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Read books online » Fiction » Djinn by Beky Cybille (best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt) 📖

Book online «Djinn by Beky Cybille (best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt) 📖». Author Beky Cybille

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for a few minutes, or hours of following commands without question. I've only heard of a mortal controlled by a werewolf for up to one hour the most.

It helps for when someone stumbles onto them when they shift. Bet it's not pretty.

Light witches versus dark Witches

You know most about them. Their spells and potions can be deadly especially.

No, no pointy hats and maybe flying broom, I hear some still use it for transportation, but the skies are dangerous.

Basically the balance of light and those who serve under genies are the phoenix, light fairies and feres, light witches and elves.

For the balance of darkness and those who serve under djinns; dragons, dark fairies and feres, dark witches and trolls.

As for vampires and werewolves you can never really put them in a spot. Their unpredictable, with all the bloodlust, and beasty tendencies. While some are good, and have a conscience some don't.

Oh did I mention Elk academy was located in the parallel magical universe Elerora?

Yeah this is going to be so much fun.

Note the sarcasm.



Chapter 1

High school

What comes to mind of when you think of it?

Nerds, bullies, jocks, cheerleaders, popularity, the outcasts and all the different cliques.

Well speaking in general terms high school sure has different cliques though they’re not all the same nerds and jocks or emos. It's all these people that come together to form a group of friends because as much as it’s awesome to have someone with the same interest with a whole group it gets boring eventually. Sure you can hang out with each other at some time but not all the time.

So cliques in high school would be a variety of people with different interests or in this case different magical creatures which is the case with magic balance academy. 

There are different cliques but not consisting of all the same magical creatures but all with similar yet but different interests and personalities. But as much as many have tried every century to bring the whole school together there has always been two main cliques or should I say sides.

 The light and the dark. Djinn and Genies don't get along dark fairies and light fairies and so on.

Heck they both sides have their own team to play against each other and no I'm not talking about football I’m speaking of full out duels. Not to the death though as much as many would like.

Every semester there are two dual competitions between the light and the dark as they try to best each other.  Sure it’s kind of stupid they go against their own peers but if it helps with them quench their bloodthirsty thoughts towards one another I have nothing against it.

I do not want to get killed by a light creature in my sleep just because of centuries of grudges and rivalry thank you very much.

Of course this school as any high school also has drama and outcasts.

Guess who the outcasts are? Yep the Unmarked ones.

We all know how regular high school students treat them except here their more dangerous and can curse you, burn you, claw you open and so on. Great life.

Hell it’ll be even worse for me, I’ll be a freak among freaks because no Xharmjins have ever been unmarked.

Which is why I’m not looking towards high school life. So what I’m in a magical world yippee doo, I want to go back to the mortal world because obviously I’ll fit in more there. That’s saying something but no my parent disagreed.

In a way I’m glad, I get to learn more about the magical creatures and our heritage than reading about them in old books.



After settling in my dorm, which I don't have to share because of my family's name- thank god- I put on the uniform provided before heading for the dining hall where a mandatory dinner will take place.

The uniform had a black button up blouse- signifying my bloodline is from the dark side- and a vest that was a light green showing I’m a freshmen. I had a gray pin in a lamp shape signifying I was a djinn- funny joke I know the genies have it too- The gray color signifying I was an unmarked. Completing the look was a leather brown miniskirt under which I wore shorts.

Class begins in a week and I’m not looking forward to it.

But for now it’s time to do one thing I hates most.



Dining hall should be an understatement more like dining mansion. It’s like my parents mansion time ten.

Understandable considering all the students that attend every year. The dining hall was no less than crowded as students and professors alike milled around having conversations or introducing themselves.

Though it was painfully obvious of the segregation as the ones with black button up shirts were on one side and the whites on the other. The only ones who are not so separated were the professors which you could see mingling around.

I made my way towards the freshman table seeing many in green vests which will soon be green sweaters as winter is approaching. Spotting my sister I made way towards her finding her surrounded by girls who seem to be in aww of her presence.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, she probably would have told them who she really was right now, let’s hope she holds up to the promise she made before coming here.


“Promise me you won’t tell anyone I am your sister nor my last name.”

“Why they’re all going to find out anyway, are you such a whim you won’t face people criticizing you of you being unworthy of our family’s name.” ignoring the pang of pain I felt I pressed her more.

“Promise me Cayenne, I know they will find out sooner or later but I rather it would be later. You are free to do as you please and flaunt our families name around as long as you don’t include me. So?” She only scoffed looking up from her nails.

“Fine, now shoo I need to finish my nails. I need to look perfect before we arrive at the academy.

I rolled my eyes walking out of her room. Sometimes I wonder who the older twin is.


No I really do.

Anyway I made my way through the crowd towards my sister ignoring the sneers and looks of distaste that only increased when they spotted the color of my pin.

Wait till they find out who I am. Anyone would want to have the pleasure of ridiculing a member of a powerful djinn family.

My sister stopped speaking to a girl that was next to her wearing a dark green pin. A green djinn huh. With her green eyes and brown hair, it fits he

High school.

What comes to mind, when you think of the word?

Nerds, bullies, druggies, jocks, popularity, outcasts, and all the different cliques.

High school sure has different cliques, though they're not all the same. People come together to form a group, because as much as it's awesome to have the same interest with a whole group it gets boring eventually. Sure you can hang out with each other, but not really all the time.

Cliques in high school are variety of people with different interests, or in this case different magical creatures at Elk academy.

There are different cliques not consisting of all the same magical creatures, but all with similar yet different interests and personalities. However, there's always been two main cliques, two sides. The light and the dark. Djinn and Genies don't get along; dark fairies and light fairies; phoenix and dragons and- you get the idea.

Though some have tried every century to bring the whole school together, it hasn't worked out well, heck it made thing worst. When you disrupt identities and what they believe their purpose to be lines get blurry and things get chaotic.

Heck, both sides have their own teams to play against each other, and no I'm not talking about football, I'm talking about full out duels. (Not to the death though as much as many would like.) Though there is a game similar to football, except way more dangerous.

At the end of each semesters, there is always a tournament between the light and the dark. Magic, spells, wishes and weapons. Sure it's kind of stupid they go against their own peers, but if it helps with them repress more bloodthirsty thoughts and actions, I have nothing against it.

I do not want to get killed by a light creature in my sleep just because of centuries worth of grudges and rivalry, thank you very much.

Let's not forget about the outcasts, the lowest on the social and power totem pole.

Guess who the outcasts are?

We all know how regular high school students treat outcasts, except here, they're more dangerous. They can curse you, burn you, claw you open and so on. Great life.

It'll be even worse for me, I'm a freak among freaks, an outcast among outcasts, because no Xharmjin has ever been unmarked.

I'm not looking towards high school life. So what I'm in a magical world? I want to go back to the mortal world, because obviously I'll fit in more there. Also a least likely chance I'll die before I reach eighteen there than over here.

In a way I'm glad, I get to learn more about the magical creatures and our heritage instead of reading about it in old books. But dammit I like my life.

After settling into my dorm (which I don't have to share because of my family's name, thank Djinn) I put on the academy uniform provided: The uniform had a black button up blouse- signifying my bloodline is from the dark side, a light green vest showing I'm a freshmen, a gray pin in a lamp shape signifying I was a djinn- funny joke I know, the genies have it too- the gray color signifying I was an unmarked. Completing the look was a leather brown skirt under which I wore shorts under, and let's not forget my flats.

I paused in from of the door holding the doorknob as a flash of fear ran through me. In here I will be safe but out there I was exposed and the sooner someone can discover my secret. But it would bring attention if I was the only one not attending dinner.

"Come on Charman you're a Xharmjin, no fear remember?" I turned the doorknob and headed for the dining hall to the mandatory dinner.

Dining hall would be an understatement! More like dining mansion. It's like my parent's mansion, times ten.

Understandable considering all the students that attend every year, but still breathtaking. The dining hall was crowded as students and professors alike wandered around having conversations.

Once more it was painfully obvious, the segregation, as the ones with black button up shirts were on one side and the whites on the other. The only ones who were not so separated by color were the professors.

I made my way towards the freshman table hard to miss with the sea of green vests, which will soon be green sweaters with winter approaching. Spotting my sister I found her flocked by freshmen who seem to be in awe of her presence.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, she probably would have told them who she really was right now, let's hope she holds up to the promise she made before

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