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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Infected Haven Part I by S.K Nuanes (beach read book TXT) 📖

Book online «Infected Haven Part I by S.K Nuanes (beach read book TXT) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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Hell Is Loose

Our life is a movie, there is a hidden director who has everything set up; from the moment we come out of the womb. Some say the director is God; others want to say Satan is a director as well. My movie is a horror one. I watch my life unfold; the only ones who surround me are copies of myself. Their eyes are fully black, with a satanic look, all of them grinning at me. No matter what, I see what I have become. All I can do is ask for it to all end. I want to break the mirror, send these memories away and allow my blood to cover them, trying to drown the pain like a child in a pool. Something that started out as wonderful turned into a nightmare. I can never wake up, but I know one thing for sure. If redemption does exist, I haven’t found it yet. Since it isn’t for me, once you write in blood you can never wash it off. Even if you use soap, it’s there like a tattoo.

Happy endings don’t exist; we may want to believe things work out before we lay dying; we are at the mercy of Death.



Part One

The maid rushed around the den; flustered she seemed to be afraid if she failed Satan would have her head. I hadn’t been in this den, in a while. The memories though were strong; I could see what happened in this room. I noticed some blood spots on the bear rug, it was dry but the scent of the owner was still strong. The room didn’t have any windows, the chairs and the sofas. Were made from dark leathers, both brown and red. The maid wore a dark purple dress, which looked like a hooker dress, her dark hair was put up into a bun, with chop sticks, she appeared to be in her thirties. “What’s with all the hustle and bustle?” I said, using my finger to run on the table, which was covered in dust. She wasn’t a very good maid I’ll admit. Yet I felt sorry for her, she was still human but she was sold into slavery. Satan bought her, only to make her lover jealous and torture her in front of him. I knew he always loved to use one’s greatest weakness against them. I could speak from experience, caring is just a weakness. It allows others to take advantage of you, and allows ones you care about to possibly get hurt. “I lost something, that your father wants.”

“What did he loose, and why is he making you look for it? Clumsy him.” It was really hard, not to insult him.  “He has other matters to attend to.”

She stared at me with wide eyes, I looked over my shoulder there was a female, she looked about my age, she had dark purple hair, with pale skin, she wore a blue blouse and a long black skirt, her eyes were a strong gold color, and I didn’t like the vibe from her. I observed her, she was from the Dark Dimension, she enjoyed elegant activates, yet a small scar was under her lip, giving the fact she got into a bar fight, her nails were polished the detail said she was rich. “Well I’m Rose, you must be Ayperos. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Hm, I suppose most of them negative.” I ignored her handshake; I knew a lot of people heard how I was a traitor. How I was the most stubborn demon ever, yet Satan cleared my name, more or less. “I heard you can be quite a devil.” Rose said, winking at me.

“Rose, is that you?”

Angel rushed in, nothing but a see through nightgown; I could see every detail under her. Every body part, was staring at me in the face.  I knew if I stared to long Mr. Excitement would rise.

Angel’s hair was long as always, her eyes were dark purple, and her figure it was easy to see why she was known as the Demon of Lust.

After they finished hugging one another, they turned to me and Rose said, “I heard you are taking the throne in few months.”

That damn text.

That damn deal.

Once I was able to swallow, “Yes.”







Nina was running around on the school track, she had her music on high blast, “Someone isn’t in a good mood.” Amanda shouted. Nina turned her music off, and turned her head back to her friend. She sighed and put a smile on, “Just I felt really bad about something I did.”

Amanda sat down on the football field, and patted a spot on the ground next to her, “Come on, tell me what’s wrong?”

Nina took up the offer, and sat next to her friend, “Well remember, when Brent got into the accident?”

Amanda gave a few nods; Nina didn’t know how to tell her. Amanda had no clue to the supernatural side of life. “Yeah, he was so grumpy!” Once Nina could swallow she spoke softly, “I’m the one to blame.”

Nina had contacted Dmitri and they worked together, in planning everything until Brent was captured and beaten. If she ever told him, he would never forgive her. “What do you mean?” Amanda asked, confused.

“I thought he was someone else, I had a friend take care of him. Yet there was a mix up apparently.” Nina tried to laugh it off, but she felt terrible for hurting him. Even if he is a demon. Brent seemed to be really struggling, he had remorse, but a question bugged her. What did he do, to become a demon? Nina knew she had to tell him and ask Robert some things.


Robert sat in the study, with a lot of test tubes, and a microscope, he seemed to be half awake, “Finishing late homework?” Nina asked, looking at the colorful liquids in the small test tubes.

“No, Brent was working on something for a while, so I am finishing it.” His eyes didn’t leave the microscope, Nina sighed and sat next to Robert, “About him, what happened to him? Which made him…become a demon?”

Robert sighed at the question, something he didn’t even know.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why do you care about that part of his life? Whatever he did he regrets it, and hates himself forever. He has a lot of self hate.”

Nina looked over at the journal and the strange writing, “Odd, why did he write in code?”

“So no one would steal this silly.” Robert smiled at Nina.

Nina sighed then asked, “Does he forgive?”

There was silence, “Well, he hates to get close to someone. They stab him in the back, then he doesn’t want to see them.”

“I need to find him…”

“How, he could be anywhere?”

Nina thought about it, then she remembered the connection between witches and a demon.

“Arthena, she can help probably.” Nina said, shrugging and she ran off to find a witch, or possibly a bitch.





I looked at my hand, which had a black metal glove, it had long demonic claws, the long silver claws they were knives, which had poison in them. Also once the poison was injected the victim would bow down to me as long I wished. The glove had skulls on it; it covered from my fingers all the way to my elbow.  It held some souls that I had taken while wearing this. This was my weapon of choice, well at least my demon’s weapon. It probably looked heavy to a lot of people, but to me it was light as a feather. “You seem to be in thought, Ayperos. What’s on your mind?” The snake asked, he wrapped himself around one of the targets. I glared over at him, “Get out, before you become a stuffed target.”

“Hm, don’t you enjoy your welcome home gift? Some scientists have improved it.” The snake said, showing his sharp teeth at me. “Why do I need to wear this?”

“Well its your signature don’t you remember?”

I didn’t know anything about Ayperos, even if we shared the same body. I blocked him out for the most part, he knew me but I didn’t know much about him. Only he was a man whore, a liar and a killer.

Well that isn’t nice, but you hit the nail right on the head. If I am all those things, so are you.

“Oh, you don’t recall. I’m sure your father wants you to keep that on.” The snake said, wrapping his tail around my leg.


“We all know why, I shall leave you in peace.” He chuckled and he crept away out of the room. I felt the metal hand become apart of me. I tried to remove it, but it wouldn’t come off of me.  I flicked the finger part down, which loosened some knives. I lifted it and flicked it again this time five knives launched out and hit five targets in the head. Then automatically another set came out. Hm the knives were very sharp, perfect to kill someone.

“Hm so is it good to be back home?” A voice said, from behind me. I was tempted to throw a knife at him.

“What do you want, Dmitri?”

He came over to me; he wore a white leather tailcoat, a shirt on under and dark pants.

“I’m just saying welcome home buddy, have you stayed in the castle?”

He seemed to be trying, to be a nagging brother.

“Yes, and I am following our deal, I hope you’re following up on your part of it?” I asked, looking at the metal demon claw.

“Don’t worry, I am. Also Satan says he wont do anything.”

I sighed, the deal that we created a while ago. I knew, if I didn’t follow up on my part of it. The price would be very high, and terrible.

“You know, I don’t believe a single word he says.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

Dmitri shrugged then grabbed a small dagger, and slit his finger, he looked at the blood as if it was something beautiful to him. “Hm, well my dear friend. You know your fate, so let things flow.” Dmitri walked away and tossed the dagger, which almost hit me in the forehead, I held up the metal claw, and sliced the dagger in half and the two pieces went past me into the wall.

The private room, Dmitri had booked for few of us royal ‘teenagers’ to have a party.

We were in a dance club, the music was very loud dubstep, in our room it was very modern with our own bar, music selection, and fancy seating on the walls.

There was I, Angel, Rose, Dmitri and another demon. Angel sat next to me. On the side of the metal arm, and Dmitri and the other two sat next to us and chatted about crap.

“Your new addition is so sexy.” Angel said, grinning at me. I gave her a look, arching my eyebrow. It gave away, that I was far from being human, which is probably why Dmitri took us to a bar. Where people would be either drunk or stoned. So hardly many sober people around, who

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