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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) 📖

Book online «The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Char Marie Adles

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I was naked before him, instead of in my clothes.
“You are a beauty,” he said.
I felt a chill.
He placed his hand on my thigh and I jumped.
I looked around for help. I saw Ryuu across the table from me. I stared at him tell he stopped talking to the person next to him and looked to me.
“Help,” I mouthed pointing at the thigh the Emperor had his hand on.
Ryuu looked embarrassed, but nodded. He looked the old pervert.
“Your Highness may I ask where you daughters are?” he asked the Emperor.
The emperor smiled. “They are waiting for me to call them in later.”
“Excuse me, but I do believe your hand is somewhere it shouldn’t be,” I said, a bit too loud.
Everyone stared at us.
The Emperor laughed. “Come now no need to be shy. What’s your name?”
I picked his hand off my thigh and dropped it in his lap.
“I am Prince Ash de Rose the Heir of the French Throne.” I said looking at him.
The Emperor’s eye widened and he laughed sliding his hand this time to my butt.
“Beautiful, rich and smart! I like you.” he said with a laugh.
Everyone seemed use to this and looked elsewhere. I sat there knowing there was not much I could do. So I drank what was given to me and ate with the old pervert. Somehow I was dragged from the party to the Emperor’s rooms. I backed up against the wall as he slowly came toward me undressing.
“Why don’t you become mine? Why not stay with me? I could give you anything you want,” he said pressing a hand on either side of my head on the wall.
I pushed him away and ran to the other side of the room.
“BECAUSE I HAVE KAIL!!” I yelled. I threw my shoe at him.
He just came at me. I pushed him away but for an old man he was strong. Finally he succeeded in pushing me down to the floor after a long struggle. I turned to my last option as he stared to tug on my clothes.
I screamed bloody murder through my tears. A shadow in the darkened corner caught my eye. And in a flash the shadow was behind the Emperor and had a white cloth around his neck choking him from behind. I backed up into the far wall and watched as the person covered from head to toe in close fitting black clothes chocked him.
The emperor had his hands at the cloth trying to loosen it, but his face was quickly turning black. I noticed that the cloth was one of the Emperor’s dirty socks. Soon he went limp and his eyes pooped out of his head. The person pushes his now dead body to the ground and looked at me. My sword I saw was by the door on the other side of the room. I made a run for my sword and dodged the person sword as they tried to kill me. I got to my sword and held it high.
I ran for the person in cold fear and fought for my life. The person was quick, and strong. Then there was an explosion and a crash as the roof over my head fell in and I saw fire. A beam caught the leg of the person in black and I was trapped under a piece of the roof. I dug myself out and tried to lift the four hundred pound beam that fell on the person’s leg. A splitting pain filled my head but I pushed it to the back of my mind. I lifted the beam grunting and shifted it so the person was free. I knew the person wouldn’t be able to move. I could tell he was a man by his tall muscular build. He was well over six four and at least one-eighty. I could carry him.
I put an arm under his shoulder and legs and huffed as I lifted him up. I ran ignoring the pain of my whole body.
“Arrow! Arrow where are you?!” a man yelled. I was running down the main hall swiftly and soon six others dressed as him were following me. The man in my arm yelled, “Get out of here!”
Then part of the burning building fell into piece behind me, trapping them.
I ran to find Kail, but didn’t find him. Crying I ran out the palace. I ran and fell down the front steppes with the man in my arms. I landed at the bottom almost knocked out. The cold stones pressing into my side.
The rain cried over us all.
“ASHLYNN!” someone yell desperately behind me yelled.
The people in black saw us, and so did Kail. The people were behind him so as he ran toward us he didn’t see them. He was almost to us then a sword pierced his gut. His blood sprayed in an arch over me.
“Kail!” I screamed. He dropped to the ground. His blood splattering the ground.
I crawled with my broken body to him, but he was too far away. The people came to the man I had saved.
The biggest one picked him up. I was fading. My eyes going weak and my body giving up.
“Save him!” the man said pointing at me as I dragged my way slowly towards Kail.
“Kail,” I moan/screamed weakly.
“Be happy,” he whispered to me. One of the people in black came for me. I was only a hand width away from him. I stretched out my hand for his, and then I was picked up gently and then carried away from Kail.
I screamed and fought, but I was too weak.
“NO,” I sobbed brokenly. “Kail! No, don’t! Live! Let me go back to him! Let me die by his side!” was my finally scream as I gave into my pain. The crushing force of my pain flooded as my damn broke. My body crushed and broken, my soul and heart battered and beaten. It was too much. I was dying, and soon my world turned black.
As my world faded into nothingness the last thing I saw was the black burning smoke of the palace and Kail laying there on the ground in a lake of ruby red blood, dead. His hand reaching toward me and his sightless glossy eyes looking into mine.
My last wish never came true. To die by his side.
Chapter 13
Lost in the darkness

I was numb, and everything around me was meaningless.
I had woken three day after I had been taken, by the ninjas. The first person I saw was one of the one who had attacked the palace. They told me that being saved by Arrow-sama was something unheard of, that I should rejoice in not being killed. I just laid there and stared at the ceiling of the room I was in. I was brought food. I didn’t eat. I was brought water. I didn’t drink. I simply lay there.
I had watched Kail die, and now everything was black and white. I didn’t care anymore, I couldn’t care anymore. Then came the night. The scene of Kail dying, playing over and over in my nightmare, my reaching out and being unable to save him this time. To touch his hand one last time

I woke up to the cool night air and tears coursing down my cheeks into my hair. I tried to lift my arm to cover my eyes, but I couldn’t even do that. I cried even harder as the numbness over my body, mind, and heart faded finally and pain flooded my body. The excruciating pain made me wish I had died. Nothing could be worse than this!
I ended up just like my mother! Now all that’s left is to fade away
I’m sorry, it because of me you died

Sometime in the hours before dawn I had no tears left to cry, my I stared at the world through glazed eyes. I didn’t sleep and I watched as the shadows of the night turn to the light of the morning.
There was a knock on the door and then it slid open. A young woman walked in. she was wear a thin and short black kimono with a black fish net shirt underneath. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun and the back of her head showing her beautiful sharp face. Her black eyes looked me over and saw the clean path the tear had made on my cheeks.
Her face softened. “I see you have finally realized it. You body is broken in many places. It will take a while to heal. I am Miu by the way, and thank you for saving my brother. He told me what you did for him.”
I just looked at her, but I couldn’t see her. My glazed eyes looked through her.
She sat down and was quite for a while.
“You see he is the only family I have left. And no one has ever saved his life before. I guess this kind of makes you my hero too. He told me of everything that happened-”
“Did he? Did your brother tell you that after I saved him my lover was a few feet away when I fall down the steps? Did he tell you when I landed; my lover was coming to pick me up in his arms? Did he tell you that as I lay there broken and bloody the others attacked my lover from behind? That he was only a few feet from me when I watched the sword go through his back and out his gut? That I was sprayed and splattered with my love’s blood? That even after he fell I crawled to him and reached out a hand to hold his so we could die together? That my love reached out too, but just before our hands touch I was taken away, and I watched him die? That his last words to me were ‘be happy’ to me? That I couldn’t die with him as my final wish?” I asked her in a dead voice. Its haunted tone so clear in that one voice even the dead could hear it.
She sat back shocked. Her eyes dazed, her body shaking.
“I was so close to him, to touch men one last time, only to be taken away and my last memory of him laying dead in a lake of his own blood, small rivers being carried away from his body by the rain,” I said looking at her with my dead glazened eyes.
Her face showed a deep sadness with her shock.
“Now you understand why I wanted to die. He was all I had.” I whispered.
“Yes I do, but trust me, even though you wish for death
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