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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » True Blood by hima (e ink manga reader .txt) 📖

Book online «True Blood by hima (e ink manga reader .txt) 📖». Author hima

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me. “No, he is here somewhere, I could feel him.” I said.

Almost as I finished my words, he walked in shirtless. He is tall and strong, well defined body and his brown skin shone very well. He is perfect in many ways. I must have been staring at him since I felt Em slapping me to get her attention.

“I’m sorry, I need to go…” I said feeling embarrassed. I cursed myself for behaving like that, what happened to me there? I should be more careful from now on.

Days passed by, I got bored to death. Each day silent walks across the beach, unexplained coldness between us. Only Mitrik and Em seem to enjoy, Keetes never uttered a word to me and Conan always stared at me fondly, he never asked for more, he just wanted to be there with me.

“We’ll just go for a walk across the mountains. Will you be safe?” Em asked. I nodded, we have lived here for days but nothing unusual happened.

Mitrik and Em left hand in hand. Keetes is nowhere to be seen; he must have gone for another long stroll of his. These days his only excuse from staying away from my vicinity is long strolls on the beach.

I sat leisurely gazing at the sky and fell asleep on the arm chair in the porch. When I felt someone shaking me vigorously, I woke up to see Conan bending over me nervously. “Come…” He urged. The tone of his was made me wide awake.

“What happened?” I asked. “Shh…” he hushed me and he enveloped me in his arms and started walking me towards the dense forests ahead. Though he pulled me closer, I could only feel his need to keep me safe from something. I tried to poke his mind to see what it was. He stared at me astonished for few minutes and then soon switched to the protective mode. He scooped me up and ran deep into forest. In between the runs, he halted for a second and twitched his ears to listen to any sounds and then proceeded.

He brought me to the entrance of what seemed to be a cave. He put me down and I took a step back as I saw his eyes ferociously, glowing yellow in color. “Please… don’t be frightened.” he said as if he felt my fear. Truly, I was beginning to feel that something is going on, Ignorance about it only made me worry more.

We sat silent for a few moments; he pulled me into his arms suddenly. “I don’t want them to catch your smell.” He whispered. “Do I smell that bad?” I thought. He chuckled and I raised a brow. He was high alert again and I peeped into the darkness along with him. We moved deep into the cave and when I saw a movement in the darkness and when I could see their face clearly, I knew they were vampires and I understood what he meant by smell. Vampires have the ability to track the persons with their scents.

In our attempt to move back we walked our dead leaves which made a sharp sound enough to alert them. One of them came running into the cave. Conan put me back and hit him hard against his chest, he went flying back. He ran out into the forest pursuing him. There were three of them he is tackling, he is pretty impressive and soon was able to put one vamp down by tearing his neck off. It was a gore sight. Another three of them joined, he was able to deal with them. One of them left the fight and walked towards me, I could feel my pulse beating hard.

“I know you are here…” He smirked. He caught hold of me and started dragging me towards the mouth of cave.

I am a vampire and a true blood in that one? I must be stronger than him than why not fight him? I thought and kicked him in the ribs with all my might. He winced a little and slapped me hard on the face cutting my lower lip with his finger nails. Conan smelled my blood and he raged at them, I slowly got up my feet to give it one more try before my family joined the fight helping Conan. As soon as they joined Conan rushed towards the vampire who is standing above me, ready to strangle my throat. He pushed him away; his mind is filled with single image where he hurt me. This only angered him very much, he battered him to death. The cries of the vampire; as each fist made hard impact on him were so loud that others began to retreat but my family saw to it that none walked back alive.

Conan was still furious beating the already dead person. “Conan…” I called. He winced as it was the first time he heard me call. One word from me calmed him, I wondered how his mind worked and I felt proud about how much he loved me.

“He is dead…” I said.

We gathered in the moonlight outside the cave. “We’ll make sure that none has wandered out alive. You take Ilene back to House.” Mitrik said to Conan.

I thought about the fight all the way back to home. “How come I am so vulnerable when I am a vampire?” I asked myself.

“You are not a true vampire, yet. You have to follow three rules to become a true vampire and gain all your power and strength until then you are as vulnerable as a human in a vampire body.”

“Thanks for that, I thought I have already transformed.” “Transformation is just a beginning…” he replied.

He walked me back to the house; I hit the bed thinking about how I don’t anything about my own life. I fell asleep for a while and woke up as soon as I heard Keetes shouting.

“You should have taken better care about this, Why didn’t you see this coming? What if she was hurt…?” He shouted at Mitrik in distraught.

“I’m sorry; I will keep better watch on her future from now on.” He replied meekly.

What if something happened to her? I could never live by that…? He cried out loud in his mind. After a while he relaxed a bit.

“I’m sorry, it just made feel weak that I couldn’t do anything to protect her…” he stopped in mid sentence as he saw me peeping.

“Guys, stop all this fuss. I’m still alive right. Stop thinking about what happened. Think about the present.”

I looked around the room and found they were all thoroughly tired. Just go and have some rest for a while, I’ll watch today. They opened their mouth to protest.

“Just go…” I ordered in a furious voice.

As they retired to bed, I went searching for Conan. He was sitting in the porch.

“I just remembered that I didn’t even thank you.” I said. He walked towards me; his eyes are now in deep brown color. Anyone could be so lost in his deep eyes, I stared at him and him me, I don’t know how much time I stood there, but Keetes thoughts pulled me back from my reverie. He was watching us from the windows and he felt pure hatred towards Conan for even having a chance to look at me like that.

“Um…Thanks…” I stammered and walked back into the house not wanting to plant any more hatred between them.

Days passed there is no unusual occurrence again still we were cautious all the time. Soon I lost track of days that I spent in the island even the island didn’t offer me comfort. I wanted to be free once and for all.

“Ilene…” Em rushed into my room when I was sitting on the window sill staring at the clouds.

“Come on… you got to see something.” She hurried me. At first I thought there is another attack but the joy on her face meant something probably good is going down there. After all these days something is turning out to be right then.

We soon rushed to the beach as I used my vampire senses to see to couples getting down the boat… my smile broadened on seeing them. I took one step front when someone pulled me behind the bushes again closing my mouth.

“What…?”I shrieked when I saw Mitrik holding me back. “Remember the rules…” he pointed. “I know… but these are my parents.” I insisted. Mitrik remained stubborn. I whisked off his hand and took another step forward.

“You are probably going to freak them off…” Keetes murmured. I frowned. He sighed. “Remember the last time when we left mortal world…? We caused much havoc than we can explain and the worst thing above all that we needed to take away Em… with us without any further delay. So… we thought it best to create an alibi for your death.” I glared at him this is all going wrong. “We blew up your house and made it look like you both are dead in that accident…”

I was shocked to core, mom should have cried a lot over my death. I couldn’t believe that they did this. I crumpled onto the floor. Em ran away into the house crying and Mitrik ran after her. Keetes staid a while looking at me then he too left. I didn’t know how much time I sat there crying about it and cursing myself for all the pain that I put them through.

“Ilene…” I heard mom calling. My heart thudded listening to her calling me may be she must have seen me and it’s all for good. I sprang to my feet at once and heard dad calling me this time.

I saw them running after a little girl in my opposite direction; she must be like 2 years kid. Finally dad caught her and sat her on the shoulders like he used to do with me.

“She is your sister; your mother was already pregnant when you saw her the last time…” Conan said. I didn’t see him coming. They sat at our usual spot holding hands the little girl wandered off collecting the shells.

Tears rolled on mom’s cheeks, dad wiped them away involuntarily. “I miss her…” mom cried into his shoulder. Dad hushed her. They sat their silently thinking about the happiest moments they spent with me. I leaned onto Conan’s shoulder watching them.

They got up to go after a long time when dad looked for little Ilene, she is nowhere to be seen. Dad and mom ran everywhere searching for her. Conan at once dashed into the water. He dived low into the water. He didn’t resurface until so long. I could feel him struggling with the salt water. I could feel him searching desperately for something then I saw her inside the water. My heart pounded in my chest. I cried again and prayed to god to not to put my parents through this again. I begged him to keep the little girl safe.

Conan resurfaces carrying the little girl in his hands. I rushed to him and took her into my hands. She has no pulse and she is as white as a sheet. “She is no more…” he whispered.

“Conan…help her please. They can’t live through this again.” I cried sinking my head in his bear like chest.

I could feel him troubling to
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