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Read books online » Fiction » Vampire Knight 3 by True.Fantasy (best ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖

Book online «Vampire Knight 3 by True.Fantasy (best ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖». Author True.Fantasy

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said with a nod. The song finally came to a close and Keisha and the vampire separated with a laugh. Still talking energetically to him, she moved to where the drinks were kept. Something tore inside Zero. He turned to see Arrau walking over with a plate of cake.
“The Kurans are surely taking their time.” Arrau said eating a piece of his cake.
“Mm.” Zero agreed. His eyes still glued to the couple walking casually down the hall. Standing up straight, he took a step forward. “I’m getting sick of this. Yuki comes, Yori can say hi and then we leave. I’m going to go get Keisha, you coming?”
Arrau nodded. “Yeah. I honestly don’t know what Kiki is thinking. Let’s go.” The two men walked across the hall to approach Keisha. The vampire boy stopped talking as they moved to stand directly beside the pair and Keisha turned to look at them surprised. They didn’t look too happy.
“Come on.” Zero said. “You’re coming to Kaien.”
“Why?” She asked surprised.
“Because we say so.” Zero said simply.
“Come on Kiki.” Arrau said eating another piece of his cake. “You can’t be that clueless.”
She glared at him but then sighed. “Fine. I’ll see you later?” She asked her partner. He nodded and walked off, feeling the commanding aura emanating from the two male hunters.
“Why on earth were you even with that guy?” Arrau asked tapping her head. “He doesn’t seem your type at all.”
“Of course he isn’t.” She scowled slightly. “He asked me for a dance. He’s half vamp half human. I just—,”
The large hall door opened and the three turned to face a pureblood couple step in gracefully. It was the Kurans. The hall fell silent as they entered. All the vampires bowed down low to Lady and Lord Kuran. All except Lady Miena, who, also was a pureblood and her servant Kāos, who only offered a small bow. Yuki’s eyes turned immediately to look straight at Zero. They stared silently until Yori jumped past and towards Yuki. She too turned joyfully to see her best friend and opened her arms.
“Yori!” She exclaimed happily. The two friends hugged and Kaien and Yagari walked up to stand beside them.
“How about your father?” Kaien said smiling. Yuki stepped towards him grinning and hugged him.
“I missed you father.” She said.
“Oh Yuki!” He said crying happily. Yagari rolled his eyes and smacked him on the head. Yuki turned to face Zero’s old teacher.
“Nice to see you again, Mr Yagari.” She said with a nod. He arched his eyebrow.
“Same to you, little lady.” He said. “Or rather, Lady Yuki.”
She smiled. “Yeah, I’m not so little now am I?”
“I see Zero agreed to come.” Kaname said, staring at him across the hall.
“Yes well…it wasn’t easy.” Kaien confessed. “But never mind that. Senri and Rima said they wanted to talk to you in private.” Kaname nodded.
“Perhaps I should go see them now. Yuki will want to see all of her friends.”
Yuki smiled. “Yes, thankyou Kaname.”


“The Kurans.” Arrau said in a low voice. Hanabusa appeared behind them as Kaname disappeared into some room after talking quietly with the headmaster.
“Keisha.” He said with a smile. “A dance?”
She turned to look at Zero, who glared a silent warning at the blonde. Arrau rolled his eyes but smiled.
“Why not.” She said taking his hand and moving again to the dance floor.
“Uh. That girl!” Zero growled.
Arrau laughed. “I told you, she can be stubborn when she wants to be.” He sobered up quickly. “Ay Zero? I think Lady Yuki headed over to us.”
Zero narrowed his eyes but didn’t respond.
Arrau glanced between the two, spooning another piece of cake. “I’ll leave you two to some privacy.” He said, turning to walk towards Yori for a dance.
Yuki finally walked up to stand right in front of him. “Zero.” She greeted.
He simply stared back wordlessly. She sighed.
“I have something for you.” She said walking towards the open balcony. “Coming?”
Clenching his jaw, he followed her to the balcony. She dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out a gun. The gun he’d given her so long ago. The gun she was meant to use to kill him, if he ever lost control of his human. He glared at her.
“Don’t waste my time Kuran.” He said simply, turning to leave. She took his hand quickly.
“No, wait, Zero!” She said. He pulled his hand out of her grasp coldly.
“Don’t touch me.” He growled.
“Zero please…” She said, sounding hurt. “Please listen. I’m asking you something as Yuki Cross, the human Yuki.” He stopped and looked at her carefully.
“She’s dead.” He said simply. It seemed to have bit her harder than he wanted. She winced.
“Zero…” She shook her head and held out the gun. “You don’t get it do you? I know you probably hate me now. You despise my very existence…because now I’m the vampire. But…I can’t hate you Zero.” A tear rolled off her cheek and he froze. “I asked you the last time we met, what would happen if I became a vampire…”
“I doesn’t matter now…” He said finally.
“Zero, I want you to be the one to kill me.” She said pressing the gun into his hand. “Please.”
He looked up at her warm eyes. Memories of the past washing over like new-born nightmares. He couldn’t bring himself to be any colder. He’d told her she could do anything she wanted with his life. Even her fiancé Kaname Kuran said confidently that Zero would never betray Yuki. Because there was love.
“Things have changed.” Zero said softly. She nodded silently. He sighed and looked out to the sky; Fate’s cruel games.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while.” Yuki whispered. “I just didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me any longer.”
Zero turned back to look at her. Did he want any more to do with her? The smell of blood caught both their attentions. His heart shouted through his conscience – he recognised that scent! Pushing past Yuki, he ran back inside the hall.


Keisha saw Zero walk out onto the balcony behind Yuki Kuran. Hanabusa turned and she could no longer see the balcony.
“You dance well.” He smiled. “Did you take classes?”
Keisha turned her attention back to Hanabusa. “Thanks and no. I used to dance with my brothers.”
He frowned. “As far as I’m aware, you only have one brother.”
“Well my cousin brothers. Hunter families are usually very close.” She laughed. “They used to put crazy music on and teach me guy dance moves.”
“I see.” He grinned. He glanced up across the room to see Senri and Rima exit the room Kaname was in. He frowned – what was going on? The song ended and a new one came on. Keisha stepped back.
“Maybe I will try one of the drinks.” She said smiling.
He smiled and bowed. “I guess I’ll see you around.” He rose and walked off with a smile, it faded quickly as he made his way to the room with Lord Kaname. He could always just ask what was going on.
She turned to walk over to where the drinks were kept. A small girl tugged at her dress and she turned to smile brightly.
“Hello.” Keisha said kindly.
She gestured to a room across the narrow corridor. “You’re a vampire hunter. Hunters kill vampires don’t they?” she asked.
Keisha frowned. “Well…yes. Only bad vampires, why dear?”
Tears fell down her cheek. “You have to kill him. He’s a bad vampire, please!” She said pointing to the corridor at the end. “He’s got mommy! He’s hurting her!!”
“What??” Keisha looked up worriedly. “Go get the headmaster.” She pointed to the end of the hall. “Him. I’ll go see what’s going on; okay?” She smiled. The little girl nodded and ran off. Stepping cautiously into the corridor, she walked up to the room and knocked three times.
“Hello?” She said. “Anyone inside?” At no reply, she turned the doorknob – it wasn’t locked. Walking into the dim room she frowned – there were vampires in here. And one of them was right…beside her!
The door shut behind her and she felt a cold hand clasp her wrist. She was about to scream, but she was pulled away and a hand covered her mouth. The figure snickered – it was a male.
“Dead end, hunter.” He whispered. “Dead.”
She jerked her foot back to kick his groin, and he abruptly let go, only to pull out a rapier. She pulled out her own knives and threw them at him. He moved aside, dodging most of them, except one cutting across his arm and one across his chest. His gaze turned deadly in the dim lighting.
“You bitch!” He shouted he leapt across and started slashing wildly with his rapier. The other vampires jumped on her too attacking wildly from all directions. She began dodging and deflecting, but he pushed her to the opposing wall. He slashed at her and three others pinned her to the wall. She tried moving aside, but the knife sliced across her cheek. She winced at the pain. Pulling her head to the side by her hair, he exposed her throat.
“You disgusting pig!!” She shouted, trying to kick him.
He laughed. “Insults from a dead girl? I think I’ll live.” He said brushing his lips down her throat. She struggled against him, but his grip only tightened – causing her to cry in pain.
The door flew across the room with a crash. He stopped and turned around to look at the angry man standing where the door once was. Tilting her head, Keisha caught sight of who it was. Her heart leaped.
“Zero!” She called gratefully; close to tears. The man holding her, took her by the front of her dress and pulled her out in front of him; holding a knife to her throat.
“Stay where you are Kiryu.” He threatened. “Or an innocent human might lose her life.”
Keisha struggled as the knife pressed closer to her throat. Zero’s eyes widened remembering the situation with Yuki and Rido. He glared at the man holding the knife.
“Get your filthy hands off her.” He echoed.
The man sneered. “My master would rather she died than that. So that is what will happen.”
Zero frowned. A piece of the door ripped out and flew across the room; knocking the knife out of his clasp. The other vampires immediately started throwing all sorts of weapons at Zero and charged from all sides. Zero vaporised the weapons without even flinching, then turning to the side he leapt over his assailants. Landing gracefully on the other side, the window cracked into smaller pieces, he gestured to the group of vampires at the end. The shooting pieces of glass cut through the skins of the vampires; some going through the heart and chest. Zero stood up to his full height, assessing the final opponent. The man holding Keisha stepped back in shock; still holding Keisha by the arm as a part of the floor liquefied and wrapped around his legs. Keisha pulled out of his grasp and moved over near Zero alarmed. That’s when it happened. Zero pulled out the Bloody Rose. She looked in shock; he wasn’t going to…use it here, was he?!
“I find you’re very existence insulting. You’ll regret tonight.” He said pulling the trigger. Keisha stepped back in surprise as bright light erupted from the gun and shot towards him. His terrified expression twisted in pain, as the energy hit him. He screamed loudly before a loud explosion had the room collapsing and he shattered into a zillion pieces.
“Zero!” Keisha cried burying her face into his chest.
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