang and they slammed in it then the frying pan sprang up making them fly in the air and when they fell they went into some kind of room with two walls and no way out but wait the walls were closing in and they tried their best to squash them but Neobosit wouldn't try to crush them and he knew they had iron skin so it wouldn't even hurt and when they pushed the walls away the floor opened up to an endless hole so much the two twins that were Neobosit's neighbor played rock paper scissors and one of them had a Ipad so they played with that and after about half an hour they finally fell down to a fiery floor the thing children of Fier hated the most since they were made of iron skin and they got real hot with fire and in thirty seconds they were so darn hot they couldn't stand it then the spot they were standing on opened up and they were falling another thirty minutes and were plotting to even kill him for this prank because they were so darn mad that they became hot themselves they noticed the farther down they got the more colder it got and then when they fell they were in an ice field but they fell so hard they had just enough time

cool down and another thirty minutes went down falling and they were talking about that he was at least considerate to cool us down so maybe will just do something that would kill him if he wasn't son to the eternal Flacără but it would still hurt then they fell down straight on something soft, their bed and then they realized they were pranked to the max because when they woke up they were on a hard bed which was a fake bed but actually the whole room was fake and they just now fell on their bed which meant they just now were in their house and when they went outside there it was, a giant fake house that was bigger than their house one side burning one side with ice on it and one regular side like a real house and underneath it all, their real house.

The Death Seeking Beast

NEOBOSIT!!!!!! "We're going to kill you, you son of a ticalos" the twins said and they were so upset and ran so fast the grass melted when they stood on it. Whoa cool down what's the problem did someone prank you and then he threw some ice cubes on them which

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