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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » True Blood by hima (e ink manga reader .txt) 📖

Book online «True Blood by hima (e ink manga reader .txt) 📖». Author hima

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What’s between the two kids? I thought again.

“Um… I need to ask something… “I said. Conan adjusted himself so that he could see my face, “I noticed something odd… I mean Rose and Jack are just two kids but still there is something about them… They just act like…”

“In love.” He finished it for me. I nodded. “Jack has marked Rose as his mate.” He said. “Isn’t he too young to think about that…” “He didn’t think… it just happened. He just happened to choose his first mate in an early age…” he said defensively.
“Wait, you mentioned first mate does that mean he will more mates?” I asked. I shouldn’t have said that, now she will think that I’m not good enough for her. He thought. “Male were’s have more than one mate… I mean…They wouldn’t go for other mate until his first love is no more…” He confused me.

“I love you so much that I couldn’t go for another girl until you’re no more. I mean the love for you is what keeps me for going after another. We male were’s are so bonded to our first mate that sometimes that we don’t see the need for another one thought there is still a chance. It’s like we are eternally bonded.”

“I have never seen anyone having two mates… atleast not in my clan and I suppose I’ll never see…” He finished that last sentence with emphasis. I nodded.

“How do you mark your mate?” I asked. “When you see a person you’ll feel a strong pull towards them like in humans,if you see a person that you like you turn back to see them once again, that pull is greater in us. We see nothing more than them our entire world goes empty just that person stands in front of us… we feel the urge to stay with them forever. If the same happens with the female we mark them with their acceptance.”

“Does it always have to be the male to mark?” “No… usually the stronger one of the two will do it first and then the other follows…” “How do you mark him/her?” I asked.

“It’s always been male were’s doing the marking ceremony for years, First they drink some amount of blood from his mate and then seal their bond with a kiss, they kiss her on the wound that they make which helps them heal it. Usually drinking from her and healing her needs strong mind and magic inside you so it’s always been male were’s for years…” he finished. He seemed to be lost in thought for sometime but after a while he burst into laughter. I frowned.

“Eddy is a special case if you seem to think about it… It’s his mate Jane that marked him first. We all laughed at him internally but he is a good guy…” Conan said smiling.

“I can’t imagine hurting her…that’s what he always said…”Conan added. “That’s so sweet of him…” I said smiling. “Yeah! That shows how we love our firstmate.” He said with a triumphant smile knowing that he made a clear point.

I felt cold and wrapped my hands tightly over my chest and burrowed my face into my knees. “Do you want to go in?” he asked. “I don’t feel sleepy, yet.” I mumbled with chattering teeth. He stared at me as if thinking what to do,he scooped me up and sat me in his laps and entwined his arms around my body, I rested my face on his well defined chest as warmth spread through me.

“You are hot…” I said, his skin is very warm even in this cold climate. “I know…”he laughed. “I didn’t mean that…” I slapped him. He chuckled. “What…?” I snapped. We sat in silence for a moment. “What if your first mate doesn’t love you back…?” I asked tentative to bring up the subject. He flinched at the question. “It would leave us broken hearted…”he said grimly. But I could feel his pain and all the memories from the day that I told him my choice, he cried internally at his loss. “Please…” I said kissing him gently on his neckline trying to sooth him as I drifted into sleep.

The next morning I woke up in my bed and it felt that last night was a dream. I stretched out on my bed and yawned. “Had a goodnight outdoors?” Joy smirked. I woke up startled. “Oh! Don’t play innocent, Last night when I came to pick up Rose, you weren’t there. I went to search for you that’s when I saw you…” she said hiding a smile.

“It’s just I couldn’t go to sleep so we had a walk…” I said, she played a picture in her mind; Conan and me sitting in his laps entwined in his arms, what about it? She asked. “I was really cold…” I said embarrassed. She played another image whereI kissed him gently… “It’s… Are you spying on me?” I said crying out loud. I ran after her to teach her a good lesson but she out runned me soon. I raced her to the pool where Rose was sitting clapping her hands.

I felt completely at ease with this place, it seems I was back to mortal world with all the families and children around.

Keetes was waiting for me lying on the floor as his body convulsed with pain, he was trying desperately to reach me, I was standing behind the scene looking at him not even making a move to help him. I woke up startled and knew it was a dream but may be the dream is trying to say something to me, may be Keetes need me, without even a thought of what I was doing… I ran dashing through the doors. I pushed myself to run even faster. My entire mind was clogged with image of Keetes lying on the floor helplessly.

I raced on… till my breath became ragged and I couldn’t hold it any longer. I slowed my pace enough to catch breath and than doubled it again, I stumbled and fell on the ground, I felt someone on top of me, I struggled under the heavy weight that is pinning me to the ground.

“Ilene…Stop fighting…”I heard the familiar voice of Conan. He released me, I gathered up myself and the tears slipped through my eyes involuntarily and I began to cry.

“What’s wrong?” He sat beside me lifting my chin and wiping away the tears. “Keetes…” I mumbled in between the cry. He flinched as I said his name. “Dream… Keetes need my help…” I stuttered.
He was lost in thoughts as I said him about my dream in between muffled cries. “I’m sure he is fine. Don’t worry about him. I will send a person to keep him safe if that would be any consolation to you.” He said. I nodded.

“Now…Let’s go back home before anyone else spots you.” He said and helped me to stand.

“Can we just go and check on him? I mean… we could return before anyone see us.” I pleased still thinking about the dream.

“They are fighting to protect you and if you walk into the war like that all that they have been doing will go waste...”He said. I nodded though I very much wanted to run away to Keetes.

“Where do you think you’re running away. You should have caught by northern wolf tribe and been their meal if it weren’t for us seeing you…” Joy scolded.

Conan growled at her for talking to me like that and she in turn gave a threatening glare.

“Promise me, now. That you wouldn’t run away like that again.” She asked. I nodded. “That’s not good enough…” She chided. I promised her.

I was thinking about my whole life since I entered night world, it was nothing but a mess, how did this happen? That was when I noticed that I had never known why I was kept hidden from others or why these members are after me and wanted to kill me, I never asked these questions, I always took it granted if they asked me to run, I run and if they ask me to hide, I did. How have I become a puppet in their hand, may be the ignorance of this place, a small part of me answered. Well, then from now on I’m not doing anything without knowing why I have to do it.

I ran to Conan from my room. “Conan…”I called as he was about to sleep on the couch. “I have a question and you will answer without hiding anything.” I said. He nodded. “Who are these people that are after me? And why do they want me dead?”

He stared at me for a while thinking if he could tell or not but decided he should, He gestured me to sit, I did.

“Vampire royals have a ceremony when a child was born; they read the future of the child and her part in the kingdom’s development, in front of the whole community. When you were born Mitrik saw something that he shouldn’t be seeing…”

“What did he see?” I asked.

“He saw that there will be a war over you between the mythical creatures and one of the side will fall…”

“They wanted to kill me because I may cause war…” I stated. “When you are a year old, your mother was attacked by some of the people who believed that you should be dead for good. I happen to pass by at that second and saved your mom and…. When I saw you I imprinted on you. When you imprint it is very difficult from staying away so I began to live with you since your parents never wanted to part from you… Later I came to know that Keetes has been bonded to you. I was very childish at that time, I thought your parents will take you away from me and I ran away with you in my hands…Soon people began to know what happened. They knew now what the war will be about and it would be between the vampires and werewolfs.”

They attacked the palace to find and kill you. Tristan came over and explained the situation and he said that if I truly love you I should keep you safe by giving you away to the mortals where they won’t find you.

I thought over it for a while. “Will you really wage a war if I choose Keetes?” I asked. He flinched. “I don’t think I can ever do something that hurts you…” he said.

“Well, as far as I know Keetes is thinking the same thing…” If we are in understanding terms and two of them have no plan of waging war or anything, then what’s the problem, the problem is you… you haven’t made a choice and after you do when one of them steps back then may be people will believe that you are of no harm, a voice answered in my head.

It’s time that I make a choice then but how? If it is before meeting Conan I could have blindly gone for keetes but now it is difficult, I can’t even thinking of hurting one of them. The decision is to be made sooner or later.

If I chose Keetes than I can be with my family and if I choose Conan then may be…“Wait…I have something to ask. If I choose you can I still be a human?”I asked Conan.

He gave me a weak smile. “You
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