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Read books online » Fiction » Vampire Knight 3 by True.Fantasy (best ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖

Book online «Vampire Knight 3 by True.Fantasy (best ebook reader for surface pro .txt) 📖». Author True.Fantasy

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you up. Now if that’s all…?”
“That is all.” He nodded.
“Then, we’ll see you afterschool. Bye.” She gave a short wave. With a bow to her, then a nod at Zero, he turned and left. Turning around, Keisha decided to walk off on Zero as well, but he stepped into her way.
“He’s a vampire.” Zero said coldly.
“Oh, well done Zero! He is a vampire. The ‘Killer Hunter instincts’ Award is yours for sure.” She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“You know what I mean, Keisha.” He says. She stopped; that was the first time she heard him say her name. It felt strange.
“You mean; I’ll see you after school.” She said, trying to sidestep him. He stepped in her way again.
“No I don’t. You’re so damn naïve. You don’t even know who he is; I do. He’s trouble, stay away from him.”
“No Zero.” Keisha said firmly. “That isn’t the issue. He did nothing wrong, so I had no reason to be disrespectful. I’m not terrible fond of vampires either, but unlike you, I know when to show certain aspects of my personality.”
He looked at her blankly. Without another word, she turned and stepped around him and back to the school. He was so…grumpy. He must really hate that guy; but why? There was only light mention of Hanabusa in the report – but of course, the report can only record the surface features of an event, and often it is the details that are most revealing, as her father had once said.
Oh well, guess she’ll see Hanabusa and Zero afterschool, maybe she could learn more from that.


Miena stepped into the Vampire’s dorm proudly. She sensed a handful vampires in the building; barely enough for a class at most. She looked around; the house was nice though, clean at the very least. Her presence should awaken the night-class students soon. A pureblood had stepped into the house; it wouldn’t go unnoticed. Sure enough, the vampires emerged one by one, freezing immediately when they saw her. She smiled; they were in her possession now. One, however, raced down to bow lowly before her.
“Lady Miena Tori.” The vampire spoke. “An honour, your grace.” She skimmed her eyes over every vampire in the building; they were healthy – and maybe resourceful.
“A pleasure.” She waved off. “I am the new President, obviously, I’d like my room set up immediately. I have called on a few others to help rebuild the night-class, as well as a Vice President and a servant. Prepare rooms for them.”
“As you wish.” The vampire breathed, rising to his feet. “I had been chosen to represent the night-class in your absence, Lady Miena, my name is Josiah.”
“Well, Josiah, perhaps you could be the Vice President instead; if you please me, that is.”
“It would be an honour.” He bowed again before hurrying up the stairs to give out instructions the other students.
“So what do you think, Senri?” Rima asked glancing down at the new Dorm President.
“I think we should have left when we had the chance.” Senri spoke with a sigh. “However, like any pureblood, we won’t know her game until she wants us to know.”
Rima frowned. “I’m sick of their games, to be honest.”
“Who knows, maybe she’s not here with a double motive. Or maybe her double motive won’t involve manipulating everyone around her.”
“Like Lord Kaname?”
Senri shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Either way…she’s a pureblood, and she’s come to restore our safe-haven here; we’ll have to follow her wholeheartedly.”
There was a pause. “You hungry?” Rima asked, holding out a chocolate stick to his lips. He smiled, and bit into it.


“You sickeningly bombastic prick!” Keisha shouted. “How could you describe what happened like that?? You make it sound like we were fully flirting or something!”
Zero frowned. “You were, weren’t you?!”
Kaien sighed. “Come on kids…”
“Why do you think you know everything?! It’s called common courtesy, Kiryu, and I was being polite!” Keisha fired.
“It seemed more than being polite to me, Vinn.” Zero threw back.
“You’re one to talk!” Keisha fumed. “Making out with the Night-Class Dorm President in a fountain! Huh! Oh please…you’re such a hypocrite!”
“Now please, let’s take a deep breath and…” Kaien started.
“Making out?!” Zero shouted. “We were not! You’re the one assuming you know everything!”
“Oh I’m so sorry Zero, here I was thinking you were making out, but no. You simple sat hugging and whispering seductively to each other and then playfully falling into the fountain in each other’s arms! How on Earth was I mistaken?!” Keisha snapped sarcastically.
“Calm down Guardians!” Kaien tried.
“You shouldn’t have been spying on us; maybe you wouldn’t have been mistaken then!” Zero said stepping up closer to glare at her.
“Like I could be bothered! The world doesn’t revolve around you Kiryu! I was coming out of the bathrooms when I saw you. Besides, you bloody jumped into my conversation with the man and pulled him back with your vines!!” Keisha leant forward to glare back. “You used your powers against him with no legitimate reason!”
“You don’t even know him!!” Zero said exasperated.
“Children!!” Kaien shouted this time. They both turned to look at the headmaster, still furious. “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill! You’re overreacting…”
“Me?? He started it!” Keisha scowled pointing crossly at Zero.
“Yeah, real mature Keisha.” Zero said, rolling his eyes.
She turned back to glare at him. “You wanna go me, Kiryu?”
“Anytime.” He said glaring back.
“Zero! Keisha!” Kaien shouted. “This isn’t a rodeo show, this is a school. Now, where is Hanabusa, anyway?”
“He’s outside the building.” Keisha supplied. “Because somebody wouldn’t let him in.” She said looking pointedly at Zero. He narrowed his eyes and turned back to the headmaster.
“Do you want me to fetch him?” Zero asked.
“I’ll send someone to do that. I think I’d like to talk to him alone actually.” Kaien said opening his draw. “But there was one thing I needed to talk to you about Keisha dear.” He pulled out what looked like a blade. “Every guardian needs a hunter’s weapon.”
“That’s for me?” Keisha asked; her anger evaporating. “What is it exactly?”
Kaien smiled. “A special replicative blade. You just press here, and more blades sprout out. It’s like having hundreds of knives in one.” He moved over to hand it to her. She took it with a smile.
“Thank you uncle.” She said, giving him a hug. He laughed.
“You’re very welcome.” He smiled as she pulled away. “Remember to keep them on you at all times.”
“Yes uncle.” She smiled.
He nodded. “Now I want you two to go the house, and sort out whatever issue you have in a civilised manner, understood?”
Keisha turned to glare at Zero who once again wore his ‘bored’ expression. “Yes uncle.” She said finally.
“I’ll meet you at the door.” Zero said finally as she stepped out of the room.
“Whatever.” She said, walking off.
Kaien sighed. “I’ve never known you to be quarrelsome, Zero. What’s the matter?”
Slumping into the chair, he shook his head and brushed back his hair. “I don’t know, headmaster. She just…drives me crazy.”
“Why would you attack Hanabusa like that though?” Kaien asked sitting down. “It doesn’t seem as he breached any school rules specifically. He was barely inside the academy at all when he found Keisha.”
“I—I don’t know. I thought he was hassling Keisha; honestly. Or at least something like that. I really am sorry. A hunter shouldn’t be that impulsive.”
“Not to worry; I’ll sort things out with Hanabusa, but there’s nothing I can do about Keisha. I hope you realise you have to apologise.”
Zero let out a breath. “Yeah.” There was a pause. “Headmaster, I also wanted let you know I’m not so sure on the Dorm President.”
“The one you made out with?” Kaien smiled cheekily.
“I didn’t!” Zero said getting up. “She pulled me into the fountain, when she saw Keisha was watching. Only god knows why. Then I pulled the Bloody Rose on her. I have a feeling she’s trouble.”
Kaien took off his glasses and brushed them over with a sigh. “I see. Well don’t keep Keisha waiting. Pulling the Bloody Rose on a pureblood was reckless, Zero. But I’ll see what I can find out about her motives.”
“Thankyou headmaster.”
Kaien smirked. “That’s okay, you can call me daddy.”
Zero opened the door and stepped out. “Not a chance.” Though he let the smallest of smirks slip as he walked down to where Keisha stood, tapping her foot impatiently.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to have some lunch too? I’ll just wait here.” She said sarcastically.
“Are you ever at a loss for words?”
“Never.” She said opening the door. She stopped abruptly at the sight of ice blue eyes sparkling back at her. “Hanabusa?”
“Keisha. Good afternoon.” He smiled, giving a small bow. “And Zero. I thought you were both picking me up. Imagine my surprise when no one showed up.”
“We’re so sorry.” Keisha apologised. “We got…” She turned to glare at Zero. “Distracted.”
“I could hear shouting all the way out here; is everything alright?” He asked.
“Perfect.” Zero said sarcastically walking past them both.
“Don’t walk off on me, Kiryu!” Keisha snapped.
Hanabusa laughed. “Seems you’re not quite getting along.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Keisha admitted. “Perhaps I will see you again sometime.” She smiled walking past him.
“I am sure of it.” He replied as she jogged to catch up with Zero’s strides.
An invitation accepted

“Hanabusa…” Kaien sat down in his chair, gesturing Hanabusa to take the one opposite. Hanabusa sat down with a nod.
“Headmaster Cross, I’m sure you’re wondering why Lord Kaname would have sent me.” Hanabusa started. “But I actually come with a message from Lady Yuki.”
“Yuki?” Kaien asked. “Tell me, how is she?”
“Lady Yuki is in good health, aside from worrying about the academy.” He sighed. “She wanted me to check up on you, Yori, Zero, Senri and Rima, and the day and night class in general.”
“We’re all well.” Kaien smiled. “Tell Yuki not to worry, we’re all fine.”
“Well, Lady Yuki and Lord Kaname also invited you and whoever you deem appropriate to attend the Kuran Feast this Saturday.”
Kaien sighed. “I don’t think Zero will come.”
Hanabusa shrugged. “I would think Lord Kaname would not mind. However, I am not sure about Lady Yuki. Please see what you can do.”
“Give Yuki our thanks and love.”
“Of course, and might I give my humble apologies for the stir I caused this morning? I wanted to talk to Yori but Zero did not take it well. Why I’d say if it weren’t for the new prefect, Keisha; someone, may have been injured.”
Kaien sighed. “Hanabusa, I must ask you not to return to school grounds with prior permission; Zero tends to act impulsively.”
“As you wish headmaster.” Hanabusa nodded. “May I also inquire, I heard there was a new pureblood dorm President; Lady Miena?”
“That is correct.”
“I see. I hope she will also be attending the feast?”
“Well, she is a head member; I don’t see why she can’t.”
“Excellent. So may I give the word of your definite arrival at the feast?”
“Of course. I’ll see if Zero and Keisha will come along also. But please remember, you are not to speak to the day-class students without my prior permission.”
“Of course headmaster. I will take your leave now.”
Kaien nodded. “Give Kaname and Yuki my kindest regards and love.”
“I will.” Hanabusa says, turning and walking out

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