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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Infected Haven Part I by S.K Nuanes (beach read book TXT) 📖

Book online «Infected Haven Part I by S.K Nuanes (beach read book TXT) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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jumped onto it, and slid down after Arthena.

“He could of used this piece of fabric.” Nina said, pulling it out of her saddlebag style purse.

“As long he stays quiet, if he makes even the smallest noise, we will be caught.” I whispered, Nina used the white piece of cloth, and slid down the wire. After they were out of the city, I cut the wire, and grabbed onto it I swung and came short, I hit the wall with my feet and walked up the wall. Then jumped onto the wall and made sure I stayed low. Then I leaped over the wall onto the outside.

“Come on, bud. We need to go.” Robert pulled up next to me in a military vehicle. I jumped into the back, and we sped away into the night. I didn’t know where we were going.  This wasn’t going to end well. Someone was going to end up being dead, and I refused for my friends to die in Hell.


The lake water was slime green, we arrived at an old Victoria house, there was demons still living there. “What are we going to do? I don’t expect them to stay quiet about you.”

I ignored Nina, and waited for Robert to open the hatch in the back of the vehicle. I jumped out, and everyone followed like ducks. I noticed the door open a little. I noticed there was a large barn there were few sounds coming from it. “Ah shit!” Robert shouted at the top of his lungs. I walked around to the side of the vehicle, where the engine was. Robert had the hood up, and there was smoke coming from it. “Looks like we need to stop for a while, but do you think it’s a good idea to stop here?”

I saw a little girl watching from inside the house, she stepped outside and she stared at us. She had short black hair, with some leaves and twigs in her hair, she had on overalls on, pale skin, hazel eyes and she looked only six years old.

“She’s human.” I whispered, and looked at Robert.

“Why would a human be in hell?”

I kneeled down, so I was closer to her height to make me seem less scary, if that was even possible.

“Are you…going to hurt me?” The little girl asked in a scratchy voice.

I shook my head, and then whispered, “Is someone home? We can talk to.”

The little girl ran back inside the house, not much later a woman appeared she was all bones, her hair used to be blonde, she wore a blue dress and she looked very ill.

“Ayperos, it is a honor to have you here. What brings you here?” The woman asked, coughing.

“Me and my friends are heading to a party in Codicia City, and we are having some problems with our car. Is it alright if we fix it up in your barn.” I asked, turning on the Hellure charm, it always worked. The woman nodded, and then grabbed the little girl’s hand, “My son is in there, and he should be some help I hope.”

Robert and me pushed the car towards the barn, and then opened the large barn doors.

We got inside the barn and closed the door there wasn’t anyone in there expect few barn animals. I didn’t think spending a lot of time in one place was safe. There was some hay rustling, I narrowed my eyes at it.  Then a little foot was sticking out, I walked over to it as Robert was fixing the engine. A little boy was there; I didn’t get a good enough look at him he ran out of the barn and back into the house.


“Looks like you got two extra shadows.” Nina responded, nudging me with an elbow.

I looked up, there the two siblings were peeking inside the barn, I wasn’t sure if they saw my arm or not. Besides two human children in Hell, they were dragged down here for a reason. I wanted to save this family. I gave them a grin then used a gentle tone.

“Hey, its alright. No need to stay out in the…heat.”

They walked inside very slowly, the boy closed the door. I saw the boy had black hair in a ponytail; he had on ripped jeans, They both seemed like the same age, and not innocent like a child should be.

“Sir, I know this could be asking for a lot. But can you teach me how to fight?” The little girl asked softly.

“Sure, what’s your name?” I asked, cleaning my hands of the oil.

She stared at me confused, as if she wasn’t sure how to respond to the question.

“A name? What is that?” The little girl asked, with both confusion and excitement in her voice.

I looked at the others, they were unsure how to describe a name to someone; I remembered when I was waking up from the transformation. Satan gave me a new name, a new identity, and a new life.

Did they have their memory erased when they are were brought down into Hell? I knew sometimes, a human’s mind can’t always handle the trip or Satan takes it away.

“Well, a name is something given to you. That is special and belongs to you. Something no one can take away from you.” I looked over at her brother who hadn’t said anything.

“How old are you two?”

“Um, I think I’m eight and so is he. He is mute.”

I nodded then looked at the little boy. “Do you want to learn basic combat as well?”

He gave a small smile, and nodded eagerly trying to make words but he was silent.

“Remember Brent, don’t draw attention, if you are capable of that.” Arthena remarked, as I led the two siblings out of the barn.

There was a field only two miles away from the house. I looked down at the siblings, unsure I knew Ayperos did train soldiers, but there was a brutal way of keeping soldiers in line.

“Alright, it’s always better to defend yourself, then have a strong offense. It’s good to have both, but a mountain won’t bow as fast as a lion.” I took off my tailcoat, then looked down at my metal arm. But the children didn’t think anything of it was is possible for only creatures of the darkness could see it? Humans wouldn’t even see a strange demonic arm, just a normal arm. Humans are like children kept in the dark sometimes, while immortals can see all the lies. Lies to us, is similar to a pond. Clear, easy to mix up and easy to see the bottom.

“So you two being human, I recommend using swords.” I grabbed two twigs and handed one to each of the kids. I didn’t have mine anymore, damn. I looked at the children; I grabbed my own stick and decided to make use of what I had around me.

“Now watch your enemy, and you can usually tell what their next move is, you have to be able to predict in seconds, what they will do and prepare to counter it.” 

They stared at me confused; it was something humans could do. I have seen them doing it in fencing. I guess have to make it seem simple.

“Just be ready for anything.”

They nodded, and faced each other and started fencing with one another. I sat down on a tree stump, and watched them. Even though they were not innocent, I still saw they loved one another, even though things aren’t great. That’s the thing, family stays with you through thick and thin. No matter where you are, you can be rich or on the streets. They are there. I remembered holidays over at Jacob’s house, he was a good father. He would love them no matter what was going on, a real family. Not a pack of killers.

I never thought about having a family of my own, but that didn’t matter now. I was never meant to be a husband, never a father, and never to be alive for long.

“Mummy is going to make dinner come on, you can stay!” The little girl said, dropping her stick and hugging my leg.

A touch of a little girl is soft as a feather and warm like the sun. I missed how gentle their hearts were, willing to reach out to anyone to just try to lighten the world up. My sister…

I yanked myself out of the river of memories, and smiled down at the small girl.

“I don’t want to take your food, how about you give it to my friends.”

The little girl opened her mouth as if she was going to argue but she closed it and nodded then walked back holding her brothers hand guiding him back to the house.

I walked back to the barn, where the girls had taken off into the house most likely to be polite. I saw Robert had taken off his shirt, and was still working on the engine wasn’t sure how long we were going to stay here. I knew by now, someone had to notice I was missing. They were going to send someone out to drag me back to the city, wasn’t sure how far we would get.

“Hey Rob, how is the engine coming?”

Robert stood up straight then let out a heavy exhale, “Well, I haven’t worked on a car like this since we were in the war. A military vehicle isn’t the same as a sport’s car. Do you remember anything, from boot camp? To get a engine running again?”

I walked over to the engine, and looked at it as if it was some ancient language. I was fluent in all the demonic languages, and in all human languages at least if someone insults me, I will understand them.

It almost seemed like putting together a toy boat; they made it a lot more complex it actually is. I looked at Robert then up at the night sky, even though the sky was a dark red it reminded me of wine. Never have to much, or you will be regretting it later. If one looked up at Hell’s night more then ten minutes they would bleed from the inside out. I turned my attention back towards Robert. “I fixed it, looks like a shadow demon tried to tinker with the car. So the engine would explode and possibly kill us, or badly burn us. He did leave this small dark ash pile. Indicating they were planning to blow us up.”

“Should we leave the car, if they tried screwing with the engine. They probably messed with a lot more, then the eye can see.” Robert said, staring at the car as if it was a lion stalking its prey.

“No, these weakest point at any would be the engine. The only concern I have is the steering, but we should be fine. We should get a move on, staying in one place at night is suicide.”

“Should we get the girls? We can take turns driving, besides do you know where we are even going?”

I knew I couldn’t return to the Earth, unless we managed to find a cure that would somehow remove the Devil’s blood from me. I needed to get a Hell Gate open, and to get the girls out of here. If there was one thing I was sure of Death might be opening his door for someone in this group. I refused for one of the girls to be taken. I could probably speak for both Robert and me by saying; at this point we couldn’t care less. When our last day is, if it’s tomorrow or not.

“Rob, we need to get the girls back into Denver and then we can try to find a cure…for you. I know you were in my lab, I don’t think there is much hope for me. But you, if I don’t make it I don’t want you to be forced into some kind of slave service. Plus if you don’t have a master, a demon would find out and make sure you are dead.”


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