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Read books online » Fiction » Djinn by Beky Cybille (best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt) 📖

Book online «Djinn by Beky Cybille (best ebook reader for ubuntu .txt) 📖». Author Beky Cybille

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we came here.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone I'm your sister, or my last name."

"Why? They're all going to find out anyway, are you such a wimp, you can't face people criticizing you? Of you being unworthy of our family's name." Ignoring the low blow, I pressed the issue, I was not giving up on this.

"Promise me Cayenne! I know they will find out sooner or later, but I rather it would be later. You're free to do as you please and flaunt our families name around, as long as you don't include me." I said firmly, she only scoffed looking up from her nails.

"Fine, now shoo! I need to finish my nails. I need to look perfect before we get to the academy."

I rolled my eyes walking out of her room. She can be such a prick sometimes. Hopefully she keeps her promise, promises mean nothing to djinn who just twist and morph it into the last thing you wanted.

Ignoring the sneers, and looks of distaste that only increased when they spotted the color of my pin I made my way to an empty seat. When the find out who I am, they'll have a field-day. Anyone would want to have the pleasure of ridiculing a member of a powerful djinn family.

I wanted to speak with Cayenne but I knew better than to do it in public, I always regretted it. Dear old Cayenne, always gives into peer pressure. Even from here I could see the glares and sneers along with looks of disgust send their way from cruel souls, long looks of pity and sympathy from the kinder ones.

As I sat down I realized without meaning to I made my way to the unmarked table, the one place where light and dark were not separated. It seems they ridicule the unmarked in many ways, the message that they were not worthy to even take part of the rivalry between the sides.

Either way it's fine.

Trying to settle down and breathe, I felt my hairs raise and instantly turned to meet the one that would trigger such reaction.

I met golden eyes. I blinked trying to see if I got it right. Yup those were gold eyes, glancing down at his pin I felt my heart skip a beat. A gold djinn.

The most powerful and rarest of them all. There is only one other family with a strong magical bloodline other than mine capable of producing one.

This olive skinned black hair, golden eyed boy, has to be a Dhaoryn.

He smirked a mischievous smirk his eyes sparkling mischief.

'I know your secret'

I blinked and looked down at the table. What the hell was that? It couldn't have been him... his lips didn't even move. I'm stressing myself out.

It was a couple of seconds before I felt my body relax as I sighed in relief, he moved on.

I need to watch myself around him, he's dangerous.


r. She stared at me in confusion distaste and anger as I walked up to Cayenne.

“I need to talk to you.” I looked around at the crowd of whispering djinns. “Alone.” Cayenne seemed in turmoil looking from the crowd of girls around her to me. She fake smiled at them all before a sneer overcame her face. I knew those actions all too well steeling myself for the words to come.

“Why would I want to talk to an unmarked like you?” laughs Jeers and sneers overcame the crowd of girls in satisfaction. Dear old Cayenne, always giving into peer pressure.

“Know your place reject now get lost.” The girl she was speaking to before came to stand next to her sneering at me.

I sighed as my sister mouthed later before making my way out of the crowd and towards the unmarked table. Even from here I could see the glares and sneers along with looks of disgust send their way from cruel souls and long with look of pity and sympathy by kinder ones.

The only others not separated from light to dark. The unmarked.

It seems they love to ridicule us in many ways to make it seem like were not worthy to take part of the rivalry between both sides.

Either way it’s fine.

Sitting down I felt a heated gaze on me different them the ones thrown towards the table.

Looking up I met golden eyes. I blinked trying to see if I got it right. Yup those were gold eyes, glancing down at his pin I felt my heart skip a beat. A gold djinn, the most powerful and rarest of them all. There is only one other family with a strong magical bloodline other than mine capable of producing one.

This olive skinned black haired golden eyed boy has to be a Dhaoryn.

He smirked a mischievous smirk his eyes sparkling only with one statement.

‘I know your secret’

The Charman Journals 2

There's a reason why no one recognized me as Cayenne's sister, much less her twin.

We're fraternal, and thank Djinn for that. Imagine being told she was the better looking twin when we both would have looked alike. I wouldn't put it past people, especially since she had a much "better" fashion sense than me. (What's wrong with choosing comfort?) They already compared us in every way in middle school, we just don't look obviously alike.

While we both have my father's dark skin at the same height, Cayenne full of life and mischief has father's facial structure. I got mom's curves and my father's curl pattern.

My mind went back to the Dhaoryn. The Dhaoryn are the Xharnjin's greatest rivals, the kind you would fight but also marry for power. Shallow I know, but it's the way of the Djinns. Besides Elerora would freeze over before they actually agreed on merging.

He's a gold djinn, and by his dark green vest he's a sophomore so he has his powers under control, mostly. The power of a gold djinn are a mystery, and possibly limitless, but hard to from what I heard. But still no wonder my parents are a down about my no power situation, our ancestors are probably rolling in their graves while the Dhaoryn's are sneering in superiority.

Our families have always aimed for more power, more influence, destroy lives and rise above the genies.

They have been tied for centuries in terms of power and influence. But no matter. Though no matter how much they try to one up the genies light and dark must always be balanced, for good reasons but not everyone sees it that way.

There are those who turn their back on the balance. The unbound.

They barely have control over themselves, emotions or their powers. They are loose cannons, and can be even more dangerous than the most powerful, sane djinn or genie out there.

It's rare for the more powerful creatures, especially djinn and genies, to become unbound. The signs can be hard to read depending on what kind of creature they are- I mean can you tell if a dragon is becoming temperamental, when they already have a short temper and bipolar issues? I think not.

I don't know what the signs and results of other creatures becoming unbound, but I know that when a djinn becomes Unbound their aura and magic reserve (dust) turns red, while a genie's turns black. But, it's so rare that there has only been one gold djinn in history that became Unbound, and that almost ended in disaster. He tried world domination, both magical, and mortal from what I heard.




Chapter 2


Looking at the upper-classmen unmarked tables there were a few mixes in sides. It that grew the higher the grade, as if they stopped caring what others thought, and the feud as they went through the years. Maybe there is some hope, not much, but some for the feud to end.

Then again no one really cares what the outcasts think, only when you have an important role or a powerful position. Even then they’ll just undermine.

A boom! Echoed throughout the hall bringing silence as we all turned to the source.

The headmasters, one of the light, the other  of the dark. A man and a woman stood, one of them cleared their throat, cutting through the silence.

"Now that we have your attention-" The dark began. "-We would like to welcome you all to Elk academy." The light finished.

"You will make friends-" He started "-enemies" The dark cut in smirking "as well as allies."

"This is the beginning of your journey, through life, your destiny, in a whole new world. You will have regrets, make mistakes, but you will learn from them." The man smiled towards the freshmen.

"Just as long as you don't die from them first." The woman smirked seeming to be staring at the fresh unmarked. "So good luck to you all."

This is going to be a long year.

If I survive.

I gulped seeing some gazes turn towards us, with not so good intentions.

"Classes begin next week, you all have time to settle down and find your classes. Any extra curriculum, clubs, and special courses will begin after a month, however you can sign up now. Now as for you schedules-"

"How about we enjoy the meal first and talk school later. I'm starved." The woman sighed cutting him off, making him glare at her. "Besides, with all the chit-chat, I don't think we introduced ourselves." She smirked at him.

"Very well." The man grumbled. "I am Headmaster Gollum." A couple of cheers were heard from the light side.

"And I, Headmaster Lahara." The woman smirked as most djinns and other dark creatures cheered, then stopped as she held up her hand.

"Now let's eat, I'm starved, so no pranks during the meal, I will personally punish the perpetrators." She gave us all a dark smile before sitting down next to headmaster Gollum. Just as she sat, a gray mist appeared before going to each table, plates full of food were left in its wake before it disappeared.

As if never interrupted everyone continued their conversations, digging into their meals.

I looked down at the plate full with my favorite foods, before looking at everyone else's plates seeing many different, and similar meals.

"This is so cool, these are all my favorites!" The girl next to me stated as she drooled over hers before diving in. I never knew it was possible for someone so little to eat so fast, and so much.


"You all have one whole week to settle down, not only that but to get your schedules, familiarize yourself with the academy grounds- and find your classes locations, lateness will not be tolerated, even on the first day." Headmaster Gollum said sternly.

"You can also

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