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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) 📖

Book online «The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Char Marie Adles

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I left for a while. A few days ago Kei woke up, and needed to see you because I didn't have another medicine left after yesterday. Wanted to talk,”
I grinned at her. “Sure. Let’s go to my room, Kail isn't here, and he working it should be fine. But first I need to pick this stuff up.” I looked at all the dusty thing now lying on the floor.
She waved her hand and a maid appeared. “Clean this up, please.” she told the maid.
The maid bowed. “Yes your Highness.”
And with that Yume took my hand and we went to my room.
Half an hour later a sat at a table making Kei's medicine, while she hummed happily.
“You know you are my only friend,” she said randomly.
I looked up. “Why?”
“Well everyone hates me because Kei is very nice to me, as well as my rank keeps others away.” she said looking in my eyes.
“Well then how bout I tell you another secret. But in return I get to meet Kei.” I said going back to work.
“Okay not only am I a woman, but I'm a princess and heir to my own country, or I was before I came here.”
She laughed. “You are indeed a great person. I shall take you to meet Kei.”
She helps me into my female Yucatan and some make up for fun. So we left my room. She led me in a winding maze of halls and then we made it to a room that had big doors, she entered without knocking and pulled me with her. The room was even bigger than mine and in the center of this room was a platform and on that was a futon. In the futon was Kei his eyes were closed, but his breathing was too fast to be asleep. Momo pushed me forward till I was at the side of the futon. I sat down.
“Yume?” he asked opening his eyes. When he saw me instead of Yume his eyes widened.
Then Yume sat next to me in his view. His eyes went to Yume.
“Kei this is Ashlynn, she's the one who saved you. She's a great person and she's my friend. She was to one who sewed you up and made everything OK. She even makes your medicine.” Yume said smiling and looking from me to him.
I made a small bowl. “I am Ashlynn de rose, princess and heir of France. As well as swordsman, doctor, and any other thing that is needed at the moment.” I said smiling at him.
He reached his hand out to mine and took it. “Thank you not only for saving me but Taking good care of Yume.”
“It's fine. And now I'll take a good look at you to make sure your doing well. Doctor in the era doesn’t know what they’re doing. Yume you'll help.” I said.
I took out the medicine and sat it down. I pulled back his covers about half way, but he stopped me looking at Yume.
“She should leave, this is no place for her,” he said quietly.
“Why?” I asked puzzled.
He turned red a bit. “Women should not be in the same room as a naked man even if he is being taken care of.”
I lifted a brow. “So you're saying I'm not a lady? I saved your life and I don't care if you’re naked and neither does she. She's seen it all you know. She helped me the first time to so it shouldn't matter.” I said with a sly smile.
He turned redder. “No....” he whispered embarrassed.
I looked to Yume she was trying to hide her face. “I'm going to tell him everything otherwise this will take you years then it'll be too late.” I turned to Kei. “She loves you okay and I don't see any reason to be otherwise. So being a good boy and let us girls take care of you okay?” I asked.
He nodded.
I took his blanks off and settled them around his waist. He would have one huge scar, but that's was worth the price of being alive. Yume put on the medicine and gave him the medicine he had to drink by mouth. She didn't want to but I made them and it ended up that they kiss for a few minutes till a cleared my throat.
Everything from that point went quite nice I must say. So I left them alone. I walked to the door and was about to close it behind me when Kei said, “Thank you. For everything thing.” I smiled and left.
Later when I was back in my room I had to wonder what would happen over the next week till I meet the Emperor.
Chapter 12
No longer together

Over the next week Kail took off from his work and kept me locked in the room with him, making me forget about the Emperor. I ran into a consoler of the Emperor and he saw fit to warn me against the Emperor, because I was a ‘beauty the Emperor could not wait to have if he saw me’ and I freaked over remembering everything I heard of the pervert.
And he did a great job I may add until I woke up the morning I was to meet the Emperor. I saw fit to get dressed and run away till Kail woke. It worked till I was out in a stone courtyard that leads to serval large buildings in which men came and went, but when I heard the sound of swords I was lost. I followed the heavenly sound and soon found myself in a dojo. The men all stopped, paused, or froze when they saw me walk in. and it was my mistake when I had dressed in woman’s clothes today. Well I had to do something, so I might as well go with it.
I smiled. “Hello, would you men mind if I trained with you?”
They all looked dumbstruck. Then one looked at me with his squinty eyes. He was tall maybe six three and well muscled. “Why would a woman be here? You can’t do shit, so get out!”
I glared at him and he swallowed.
“Are you saying that I can’t handle a sword?” I asked in a sweet voice that didn’t match my face.
“Yeah that’s what he said.” Another man stepped forward.
“Well then,” I said taking off my cloak that hid my swords, “Why don’t we see then?”
I tossed it aside and pulled out a sword.
“Who wants to be first?” I asked. I stood there the point of my sword barely touching the ground.
A man waded from the back forward. He was the same height of Kail, but a little leaner in body. He had long gold hair, and brilliant green eyes.
“I will.” was all he said.
I stepped into a fight stance and held my sword at the ready. He came at me fast. So that the untrained eye wouldn’t pick up his movement. But I did. I side stepped just as fast and brought the back of my blade down on his shoulder.
He dropped his sword and fell to one knee facing my back. I placed my sword back into its sheath and stood upright. I faced the men who stared at me with wide eyes and hanging mouths. I smiled. I turned around and pulled the man up.
I expected him to push me away or curse at me but instead he grinned.
“Nice hit. Where did a woman learn to use a sword like that?” he asked.
“Nowhere, I learned by myself.” I said.
“No way!” he said in shock.
I nodded. I let go of him as soon as he patted my shoulder. He rolled his shoulder and winced.
“I only used the back of my blade lightly so you should only have a bruise or two. Take it lightly for a few days.” I said patting him on the shoulder.
He winced. “Sure, but if that was light I hate to think of how painful it would be to be hit by that full force.” he said. He thought about it for a minute and shuddered.
“You wouldn’t ever see the light of day again,” I said cheerfully. I turned to the men again. “Any of you want to go next?”
They whispered among themselves and the grinned and smirked at me. “Sure thing, my Lady,” one of them said. “How about we let you go against our best men here?”
“Sure! Sounds like fun,” I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet.
“Hey! Go get the captain!” he yelled.
I waited. A man ran out and came back soon with a tall slender man who had three swords at the right of his waist. He was handsome. Very handsome. And he wore an expression of distaste.
I smiled at him and pulled out both of my swords. His expression still didn’t change. He took a fight stance and so did I. He came at me slower than the last guy. I saw all his weak points and how he stressed his stronger points. As I blocked he speed up more hitting my sword harder. I could tell he was holding back a lot and he could easily do better, I side step his attack and he flew passed me I dodged his attacks for a time and then placed my swords back in their sheath. As he came at me not notice I had no swords I grabbed his sword between my palms and stopped it.

“Can you please stop holding back and testing me. I’m going bored,” I complained.
His eyes narrowed and then he stepped back with an evil smile.
“Sure thing,” I he said. I heard a note in his voice. He was mad, because he thought I was making fun of him.
The next thing I knew we were fighting again. This time it was different. Dangerous and fun. He was going to his limits and I was still playing with him.
The men of the dojo had gone quite from there laughing and watched as if they could believe it. Soon I was bored and I stilted my sword angle just enough to send his sword flying. I knocked him down to his knees with a quick hit and pointed the tip of my sword to his throat. He stared down my blade to my face. His face was white and his eyes large.
I laughed and stepped back. “Good match. Nice to meet you, I’m Ashlynn.” I held my hand down towards him.
He looked about Kail’s age, maybe a year more.
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